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If somebody actually fixed it with proper geometry culling and good controls the game would have to be redesigned from the ground up to not be trivially easy as a result.
There's nothing wrong with the camera. Turn it in the direction you want.
t. Lakitu
sounds like a skill issue
Understandable, as specialized 3D programmers were rare back then.
Anon what I would give for a fully remastered version of Mario 64, along with additional levels—expanded levels, and the same music but played by an orchestra.
The fuck you want? "Ba-ba ba ba-ba BA" performed by London philharmonic orchestra?
I’m sorry about your severe mental retardation.
He's not wrong though. SM64 is kind of notorious for its weird camera. Sunshine is much more refined in this regard. Hell, even the DS version is.
So, with a different camera system, the game would pose the exact same challenge to you? You may want to double check the actual source of those retardation readings, champ.
Famous. The majority of people who ever played 64, both upon release and now, adore the mechanics.

Losers are the notorious ones. Hand-in-hand!
You’re under 30, don’t talk to me.
Your Megan's Law notification is appreciated, but let's just keep this about Super Mario 64
gex didn't have this problem. you had literally 3 presets for camera you could choose from, manual, semi and auto. i preferred auto because it's less camera buttons for me
Alright I'm gonna say it
Bad camera scripting is sovl
You could always try getting good, letting go of old mechanically baked strategy paradigms to make way for new ones
"Old" meaning in this case newer ones, of course.

Just a general note: If your car has two different steering wheels for left and right and the brake pedal is installed inside the glove box, there's a couple names for what you've got going and "getting good" is neither of them.
Yeah I prefer gex 2/3 over sm64 too, but I'd rather play smb 1-3 any day over gex 1.
An eccentric car can kill you or make you look like a fool in front of the ladies. Video games are the perfect place for exercises in inefficiency
>proper geometry culling
Give examples to show you actually know what you are talking about.
Fair enough.
Anon, if if you don't know what that means there's more efficient ways of asking.
I know exactly what it means, but explain how that would affect the gameplay difficulty. Because I don't think you know.
Speaking of things you know exactly, have you even played the game?
Camera is actually really good if you're using an analog stick with notches. The way it was meant to be played. Playing without the notches makes the game a horrendous mess. Game was designed around being able to set the view and pushing the stick into a notch to run perfectly straight.
NTA, but stop deflecting with more questions and answer the question about geometry culling first.
Clunky movement is good because it simulates the struggles of physical exertion. Try to go jump and do backflips and all that shit. You aren't going to feel comfy, it's not easy. Why should it be easy to do that? These new games let you parkour all over the map with no struggle, no challenge, and it just cheapens it. It also makes it so that developers have to create over the top twitchy platformering just to challenge the player because they have made the movement so effortlessly smooth.
it's decent so long as you zoom out and switch to mario's pov but in tight subareas like the igloo or the pyramid and most of tick tock clock it gets kinda finicky
Um yeah. Imagine an entire choir singing it, and also the Bowser levels. Maybe a whole new thing for the haunted house but with the same ambient music hummed in the background. Bro they literally did it with Ocarina of Time; not a remaster but they held a whole symphony of the songs and it’s amazing.
>i prefer
>less buttons
Good grammar and vocabulary must be overwhelming for you. I suppose that justifies your opinion of "problematic gaming."
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Are all these people complaining only know constant "dual-stick" for one of their thumbs or something? Like, wtf, just run and jump around the map; Lakitu is going to follow behind you.
Crying out loud, you kids are stupid.
haha awww poor little zoomie cant figure out how to play the big bad bideo game awwww poor zoomie
Nah thanks, I'd rather keep demanding his credentials and merely implying mine until some vestigial residue of self awareness gives him the hint.
I (irrationally) fucking hate Mario 64. Everything about it makes me mad, but most specifically it's the sound design.

>Marios voice, especially when he falls from a long distance or gets burned by fire
>the fucking noise it makes EVERY time you adjust the camera
>game itself is ugly as sin, objects placed with no real logic (here's a random ugly brick wall that clips into a mountain)
>all of the new enemy designs are complete trash
The visual stuff can be sort of forgiven considering it was very early 3D, but when my ex emulated it I had to tell her to turn it the fuck down all the time, because I couldn't stand hearing it.

I'm sure it's a fine game, but I don't care. and fuck charles martinet.
Weird how everyone thought it was fine when it came out
>Weird how time is linear
>unrelated nonsense
I swear this is the most hostile board on this website. Like no one on /vr/ is friendly. Don’t even respond to those people anon.
Ffs anons, the point is that claiming this >>11057273 as some sort of vindication of the camera system is silly, when back then there was essentially no standard of equivalent uncoupled character/camera controls to compare it with. It was "fine" because it's what we got.

