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DoA is the best 3D fighting game series
By the way, does anyone have a xbox with the conexant chip and uses component cables?
All the xbox I have tried with this chip have nasty jailbars while using component cables
My 1.4 xbox doesn't have this problem and it uses another chip, just like 1.6 xbox
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It's good
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>DoA is the best 3D fighting game series
Lol, no
kasumi is my waifu. tekkenbro btw.
You sega fags are clowns, at least you didn't post tekken shit
I like all of them.
I want DOA 7 so badly. Or at least a collection of the games in one disk.
VF has good gameplay, but fucking zero personality or style. Characters are very generic and forgettable. If it wasn’t for Vanessa, I’d probably have never touched the series. Too bad she wasn’t picked to be in DOA, we just got Not Samus and Chinese Woman.
This is what confuses me about the FGC. They act like the only thing that matters IS the game play but then basically ignore the game that is pure gameplay.
they ignore it because of muh sex
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Tekken is a way better series than DOA and so is VF. You fags had one decent game and got too cocky. Doa is not even third best 3d fighting series, that's Soulcalibur.
You subhuman tekkenfags are disgusting cockroaches the likes of sf faggots
Back to the tranny fgc with you
Rival Schools is 3rd, Tobal is 4th, Bloody Roar is 5th, SF EX is 6th
isn't tekken more "technical" than VF?

DOA might be more "thoughtful" than both since it's all about countering and counter-countering. you can't just spam combos like every other fightan. it feels more than a MMA/jujutsu game.
>isn't tekken more "technical" than VF?
No. VF has much more demanding combos and timing.
>The same guy 3 times on the cover
Yeah, nah.
Is it even possible to play the original arcade version of the first Dead or Alive without literally owning the cabinet?
I must be insane, because the last time I tried it with M2Emulator it didn't run, but it ran fine just now. So thanks I guess.
For me, it's EHRGEIZ
I just play fighting games by myself for fun and hot ladies. I’m not part of the cancer that is the FGC.

Tekken is just twitchy Korean dashing into 10 hit combos and it feels and looks stiff. VF is more fluid, but not as much as DOA.
Why would you Korean dash against the ai?
I always found DoA the least resposive one among the three. Tekken started shitty but got very fast and smooth with T3. VF was more gradual with VF3 still having some of the early VF clunkiness that was all fixed by VF4. DoA started as a VF2 clone with reversals and by DoA4 it hadn't got rid of that weird laggy movement and inputs of the early 3D fighters.
>VF has good gameplay, but fucking zero personality or style
This is such a stupid opinion. It doesn't have a bear that shoots lasers out of his eyes or a robot maid or retarded shit like that, but the cheesy voice acting is a lot more entertaining to me than anything Tekken's ever done. It's also one of the few fighting games that made its Bruce Lee character NOT just an exact copy of the actual Bruce Lee, instead it's some goofy white race car driver.

>Not Samus
Sarah's design predates literally every Metroid game except Metroid 1 and 2 on the GB, so if anything Samus is Not-Sarah. And I guess it was memorable enough for a bunch of other games, including Tekken and Metroid, to lift it wholesale.
how do I stop my brain from pornifying everything and making me want to relapse? I've been 3 weeks pornfree
have you tried stop being a faggot?
you should play xtreme volleyball
>the best 3D fighting game series
That would be pic related
Get offline, go to the gym, talk to women. Stop being some little blue balls faggot and get some balance in your life.
where do I meet women? and how do I know I can get along with them and date them or they're dating chad?
women want you to be online though. you tell woman you don't use phones or internet you will get called out a creep
>women want you to be online though
They think you're gay if you're online.

Social settings.
They want you to be in touch, not online, you've already fucked up.
>Social settings
Even if you're a total spaghetti pockets,if you find friends and get integrated into their group 9 times out of 10 there will be a girl who will eventually date you. It may take a little bit and you have to be ok with her already having fucked the other guys in the friend group.
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Clones, Modern Ninjas and mystical Tengus hell yeah.
DOA 2 was my jam such a good game for its time.
DOA is "Tekken Light" but made it so much better for noobs was the only fighting game iv had all my mates play and have full couch tournaments the only other fighter that got this was soul calibre games. every other game requires you to figure out moves and take time to learn your character not just get thrown a pad and pick a character and have the ability to do some stuff and figure shit out on the fly.
Yeah I never understood how people could say VF doesn't have personality. It doesn't have a whole lot of in game backstory or drama but the whole presentation is personality. The soundtrack, the whole vibe of the game IS a type of personality. It's bright, it's fast it's arcadey as hell. That's a quantifiable distinction.
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Never played any of them but I do like Itagaki
I don't know If I like Itagaki, but I do think this is a good example of why we need a single developer with a vision in charge of your series. 5 was an overall fine game but the franchise really needed him back.
>toss AI opponent over side
>do it again
>do it again
Against another human it's top tier, but too easy to cheese the AI.
SoulCaliber and Tekken are better, but the jiggle physics are off the chain in the DoA games and the actual fighting is pretty cool too, so I agree.

It's great

>My heckin' technical fighting games
It's not the early 2000s anymore. The FGC is dead and only carried by clowns like LTG and DSP. All the old guard grew up and left. Might as well play fighting games in a semi-casual fashion now that the only place to hang out and play with pros is dead.

