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There's no reason to play Sonic & Knuckles with the Sonic 3 con feature. It's better standalone.
Knuckles has unique routes and content in S3 levels though.
>It's better standalone.

Fair enough but there's no reason to keep playing as Knuckles during the S&K part. You're better off turning off the game and playing standalone after Big Arm.
With Sonic there's no reason at all to use the con.
Grear title screen.
>There's no point in enjoying all of the content that the game offers
>Why? Because I said so
Gee, great argument. Faggot.
>all the content
>con actually removes content
Hyper Sonic, play as Tails in S&K, level select upon completing the game.
>Hyper Sonic
Lazy shit
The flickies are cool I'll give you that
>Level select
All Sonic games have that
Level select cheat that's not near-impossible to activate.
Come the fuck on anon
>great title screen
just olay the sonic 3 complete romhack if you want to see the title screen
Oh cool, so this is going to be the new /vr/ meme. Great.
Aren't there several more zones included in the 3K?
No Marble Garden, Carnival Night, or Launch Base.
Sonic 3 Complete is just QoL for S3&K, and lets you enjoy the full selection of games without physically swapping carts around (except S2&K)
what exactly are the differences between them if you play them separately or not?
Sonic 3 is the first half of the game, Sonic & Knuckles is the second half of the game, connecting them gives you the full game experience.

Also, playing stages from Sonic 3 when you're playing with the two carts connected overrides some of the music originally from Sonic 3 with tracks from Sonic & Knuckles, such as Knuckles' theme, the sub-boss theme and the Invincibility theme.
>Grear title screen.
I'm eternally fascinated by the /v*/ boards' userbase being full of extreme weirdos who genuinely think that shit like a jingle or a title screen graphic being different are of equivalent or greater importance than actual substance and content. There's missing the forest for the trees, and then there's missing the forest for a centimeter of algae growing on a pebble.

Sonic 3 Complete also lets you customize the experience to your liking, such as retaining the Sonic 3 music over the Sonic and Knuckles music, change the zone order to the original planned version, activate super forms manually instead of jumping alone and etc. It's pretty nice.
Why do you keep calling it a con? What the fuck does that mean?
>Missing character
>No save feature
>The game is literally just the 2nd half of a full game
I genuinely do not understand why someone would play S&K standalone. The ONLY thing S&K standalone has over 3&K is that Knuckles gets an intro to his own campaign, which is absolutely nothing burger and there's shit like Sonic 3 Complete or Sonic 3 AIR that just add it to Angel Island Zone anyway
>Rom Hac-
grow up.
it's not. on their own the games are very short relative to other heavy hitter games at the time. you of course however need to take up a contrarian position to make this otherwise worthless thread
Now this is peak contrarian, i'm impressed.
I remember when Sega released a collection of Genesis games and it included Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles but no way to play the locked versions of the game.
On the Sonic Mega Collection Plus, in order to unlock Sonic 3 & Knuckles combined, you had to enter and exit the 2 games 20 times each.
You could unlock Ristar and Ooze also, but going into every game and exiting 20 times each. Because of the loading time and it saving on the memory card every time you do that, it takes fucking FOREVER. Yes, I did it.
This is why Sonic Jam was more kino
Because Sonic Jam featured versions of the Genesis games that were literally rebuilt from the ground up rather than emulated? Yes.
Call of Duty taught zoomers that campaign just means "singleplayer" or "storymode" rather than CoD's own campaign being so named due to being about a campaign
You're retarded. It's just a word
That and Sonic World. I just love the Saturn era vibes of Sonic.
Careful, you will trigger the anti-Jam schizo
>Knuckles gets an intro to his own campaign
Already superiour to the con version
I have to agree OP. 95% of the times I've played it, it's just S&K. The game length and impact is just perfect.
What's the original planned zone order?
Flying Battery was supposed to be between Carnival Night and Ice Cap in S3, but it got moved to S&K. Personally, I think it suits the S&K half better.
There's no reason to play Sonic.
Based shitstirring take.

