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Every single fucking time someone makes a thread here it always ends up with people arguing, insulting each other, shitting on another game, etc.

In this thread, you must SAY SOMETHING NICE about the game that is posted above your post. You must also add a picture of a game with your post, so that the next person can see your nice comment and look at your nice picture and then they will SAY SOMETHING NICE about the game you chose.

I don't care how much it physically hurts you to find something nice to say about E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. Find something nice to say and accompany your comment with a picture of a game. Don't let me down; I'm counting on you. I'll start this off with an easy one.
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Holy fucking shit literally the first post is passive aggressive and insulting. You literally couldn't even make it past the first post wow holy shit. You could have say anything like "I like how you get new abilities and then those abilities open up other paths that weren't accessible before" or anything but you chose to be passive aggressive. Whatever I guess I'll continue.

I like how Sonic and Knuckles are both very influential characters (often parodied or referenced in other games) and their popularity has given countless people very good childhood memories.
>how Sonic and Knuckles are both very influential characters
Neither of them originated in that game so how are you praising that game at all. That's like saying the game is good because umm platformers are a fun genre
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It's the best NES game ever. That's not hard, I don't think you're getting the idea of your own thread. You should be posting controversial games like so
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I haven't played this anon's game >>11056542
but I came up to say that I liked ActRaiser for SNES as a kid. And was pretty disappointed with the sequel because they removed the best part of gameplay.

Apparently, they've released remake for Switch. I wonder if it's good.
I loved this idea for a thread... good stuff, OP!
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I played actraiser recently for the first time. my friend showed it to me, it was neat. I haven't played many SNES games with novel mechanics like that.
>literally the first post is passive aggressive and insulting.
Welcome to 4chan.
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When the Upper Brinstar first plays

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I'm gonna steal >>11056542 since >>11056582 is a slightly "IDK lol" take.
I literally played through this game for the first time this week, having set off on the FF1-6 remaster journey. You want something good about FF2? I'm glad they made it. They took a lot of experimental directions rather than just making a mild iteration on the FF1 template. We view FF2 through the lens of it being number 2 of 16+. The series has not always made good choices in its experiments, but the shakeups of 3-6 that made them beloved would not have happened were it not for FF2 being unafraid to push into new ground. That said, I don't want to replay it, it was too easy to accidentally overlevel simply trying to get a few drops I wanted.

The goemon games were ones I always saw and thought "that looks neat" but never bought. What made a kid buy one game and not another? Who knows.
I think, looking at it, I'd have loved it if they'd ever put it in the "play the game as a demo" consoles that my local CEX always had hooked up. We could do with a resurgence of irreverent, light hearted adventure games like that.

My turn.
>hard mode: the N64 version
>normal mode: any version
I've never played it but I'm excited for the trilogy remaster. I like lots of references in my media.
I see this game is marked as (World) on No-Intro, how does the game behave when playing on a Super Famicom compared to the Super Nintendo?
Like, is there a difference?
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I only ever played Gex for PlayStation, but you can bet I thought it was comedy genius as a 12 year old. The gameplay still holds up, even if some of the jokes don’t lol.

Currently playing through picrel and to my surprise am really enjoying it. The 2D era of JRPGs are generally tough for me to enjoy, but this one grabbed me almost immediately.
I love Phantasy Star for many reasons, but one of the main ones is that it's one of the few titles on Master System that I can talk about without the response being along the lines of "It's inferior to the arcade/SNES/Genesis/NES version" or that it "was also on Game Gear so it's not an exclusive" or other BS people parrot to bring down one of the best libraries in the whole industry's history.

Well, time to make things a bit harder, let's see if anyone here can say anything good from Scooby-Doo: Cyber Chase on PS1, I personally enjoy it as a mediocre Crash clone, but most don't like this.
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Nice choice but I’m thinkin Brinstar

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Best I can do is "It wasn't terrible, it was sufficient to be OK if your nan got you it for christmas, better if you hadn't played Crash".
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You may mean the second post, though of course you'd still be right anyway because op phrased his tonal demands using pretty much the same one-sided, hostile approach unconductive of discussion that he felt entitled to police in others.

I really like the Plok box artwork, and it's a fun solid game.
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I wanted to make a troll post, but I dont know the game of the last commenter :(
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This game was bizarre but happy kino, I enjoyed it a huge amount as a kid. Actually well placed difficulty and challenge for a kid's game, charming aesthetic. I'm not a player of the "cute yoshi" spinoffs as an adult but this lives in my childhood.
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played this a few years ago, incredible soundtrack.
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>phantasy star online
umm... the box art looks very nice. I would play this game if it was singleplayer... is it singleplayer?
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i remember not having enough lunch money saved to pick up a used copy of this as a kid

excellent art direction and cover art
ill eventually play though this
maybe on mobile w/ scanlines
excellent everdrive title
good fighters are slim pickins on n64
v unique and wacky
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I thought the story of this game was pretty cool.
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I've never finished this game, but I've enjoyed what I've played of it and liked the canyon area in particular.
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X6 has some good attempts at fixing the mistakes of X5. Alia is handled well, the Blade and Shadow Armor are both really good, the part system isn't as convoluted, and Gate could've been a good villain if it wasn't for Sigma at the end.
>Gate could've been a good villain if it wasn't for Sigma at the end
Sigma's revival was just Gate giving the world the middle-finger for everybody refusing to accept his brilliance as the key to utopia (at the expense of all the inferior Reploids that fail to meet his lofty standards). He's no more a pawn than anybody else was in X6, just the last one to take out after the king is already beaten.
It's a Japanese video game where the goal is to fuck Japan up, it's BASED. All jokes aside, it's an absolutely amazing and classic shooter based on WW2, and if it's based on WW2 then it's already a win on my book, it's really hard to mess this up.

Now good luck for whoever posts after me, I do love this Spider-Man licensed shovelware that is actually a MetroidVania, but I know most don't.
LJN's Spider-Man 2 on Game Boy is so bad that it killed the thread because no one can think of any actual qualities it has going. LJN, shame on you!
Carnage is BAD ASS.
There! Now let's keep the thread going.
Forgot to post a game.
Here you go.
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Master of Darkness clearly was heavily inspired by Castlevania, but it still does its own thing so it's not just a blatant soulless clone. It has some really nice graphics for a game that's on an 8-bit system. I think they're definitely nicer than most 8-bit games but not quite as nice as a 16-bit game. Also it has a ouija board in the beginning that spells out some stuff and it's a nice way to show why certain events are happening. I think it could also be a cool way to let you choose stuff like your name or something but I don't think they did that in this game.
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Never got around to playing this. It's on my backlog of games to play, and the artstyle genuinely does interest me.
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The more limited pool of copy abilities + the various pets is a genius move. While a game having 200 copy abilities is neat, being able to change up either half of your copy + pet combo makes this one very, very enjoyable and lends a sense of mastery to playing it well.
The graphics are cool
>is it singleplayer?
yes, although playing with others can be helpful for trading purposes and also fun. if you like a repetitive loot hunting kind of game give it a shot. I recommend Ephinea.
>one of the main reasons I like a game is how hard it is for other people to talk shit about it
that's absolutely fucking pathetic. imagine being so thoroughly controlled by the opinions of others
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The music makes me feel nostalgic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvV05M2kmzI
is that her pussy?
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The sound effects are great
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The two player mode is...designed...

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