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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: quest 64.jpg (734 KB, 2100x1532)
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Here's your N64 RPG bro.
Was Quest 64 as bad as it's reputation suggests or is it underrated?
>as it's reputation
This is what stopped me from replying seriously to your topic and contributing wholeheartedly. And it's a damn shame, too; I really liked Quest 64 growing up.

Well, better luck next time, ESL/mutt OP!
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what lame country do you live in?
I noticed that mistake right after I posted.
The story is nothing remarkable, but I like the graphics/settings and the combat is more fun than most, including FF7
It starts out pretty good, honestly. The enemy design just falls apart in the second half. The whole concept of being able to move and dodge during your enemy's turn is thrown away, because everything starts using exclusively unavoidable attacks on you.
It's literally Dragon Quest I on the n64 with even better combat. Overhated. Not the best game but nowhere near as bad as people pretend. Problem is DQ1 on the N64 isn't as cool as FF4 on the N64, which is what people really wanted.
ohhhhh if it's supposed to be a possessive it's just I-T-S, but if it's supposed to be a contraction it's I-T-apostrophe-S!!!
decent enough. Friend and I played thru it during summer and I remember some demon boss being named guilty but its been so long I might be wrong. Either way ended up beating it and dont even remember the ending. Always wanted to go back thru it but the whole dont really remember the game makes me think it wasnt that great overall so I play other stuff instead. maybe someday
it's clearly unfinished(80 percent of rooms are empty, the complete lack of proper shop systems), but what's there is still really solid. i've beat it several times and quite enjoyed it. by no means a masterpiece, but still massively overhated.
its comfy

but i do remember my older cousins being disappointed it was NOTHING like ff7
This game would be amazing with mods. New spells, more levels, more interactive items, more fleshed out storyline. It's like a perfect foundation for a great game.
>Game doesn't even have an original title
>Literally just named "Quest" with "64" at the end for brand recognition purposes
Was this produced by request of a committee or something?
it's a case of shitty localization. the original title was "eltale monsters". the euro release also didn't keep the original title, but their choice of "holy magic century" is certainly less stupid than "quest 64"
>everyone refers to this series as Holy Magic Century or Elemental Tale Monsters and not as Quest
Zoomer or just royally retarded?
I swear to god, every day someone new validates my stance that /vr/ is the only good board
I'm just here to call this game a literal who and make you seethe about it
>make you seethe about it
I'm not the one complaining about its name, but ok anon.
I've played through it three times. It's alright. My favorite dungeon is the Boil Hole.
no instead you're complaining about your bogeyman

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