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Which button do you use to jump in Sonic games?
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The jump button
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C is the dedicated jump button (smartbomb button in shmups)
B is the dedicated main-attack button
A is the dedicated anything-else button
B, also 3 button genesis pad for life
I keep pressing the reset button but Sonic never jumps
So let's ask the real question. Why does no one ever talk about how the dpad on this controller changed drastically in later revisions to be more like 6 button and saturn?
I don't talk about it because I didn't even know that happened. That's neat.
On original hardware, I always went: B for most used action, then C, then A. Most of the times, that was also the default controls. Nowadays, I emulate using a 4-button layout (the usual diamond shape), so I feel more comfortable mapping the most used action to the west button, then south, then east, which would equate to an A>B>C layout on an actual Genesis controller.
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It was pretty standard to see this control setup and it was also the most comfortable one, for a lot of us it was at least, definitely for me. I miss these SEGA styled controllers... at least the M30 by 8BitDo is good... it's filling that void for me.
B to jump, and then crouch(down) and A to spin dash. It always just happens with my muscle memory.
On the topic of Megadrive controller, does the bluetooth 8shitdo one with the dongle works with an Everdrive?
Always B since I was a kid

Cool trick I learned, try using all three buttons to charge your spin dash in Sonic 2 and 3K. Very fun to use
In saturn and MD games that have the same function for all 3 buttons I tend to use the one ive been using the least in the other games. Use the A btton to fire the weapon in panzer dragoon
>try using all three buttons
I should try that, keyboard style.
Quick question. Why did the face buttons have to be different sizes rather than say all being either big like ABC or smaller like XYZ?
I don't think there was any need, it's just a cool way of further differentiating the top row from the bottom.
I mean, why does the SNES have both concave and convex buttons? It's all to make the buttons more distinct in a tactile manner instead of only by position, and it's works, I find it comfortable.
I usually defaulted to C for jumping. Then mashing C and B to power up spin dashes.
probably since ABC are the primary buttons and XYZ are the secondary buttons.
C because that's the default jumping button in Streets of Rage
That's a very personal question, sorry OP.
Just bought a box of 4 of these, the later model 3 buttons. Trying to get the last revision dpad. Already have the original one (sides lubed up helps) and the metal ball (simply better) revisions
I always used C. Partially because my name starts with C and I was a young kid in those days
Is this any good? How does it compare to the Genesis Mini controllers?
I use all of them. It's about how you feel
ive only ever heard good things about the m30.
stunning and brave. powerful.
I love the Genesis controller (never tested the M30 though), but I can't use it with games outside of its scope. If I could wish for any controller, it would be a modern one with a Genesis/Saturn d-pad. So far, a Switch Horipad is decent enough, but it isn't quite there yet.
SNES controller is so superior it's not even funny.
no (You) for you.
I just use the Retrobit Saturn Pro controller and it's awesome. Yeah I've had to cope with the lil babby switch sticks, and triggers not being analog can be an issue for some games, but otherwise it's pretty kino. Truthfully though, for fully 2D games that never require analog stick usage, I still prefer my non-Pro Retrobit Saturn controller. It's a little smaller, handles flair out of greater angle which I really like, and I've come to prefer the clicky shoulder buttons even though I didn't initially like them too much.
*flair out at a greater angle
It has 6 buttons but doesn't really feel like an original genesis controller. It's shaped differently obviously and the plastic feels thinner. The rounded edges make it slip around in my hands.
Otherwise it's fine. I've played a few games with it and had a good time.
Companies usually did benefit by coming out later.
GC and DC controllers have no excuse for being so shit though.
Does the Xbox 360 have any controllers similar to this or is this only for like the One and Series consoles? Would really love to play some of these XBL 2D arcade games and Guardian Heroes using something like this.
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Fuck this looks like the perfect retro controller.
In what way was it "superior" at all? Oh, it had a lot more buttons? Well, yes, it came out quite a few years after the Genesis, and not long after we've got a 6-button revision, at that point it's just a matter of preference, what you find most comfortable to hold and if you prefer a diamond layout or more arcade layout, also if you want a set of shoulder buttons to it. It's not "superior".