Also more epic that Sonic is taking on the latter half of the journey alone.
I agree. Less bloated, better title screen and Mushroom Hill is cooler and Angel Island
>b-but AIR! Complete!
Who the fuck gives a shit about the title screen? What the fuck is wrong with you freaks?
>who the fuck gives a fuck about content?
Sums up 3&K cucks perfectly
The title screen is iconic. It was mindblowing at the time
Mushroom Hill also has the only running boss fight. As in you have to keep running after him. The Advance games would later keep going with the idea

Angel Island is cool, but after that 3 is kinda eh. The music continues to be amazing, but the game not so much.
title screens are an important part of the experience for games like this. if you were there, you saw it a lot. we didn't savestate our way through shit like a bunch of faggots. we tried again and again until we beat the game, and because we didn't just check media off a list like some faggot robot, we'd beat it again and again.
guess what you're seeing every time you boot that shit up or get a game over? the title screen. it's as important to the package as the first level.
basically, you wouldn't get it, zoomie, but it absolutely matters.
>less bloat
I swear you retards will make up anything just to sound like you have a point
You saw the continue screen when you got a game over, faggot.
>zoomzoom rant
how original.
nah, it doesnt. a cool title screen is a nice extra, but what matters is gameplay (which is good in S3 and S&K). that said, the title screen for S3&K isnt that bad anyways. they both have their charm; i liked them both as a kid.
S3&K is a really long game. If you're not able to see that then you must be the retard you're purporting others to be
You'd be right if the title screen for S&K wasn't as good as it is
so you prefer title screens over gameplay?
>bruh the gameplay
the gameplay is the same in both. The whole thing is what matters. Why even bring up gameplay?
anon was the one who argued tat S&K standalone is better because of the title screen. i say that th title screen doesnt matter as long as the gameplay is great, and theres definitely more game to play when you use the lock on feature. therefore S3&K is definitely superior to S&K/S3 standalone. its also the way its meant to be played.
>more game better
not necessarily. If all you're getting are subpar levels, you're just making it worse
which levels in S3 are subpar? are you talking about carnival night or launch base? not perfect, but tolerable.
>Really long game
It's shorter than Sonic 2. If you're taking THAT long to beat a Sonic game you're just shit at the game. If your whole thing is "MUH TITLE SCREEN" and nothing else that's cool & all but using a title screen as your argument makes you look like a faggot.
im completely with you, but is Sonic 2 really longer than S3&K?
no, he's just a retard
S&K has one bad Act (Sandopolis Act 2) whereas half of Sonic 3 sucks. I wish there were a version of S3K that omits the shit levels
Sonic games aren't really long in general. It's realistically not that much longer depending on how skilled you are at both, but 2 does feel longer since it has more zones. Either way both will probably take an hour to complete if you're going for all the emeralds.
Sonic 1 is the only game of the Genesis series that had the perfect length, in that it's already almost over by the time the fatigue sets in around Labyrinth.
Flying Battery kinda sucks. Act 1 is fine but I don't like the elevator shit act 2 has, and the random part with the lasers is kinda a waste of time more than anything. Also not a fan of Death Egg act 2 cuz I don't really like anti-gravity mechanics in games.
either youre trolling or you have absolutely no clue what youre talking about. nice try though :)
Can't hear you cuz I'm playing Sonic 3 & Knuckles which is what the Japs truly intended. Have fun playing your bottom surgery only game.
Yeah, I don't know why there were people clamoring for Flying Battery Zone in the first half. It unfairly tips the balance of emerald stages to the game's first half (final is 5 to 4; with FBZ moved back it's a whopping 6 to 3). It's just a novelty.
huh? i was on your side, dude. im the anon that wrote this >>11062946 and this >>11062970. i think its just a misunderstanding.