I agree. SC2 is 3D fighting game kino.
Acceptable choice.
>>My heckin' technical fighting games
VF4 is solid, fun and has low entry floor. It's only le technical at a high level. It doesn't have crazy characters from Tekken but neither does DoA. VF4 Evo still has the best singleplayer mode among all fighting games to this day and it's much closer to DoA mechanically than any Tekken. Every so-called DoA fan should give VF4 a go, unless they are only interested in polygonal boobs.
Woulda been better if there weren't any male fighters
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I miss the old video games industry. Now this is all labeled as "misogynistic" by people that just hate men and everything men enjoy. I'm glad to have jumped the ship years ago, there's still lots of great classic retro titles I'm yet to play, so I'll just stick to that, still, I miss beautiful women in media being the norm instead of the exception, sadly ugly fat women need to be everywhere.
It's because the "free love" types won their battle. So the culture war frontlines shifted. It was always a means to an end
It can't be the best 3d fighting game if I'm only thinking of sex while playing it.
To be fair that also happens to me while playing SC
And Tekken and VF are boring
In short, I don't play a lot of 3d fighting games.
>retro titles I'm yet to play
this is actually my justification as to why i dont play retro games or any games lately. i'm "saving" them for rainy day, just in case if one day the backlog will run out
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Your shitty franchises have nothing on Tekken in terms of character design.
For me it's Ayane, Helena and Lei-Fang
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Reina isn't retro.
i know its not retro, but im about tog et DoA4, is it any good? i'm playing it for the halo guest character.
2,3,4 and Dimensions are the only good ones imo
>hates Marie Rose
I do not like him
had my first experience with doa last year when i picked up 2 ultimate for xbox, badass game and big booba what more does a man want.
I fucking love virtua fighter as much as the next guy, but DoA has way more personality. Let's be real VF has always been kind of sterile, nothing wrong with it but DoA has a more fun attitude. VF takes itself a bit too serious, especially in 4.
Marie Rose is a cancer and shit.
i dunno who did the old PSM art, but they have the best style for playful-sexy.
this, everyone from 5 onwards is
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That's Adam Warren. Usually they'd get guys in the comic industry. Warren was a regular, they also used Ryan Kinaird, Joe Mauderia, J Scott Campbell, Adam Hughes and Art Adams. There were more but that's whom I remember off hand.
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Oh and Chris Bachalo. Usually you can find a signature. But some are a bit harder to read than others.
This guy is correct. DOA IS cool because it's a casualized VF for normie coomers
It doesn't help that Marie got popular with all the retards who don't play the game so she's naturally the one who gets shoved into everything else. Warriors All Stars was a waste because of her and Honoka.
I don't even think Kokoro was all that great an addition
DOA sucks
VF sucks
Tekken sucks
Soulcalibur (as a series) sucks. 2 is the only good one.
I am glad you stopped by to offer this nuanced opinion.
true, but its only 1 shit adition, compare that to 5 that shits out a dozen cookie cutter "women"
Ask me how I know you don't play fighting games
Thanks for the info, anon! Really love this style...
I've moved on from jerking it to 2D or 3D women, but it's still nice to seen hot yidya and anime/comic women when I can. I kinda wish that was the norm to this day but alas. At least I can play old video games and look at old magazines to get that same feeling (in addition to playing Japanese games watching anime and shit like that)
DOA is good but it's on the same level as stuff like Bloody Roar.
you know victoria in kakuto chojin also has this cheap ass string
She was like a worse yoko but broken because speedup is a broken mechanic in that game.

Dream factory should have known better than to let microshit have them make a rushed game with their assets
I agree, though I liked rig's moves he was a shit character otherwise.

Ultimate5 just copied 2u in areas but that doesn't make it a better game, just less shit
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DoA1 had the most personality. DoA2 perfectly balanced style and gameplay. Each subsequent DoA was more bland than the previous one until it became totally forgettable.
I wonder why genfu was always the least scuffed character when it came to doa5's change and it's because he has a timeless old master look
>isn't tekken more "technical" than VF?
Both games are equally technical but Tekken has the illusion of being more technical because it is bloated and visually ambiguous requiring a PhD in framedata.
well tell us whats fucking good then
Someone post Tina's idle bouncing in 1, or Helena in 2 or 3, please. Thank you and god bless.
Toshinden 3
Was ever that popular?
Anyways, what's the best one to get started with? I'm bored and I wan tot look at hot chicks fighting.
*Was it ever that popular
Yes. Doa 2 was a HUGE deal when it came out on the dreamcast and 3 was a major bragging point for the Xbox
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Anyone have videos of good Soul Calibur 1 players? I've seen tournament vids and found them thoroughly disappointing.

It ran so fucking slow on DC tho, like playing underwater, sacrificing game speed for fps.
I really, really liked DoA4.

I remember being in High School and talking to a girl on MSN Messenger. Someone on the Gamefaqs forums posted a link with all the girls panties and I had the link pasted.

I meant to send them a link for some school shit and I accidentally sent the panties picture lmao
>It ran so fucking slow on DC tho, like playing underwater, sacrificing game speed for fps.
The fuck are you talking about?
It was like playing Street Fighter 2 Turbo with turbo mode off. I played it on my friend's PS2 as well and saw how much faster the game was.
of course, we only had bootlegs, so that might be why my dc version was so slow. I just checked a comparison video and was surprised to see they ran at identical speeds.
Maybe it was a PAL version?

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