Oh, and Saturn mogs both of them, now that's a controller you can call "superior" with ease, way better than any controller Nintendo put out at that time, and after it too, it's still unmatched.
There are several revisions of the controller with different d-pads. The ball-bearing style d-pad is my favorite of the three-buttons.
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Should have got the Brook XB2 when they were on fire sales last year after MS banned unofficial controllers on the One/Series.

Otherwise, MadCatz made these pads for SFIV and slightly shrunk variants after. Just dug out my SFxT version, the d-pad feels pretty exhausting to use (long travel to actuate) and the rubberized back's expired and turned sticky.
Brook XB/2 converter or an arcade stick is probably your best bet for 360.
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I have the regular M30 and it's now my favorite and most used controller by far, the buttons all feel excellent to use and it's comfortable in my hands, just wish it was a bit bigger, hopefully in the future 8BitDo gives us an analog version to compete with RetroBit and their newest Saturn controller, hopefully they make it a bit bigger.
The 6 button controller is tiny but also the 6 button layout is conceptually retarded. The SNES controller acknowledges that you have more than one finger since the L and R are allocated to the left and right index fingers respectively, and of course the thumb has immediate access to all four of the buttons in the diamond. Meanwhile in segaland you have 6 fucking buttons for one finger, which is madness. The Saturn controller is an improvement over the MD's 6 button pad, but even that still pure only 3 fingers to work on 8 buttons.
>still puts*
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It's not "conceptually retarded" at all, there's a reason most controllers now have the diamond and that's because it really is quicker and most video games fit it well, unlike the 6 button one, but that layout made sense then and can still be good now depending on what you play, I mean, the whole point was to give that arcade feel at home, like you're holding arcade controls really.

Genesis and Saturn titles, also fighters and beat 'em ups, feel right with it, I find it comfortable to press those big buttons, and it also allows for a claw grip if necessary of if you just like doing it.
Yeah this is correct. The controller was especially good for fighting games. You can argue just buy an arcade stick but some people prefer a smaller controller than a bigger and bulkier fight stick. I would also make the argument that developers largely didn't even put the six button controllers to great use since they probably didn't know how. Although this was mostly during the Genesis days. As the anon said even for beat 'em ups like my favorite Saturn game, Guardian Heroes, benefited tremendously from such a controller. After playing it on Xbox with the 360 controller I can absolutely say this without a doubt.

We just don't know ultimately how it could have been had Sega kept making consoles and stuck with revisions of the six face button controller. Even they changed it during the Dreamcast days going with a 4 face button design. I think games eventually would have made great use for it. Xbox Original basically had a six face button controller just using the diamond shape and smaller black/white buttons and it was great. Microsoft should bring back the black/white buttons for their controllers but keep the rest the same. Could give games more options for actions within games or map less important actions like bringing up your map to one of these buttons.
You had 5 fingers to use on an arcade machine because you didn't have to grip the cabinet in your hands. A 6 button setup makes sense for arcades, but not on a gamepad
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Indeed, even Nintendo had a decent design with N64, where the C buttons acted as the diamond, while A and B completed the arcade styled rows. I wish this had become a standard, since having options is always nice and for stuff like fighters and beat 'em ups, it just feels right to have that.

Fair, I even admitted that the diamond layout is standard over this one because it's better for a majority of titles, but this issue isn't that big, of course having access to the most buttons at any point in time is ideal, but if we only cared about that then all controllers would have those back buttons like a few "Pro" controllers do, it'd be a standard, but it isn't, because comfort and feel are also key and these controllers excel at that, especially for feeling like it's bringing the arcade to the home. Also, while not everyone does it, you can use a claw grip to use all of the buttons.
usually A, but sometimes all three. when playing sanic I overhand grip on the right side, so I can roll my fingers from A to C to rev up a spin dash very quickly.
Depends, if playing on the Mega, C button. On Saturn, A button.
Please explain your autistic ways anon I'm curious
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Why did they release a version with triggers and recolored buttons... instead of just giving us the analog sticks version already? I mean, RetroBit's got their newest Saturn controller with analogs, which I personally find disappointing, it would've been nice if 8BitDo stepped up and took the nice design they already have and just slapped some analog sticks, maybe with bigger handles or size;
I would love to see 8bitdo slap retrobit in the ass with a controller like that. God that thing was a disappointment
I change it based on the level
What's the reasoning?

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