At most, you could call the SM64 system an interesting experiment; but despite what the excitable gud-gitting/zoomer control police may want to believe, there's nothing wrong with judging these thing in hindsight. From even that perspective, the character controls in this game are AMAZING and work great; the equally innovative camera setup and controls? It's delusional to claim those were anything more than serviceable, and if you've played the game extensively, you know even that's often a stretch.
you're wrong because everything from my childhood was perfect, chud.
>WOAH the game which cemented and popularized 3D games had a shitty camera system
nothing thread
hes right its just a nothing statement
First 3D Platformer Ever In History Has Minorly Flawed Camera System
i mean if that's the worst you got against this game it's a pretty god damn good game.
also yes i'm aware some PS1 3d platformers did predate Mario 64 but none of them are noteworthy
>Minorly Flawed
Aw, you may have made an actual point there if you hand't flinched.
Good little cultist.
Anybody else flabbergasted that OP keeps insisting the game would, for some reason, be easier with a more fluid, modern camera control? It would play the exact same way.
Did you know that everything you like now is ACTUALLY disgusting trash? Zero redeeming features? It's literally painful? It will give you cancer!
The future proves it!
I see SM64 as having a minorly flawed camera system. It works most of the time in Lakitu mode for me and i really don't spend much time thinking about it, if it's in a bad position, just use C left or C right to put it in a better spot. There are a few times in the game where walls throw it off or in Tick Tock Clock where it just spazzes out but do you really see it as mAJoRlY FLawEd?
Also i'm talking about using a real N64 controller, so if you have the C buttons mapped to an analog stick that might be problematic, but i wouldn't know and i've never tried, so that's a user error and certainly not the fault of Mario 64.
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>Sunshine is much more refined in this regard.

Uhhh, what is underwater levels?? The camera is absolute dogshit. Swimming is also so fricking slow like trudging through molasses. Sunshine was a major step down from 64 in all regards.
>SM64 is kind of notorious for its weird camera. Sunshine is much more refined in this regard. Hell, even the DS version is.
You mean one of THE first 3D games is not as refined as later 3D games or based on those? Yes? You are really smart, I bet your mother always tells you that you're a very special boy.
Switch Mario view by pressing R, and then zoom out with down-C.


That's it.

You've fixed the camera for 98% of in-game situations. You can stop bitching now.
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man what a shit game
everyone was all
>oooh 3d
so they overlooked all the flaws.
now granted I was the same with SMW >oooh expanded color palette
but atleast my opinion was objectively correct
Honestly, I heard it described 64 as a game where its just large areas where you jump and dive all the time and having played it recently, it kind of was that. I'm hoping it improves
Holy shit it's a game from 1996. Faggot
This was solved with the Parallel Camera hack years ago, but people continue to not use it.
>More colors is more important than an entirely new way of moving through and interacting with a world
what an absolute shit opinion. How can you state it so proudly
Absolutely nothing about the camera design warrants a better camera. The levels were design around it. You have to be a bonafide retard to struggle with this.
>none of them are noteworthy
At least one of them is noteworthy for being the "First 3D Platformer Ever in History"
instructions unclear, WAOOO WAOOO ER-ER WAWAOOO WAOOO
The camera sucks because you're trying to rush through some platforming areas and the in game camera cannot keep up. You aren't a speed runner. Speed runners aren't even human and don't actually play games for the experience.
Because it is. Every single person who complains about the camera in Super Mario 64 tries to play it like a PC game, constantly fidgeting the camera to point at Mario's back and getting frustrated when the game swivels to shows something else.
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Nah, the camera sucks because it's scripted to be "dynamic" and move when you move the character by default. That only works properly with view-relative controls if the manual override of the camera is responsive enough. As it is, if you're trying to traverse a narrow ledge or act with any sort of precision and they didn't scripted an ad-hoc behavior for that particular area, the default system will specifically work against the character controls because you'll have to simultaneously adjust your handling to the delicate situation AND compensate from the camera swaying at the same time.

But yeah, this is an absolutely amazing ground-breaking flawless watershed milestone and literally anybody who says something critical about it is an autistic zoomer baiter. Never fucking change, /vr/.
I only got into retro gaming like a few months ago, and recently decided to try SM64 for the first time in over two decades.
And fuck me I just couldn't do it, that camera is so clunky and shit I just couldn't get into the game at all.

There's a lot of janky mechanics in these games I've managed to adapt to, but for some reason I just couldn't with this.
You don't really need to not have played it until now to find the camera infuriating, really. I don't even think it's clunky specifically from a modern perspective. I recently replayed it in the Switch 3D All Stars compilation and it merely REMINDED me of how obnoxious the camera system was, it didn't really overwrite any sort of positive previous impression from back when I played it first.

