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Are you getting the new vinyl collection of the metal gear solid OST anon? I know I am!

>splatter vinyl
No thanks.
Nah. I'm a turbozoomer so I'm gonna buy a QR code of it. Or maybe just an NFT of a QR code.
Looks like my grandma's dish plate collection from her summer house
this, splatter vinyl is shit
if there's a standalone solid colour release of MGS1 or 3 I might get it.
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>Metal Gear Solid V and Peace Walker both get an entire disc
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>no picture-disc vinyl like what FF 7 and 8 got
how2 buy? Anon, plz!
lol based
considering that the ultimate goal of vinyl is to be actually played i feel like those splatter discs like on op and picture discs are 100% pure vanity and while those are certainly not a new thing i feel like the case in op is that its primary purpose is to milk dumbasses who go apeshit seeing vinyls but not only that they arent just plain black discs but colored

also when it comes to releases such as game soundtracks in this case i feel like it is very unpractical to listen to considering the songs are very short and if you want to listen to some specific tracks its not that easy since you have lots of stuff crammed into one side and you arent gonna have a good time finding that one song compared to usual lp releases. So at the end of the day it makes no sense to release something like this for listening purposes only
>also when it comes to releases such as game soundtracks in this case i feel like it is very unpractical to listen to considering the songs are very short and if you want to listen to some specific tracks its not that easy since you have lots of stuff crammed into one side and you arent gonna have a good time finding that one song compared to usual lp releases. So at the end of the day it makes no sense to release something like this for listening purposes only

You got it right, the only game soundtracks really worth listening to are the ones that have been arranged and remixed to be listened to in an appropriate setting. I like a lot of in-game music, but I hate hearing some of it out of the context of the game.
>Implying a physical media release of a vidya soundtrack isn't already pure vanity in the first place
Do people not realize you can listen to picture disks?
They sound like shit, that's the issue.
Never really felt the desire to purchase a video game OST on vinyl. I mean, who wants to sit down and listen to every metal gear solid song in order? Who the fuck does that?
Stop pretending like it wouldn't be just a nice collectible item and nothing more.
>t. not someone who likes soundtracks
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What kind of person would spend money on this? Exceptionally cringe.
i dont think a physical release itself is vanity because sometimes you have some extra songs in them like in https://vgmdb.net/album/581 and https://vgmdb.net/album/617

then again maybe the games themselves actually do have some music that you want to listen to outside the game and that is where cd is practical especially compared to vinyl
Most of these tracks are like 2 minutes long. Is it really worth it...
Is there a point to modern vinyl releases, like the audio will actually have a specific sound you'd only get out of a Vinyl player? Or is it all more of a novelty since Vinyls are large and make for decent showpieces?
From the maximalist point of view, vinyl is a pure novelty because nobody does analog mastering anymore. It's mostly that streaming and digital audio nearly killed the concept of owning music on physical media, and the vinyl record album is the most appealing format for presenting music as a physical object.
>listening to digital files shoved onto an analog medium for a premium price
Lmao suckers. I get vinyls for stuff thats sourced straight from analog master tapes, but for vidya osts its retarded. Its just a big collectable Funko.
What the fuck is a splatter disc?
A lot of stuff still comes from an analog master.
So why'd they color them?
Sounds like a skill issue to me.
Shitty vinyl that's a bunch of different colors "splattered" onto the disc. I've never had anything but problems from them. Give me one solid colour.
Same with picture discs. They're not very good for actually playing and it sucks that some soundtracks have picture discs as the only option.
Why does this exist? The OST is digital. It has been ripped. An analog copy will be less authentic to nearly anything.
>Is there a point to modern vinyl releases
Sometimes the vinyl is mastered in a way that makes it better sounding, but if you mastered the CD or digital format in the same way, it would sound just as good.
It's not that the vinyl sounds better, vinyl just has it's own properties/limitations that need to be accounted for when mastering.
Well made digital rips of a vinyl will sounds just as good as a vinyl album.
Fun and collecting. It's nice to take a vinyl record out of the sleeve, put it on the turntable, start the motor and lower the needle on. Sure it's objectively worse sounding than the digital download, but there's more to music than just the raw PCM.
Who knew vinyls made so many people uncontrollably angry? Guarantee they're all American posters too, americans are huge Karens, so much for the land of the free.
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>listening to vidya outside the vidya game
No they don't.
>From the maximalist point of view, vinyl is a pure novelty because nobody does analog mastering anymore.
I used to ride this train, but the well was poisoned as early as the late 70s. People started using digital in their studio setups because they thought it sounded better lol
>vinyl for digitally produced music
>album LP for something that isn't even meant to be listened to that way
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>something that isn't even meant to be listened to that way
The OST was released in 1998.
>something that isn't even meant to be listened to that way
The game's soundtrack was released in 1998. Either way, it's in a form in which you sit down and listen to it.
Id gladly accept it as a gift. But if im honest i usually have the volume low while playing games due to tinnitus. I remember the series having great music however.
I'm not giving a dime to Konami.

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