so youre not claiming that s3&k is as long as sonic 2, right? i just got that wrong.
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Launch Base is filled to the brim with Special Stage rings, likely as your last chance to get any remaining Emeralds before the end, so it's 6-to-4.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't launch base like the only "final" zone in a classic sonic game that lets you get the emeralds, right? You can't get them in Scrap Brain, Death Egg (2 & Knuckles), or Metallic Madness. I guess it wasn't intended to be the final zone technically but ehhh y'know..
By that logic, doesn't S3&K have more content, between using Tails in the S&K stages and using Knuckles in the Sonic 3 stages (complete with an exclusive Marble Garden boss)?
If you count Wing Fortress then yea that. Metallic Madness too
Depends on where you draw the line at "Final". Death Egg in Sonic 2 doesn't even qualify as a full zone (it's just a boss round like S1's "Final Zone"), yet the last full stage Wing Fortress gives you several last chances for Emeralds with the Starposts. Meanwhile, there's no more chances anywhere after Lava Reef in S(3)&K.
That's even worse because proto-FBZ makes it 7-3 --COMPLETELY lopsided! Who wants that?!
Granted, the S&K emerald stages only came about after the lock-on decision. But that just highlights the fact that the proto-order only makes sense with 7 Emeralds and Super Sonic as intended.
You could in Metallic Madness? Huh. Usually I have all the Time Stones by then I just assumed it worked like in Sonic 1.
Can you get special rings in Metallic Madness? I thought you couldn't. However, there's a loophole if you've consistently been getting good futures by destroying the robot generators in every level.
what happens when you run out of continues, zoom zoom?
nice larp zoomie :)
no, not in the least
I doubt that person has played either one
>running out of lives in a Sonic game
can you do anything else than defining one's quality of posts by their date of birth, or are you here to actually contribute to discussions, you stupid fuckin worthless peace of puke? :)))))
see, zoomie, the thing is that some of us actually played these games as small children. beating a sonic game was quite a feat at age 7 in 1994, one that took a lot of practice, a lot of trial and error, and a lot of exposure to the title screen.
you've got it backwards, sweetie. the quality of your posts is what gives your date of birth away, not the other way around.
>I played Sonic as a kid so that automatically doesn't make me a zoomer!!
this is the most self-hating zoomer post I've ever seen. Glad you had fun playing Sonic & Knuckles on Mega Collection on your PS2 because you didn't figure out you had to open Sonic 3 20 times to get the full experience.
youre just a troll. i was born in the late 90s and beat all the classic sonic titles on emulators in the early 2000s several time.

apart from that, it really doesnt matter whos a "zoomer", whos a "millenial" and whos a "boomer". we are all grown ups and should behave accordingly. something which you are not capable of. you seem to have the mind of a 10 year old.
lmfao I played it on the genesis in 1994, zoomie
Why would you guys give this shitty baiting thread so many replies and meanwhile better threads that aren't trolling get slid right off the catalog?
is this your first day on the internet?
people like arguing.
t. zoomer
I feel like the lock-on feature is just that, a feature. It's a cool extra but I don't consider it the "full game". Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles already are 2 full games and hold up on their own just fine.
I can only imagine the hype of a 90s kid who had played Sonic 3 first, and then getting S&K some time later, and seeing that title screen for the first time. Total Kino
i can see it is easy to see it that way, but both games were originally intended to be one. they only split it up because of work load and mcdonalds.
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An interview with the japanese team suggests otherwise.
Sonic 3 was rushed not because of mcd, but because Sonic Team were developing the abandoned Sonic The Hedgehog 3D with the SVP.
The idea of lock-on and adding more levels only appeared at the very end of the development of Sonic 3, which is when they started composing the music for S&K and planning the level order, but yeah Sonic 3 was first envisioned as a full single game.
S&K is effectively a direct sequel, not "the second half that had to be cut"
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>Call of Duty taught zoomers that campaign just means "singleplayer" or "storymode"
Who would have thought a war game might depict a campaign
Autism opinion aside, does anyone have the latest version of the Sonic 3 Complete sprites mod for Sonic 3 A.I.R.? The original seems to have been made private.
thanks for the infos anon, didnt know that
Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2OWC5Hosv8
this is entirely wrong and you don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Not sure what the latest version is but I have 2.1 saved
pixeldrain com/u/wyMg5fy3

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