It's a great, revolutionary game. They hit a home run right out the gate with the controls for Mario, and stroke out with the controls for the camera. I don't see a controversy in that, but I guess this thread proves there is one.
Except it's locked, you should be able to fully rotated it anyway and whenever you wanted.
Nice opinion. Did you get it off a YouTuber broccoli head?
unless you're a real 64 autist you should just play the sourceport. https://www.mfgg.net/?act=resdb&param=02&c=2&id=38190
Nice generational entrenchment. Did you get it from a deeply underwhelming adult life?
>long narrow plank
>camera goes into rotating low to the ground view, literally the most unhelpful camera position/movement possible obscuring view of the edges and forcing you to compensate turning to stay on
I mostly give 64's camera a pass but who the fuck thought programming it to do this at those specific moments was a good idea?
Why are you even here? If you're going to complain about old game mechanics, then don't bother making a thread about how much you cannot adapt to it. You don't see me complaining and making threads about how Atari games are too simple and minimalist because I don't understand or appreciate the limitations these games had when they were made. But I guess that doesn't make sense to you considering you probably grew up playing COD 4: MW and think games staying the same throughout your life time is supposed to be the norm when the newest Call of Duty plays the exact same decades later. How sad.
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So in this scenario where your own insights and general flexibility in the face of challenge manifest as violent blanket rejection to anything you don't want to consider or even hear, what IS the function of this board? Certainly you don't want discussion, and trusting a bunch of strangers to simply reassure you in your fragility can't possibly be working that well for you.
Lol literally the best auto camera system of the genre.. what are you smoking
That genre being "Super Mario 64" of course.
This is not a problem for those of us with triple digit spatial IQ. Have you tried not being a baboon?
And yet if you lacked a triple chromosomal setup you may have not made that post. Tragic.
The camera system is fine if you are a tranny speedrunner.

Its kinda like how if you point out that source engine movement is clunky and jank, and then some faggot with 6k hours in rocket jumping and surf will go on an autistic tirate on how youre wrong.
Then just do like I said you fucking idiot:

The game gives you all the tools you need to play with the camera you are looking for, but you CHOOSE not to use them and then just bitch and moan about it not working.
I played it as a kid without a single issue and I had the same experience as an adult. You are just stupid.
You may just be too much of a tool yourself to objectively judge how much of that actually comes from the game.
The absolute state of these responses. You make one legit remark, everyone gets defensive.
It's objectively not a responsive camera. You can't center it with L like in Sunshine or 64DS. It has preset angles for many parts, and will persistently force those. And rotating it manually does jack shit, the moment you run the game changes it back.
This camera lives its own life, you get used to it but there's a reason Nintendo had changed it. And yes, for '96 it was still great.
>y-you're a tool
Mario 64 camera is piss easy to control You're just mad you have to press literally anything at all.
>You can't center it with L like in Sunshine or 64DS.
Yes you can.
And how?
Sure bro, I'll take your piss expert word it.
>Pressing 2 buttons one single time when you start the game to immediately fix 98% of what I'm bitching about is too much user input
Perhaps -- and you may have considered this before -- but perhaps you are a complete moron.
>It has preset angles for many parts, and will persistently force those
That's why you do this:

I swear, every complaint about the camera in this game can be fixed by people doing ONE single thing, but they'd rather just moan and complain and write off the camera entirely because the game doesn't default to the best camera config from the get-go.
That ONE simple thing seems to be, as evidenced by this thread, not actually having played the game.
Maybe if you didn't act like a defensive retard, people would actually care what you say
I wasn't being defensive; I was being offensive. And I don't care if you listen to me. If you act like a retard, I call you a retard. Whether you want to continue acting like a retard and having other people continue to call you a retard is entirely up to you.
Do you have autistic sensory issues or something? Never thought any of this was a problem.
Wait, is Source engine movement bad? Am I just mindbroken from my thousands of hours of gameplay (TF2, L4D, HL2), because I always thought it was good
I don't think so, the sound design in Mario 64 very specifically pisses me off though. I attend boxing events a lot because I know people on the cards, and have been to countless (noisy) black metal shows.

I'm used to loud, intrusive noise. That's why I prefaced by saying my hate is likely irrational, and ended by saying the game is probably really good. It could be the best game ever made but I still wouldn't play it, no other game has bothered me with its sound.
> geometry culling
Is this that shit where something in between the camera and the character becomes transparent or whatever? I hate that shit, feels gross and insulting and highlights the fakeness of what you see. You should have to make the camera viable within what there is in the scene. No convenient space for the camera is part of the challenge you fag
The camera has actually been fixed for years with the decomp version but you retards just want to argue for arguing's sake. This board is full of fucking morons.
It's not just a matter of changing the camera once. The game resets to the default all the time. You have to constantly switch to Mario cam. At least each time you get into a level.
It's not a programming issue it's because you use digital buttons to rotate it.
it's great if you are not a zoomer that plays the game for 5 minutes and start punching your monitor because it doesn't play like fortnite
That's because zoomers don't actually play games. I can't even blame them considering how shit new games are these days. Imagine being exposed to nothing but Fornite, Call of Duty, FIFA, Flavor of the month games, and Overwatch. They aren't playing games for escapism. They are playing because they are bored and need somethivng monotonous to do. It's no wonder /v/ is such a shit board now and now this place is become trash too. Just wait when 360 and PS3 are declared retro.
>Guys, I REALLY REALLY REALLY SUCK at 3-Dimensional platforming!
>I shouldn't be FORCED TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES I'm bad at!
These are kids who played Minecraft and then try "Sim City" and wonder why in the world they have to "play" any differently. It makes ZERO sense, to them, so it must be the game's fault.
Camera is fine. Change the setting and move it back. The problem is mario bouncing off of shit and sliding for ten miles.
>You have to constantly switch to Mario cam. At least each time you get into a level.
That sounds wrong to me, but maybe I'm misremembering. Even still, it's like two button presses at the start of each level and then nothing else. Really not that much to get so tilted about, no?
I'm currently playing Mario 64. It's not a huge deal but still a constant annoyance.
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I love how no one can criticize the shortcomings of Super Mario 64 without having to deal with a ton of seething on this board, but if you make a similar criticism to Sonic Adventure/Adventure 2 then it's fine, funny, and "Sonic was never good".

I think picture related sums up /vr/ well.
its mostly fine but there are some frustrating moments
Sonicfag with a persecution complex. Very original.
I think my only real issue with Sonic is the cutscenes. I have the same issue with Mario Sunshine.
People that genuinely believe this suffer from selective reading and are just closet fanboys themselves.
Everything gets shat on here in copious amounts
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If you browse /vr/ long enough, you'd think that Mario and Zelda are bad and/or overrated, even looked down by most... just like how many right now see Sonic as being. In reality, if you go to a convention or any sort of video game setting, a store or even, the vast majority adores Mario or Zelda... and Sonic too, heck, I'd argue Sonic's now more popular than ever thanks to the films too.
t. zoomer
I think in the settings you can change the lakitu cam to be like the mario cam. Then you only have to pull it back all the time.
It was mostly because the N64 control stick sucks. If the game was made using just about any other controller in mind it would be a lot less difficult. I still think its the best N64 game though, yes better than OOT even.
>If somebody actually fixed it with proper geometry culling and good controls
Nobody is stopping you from recompiling it with the camera movement bound to mouse movement.
>Weird how everyone thought it was fine when it came out

Because there was nothing else on the market that it could be compared too upon its release. The closest thing to it was Tomb Raider, which released a few months later. You can look back on it now and say it is garbage compared to what came later. But at the time, EAD had nothing else to reference when developing Super Mario 64. I think the devs at Core may have taken some lessons from Mario 64, given that Mario 64 was a June 1996 release and Tomb Raider came out in October/ November 1996. There was also Bubsy 3D too.
Anon the whole game is DIGITAL
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Press R and C-Down. You're welcome.
it's crazy.
years of rage because in 28 years it has not been possible to press Start and change:
Lakitu <>Mario
much like mario 64 it has aged very poorly. Most long time sourcefags dont know because 90% of mods modernize the movements but play the 360 orange box vanilla sometime and tell me half life 2 and portal aren't stiff inherently.
The sound effects of the camera are a big problem but Nintendo fans enjoy annoying and infantile sound effects
>but play the 360 orange box vanilla
Why would anyone ever do that

I do recall Portal feeling kind of stiff/slow, but HL2, L4D2, TF2, Titanfall, Gmod, I feel like all "modern" engine Source games felt great to move.
You can't even access the old engine versions any more as far as I know (besides with the console port like you said), so that's kind of a non-issue

>90% of mods modernize the movements
I never use mods for any of those games
If soullessness was a person
Thanks for expressing exactly what I was feeling.
Anon what I would give for a fully remastered version of your mom along with additional body fat, expanded pussy, and the same moans but with you watching by the bedside as I breed with your mother.
>playing mario 64: subsistence
lol casuals
Puppycam is such a gamechanger I can't imagine playing without it.
It only turns in very large increments that cannot be fine tuned.

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