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/vr/ - Retro Games

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Genuinely what was the point of these games? Who played them? Why did they play them?
I find it incredibly hard to believe people got off to this stuff and while there's some comedic value I don't see someone seeking out these porno games for a laugh.
The point was they had a shitty gameplay loop and in order to salvage it and not have to spend more money on development costs by drawing t-shirts and pants on top of the character models, they simply kept them naked.
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It's something only a pure-blood Nord can appreciate.
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>not have to spend more money on development costs by drawing t-shirts and pants on top of the character models, they simply kept them naked.
>spend more money on development costs by drawing t-shirts and pants
>on top of the character models,
>they simply kept them naked



There are no character models, there was no money "saved" by "development costs of drawing t-shirts and pants", and they didn't "keep them naked".
1 - They're sprites. They are drawn naked to begin with.
2 - This would arguably increase development costs to create more detailed sprites with the nipples and pubic hair instead of just splashing them all with two binary colors.
3 - They weren't "salvaging" it, it was designed from the get-go like this because it's an exploitation game.
4 - If you're stupid enough to think these are "character models" instead of natively drawn sprites, why the fuck would you then say that they "drew" on the clothing? Boggles my fucking mind.

Please, in the future, just don't open your retarded mouth if you have no idea what it's talking about. If this is a troll post, well done. You trolled me.
>I find it incredibly hard to believe people got off to this stuff
Well there you go. You get incredibly hard just imagining other people got off to that stuff. Which of course happened only in your imagination.
>while there's some comedic value I don't see someone seeking out these porno games for a laugh.
It was the 80's kiddo. Kids owned things for shits and giggles. They only ate bugs on a dare.
user is underage
>It was the 80's kiddo. Kids owned things for shits and giggles. They only ate bugs on a dare.
This would explain it if not for the fact these games were explicitly for adults and I doubt any kid was buying these games.
>while there's some comedic value
That is the value retard
Very early """porn""" games are more about the novelty then anything.
Its a videogame with a dick. Stuff like this literally didn't exist before hand, it was new.
It's pretty funny to see someone whose parents hadn't even been when this was released pontificating so much about it, and jumping to such wrong conclusions.
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It's a bawdy gag game. Something you'd show friends for laughs and make jokes about . Joke about your friend being a spitter if they lose or being a master at swallowing cum if they win, haha there's a joke either way. It's the game equivalent of a nudie pen or dirty jokes tape you'd put on.
Evidently there wasn't much of a market seeing as it didn't sell all that well and the trend didn't last. I imagine the concept of getting together and sharing bawdy/lewd humor isn't much of a thing anymore since the only way adults hang out these days are what, overpriced bars? Playing cards against humanity?
>If this is a troll post, well done. You trolled me.
Even if I thought this was a troll post I would still think you're dumb for writing all that for so little payoff.
>If this is a troll post, well done. You trolled me.
Nope this is earnest spergposting. Never change /vr/
The point was to make a quick buck with minimal effort
This, it's like coffee table book/magazines. Just for novelty
Try to contain your butthurt, please.
>I don't see someone seeking out these porno games for a laugh.
I do. They clearly had to sell at least something otherwise they wouldn't have been made. They were the edgy thing of its time and of course they got discussion and people being curious. Ridiculous by today's standards but remember you weren't around back then.

I still remember being in 6th grade and some kid I guess had brought some ripped pages of a porn magazine. I don't even remember the full details like if it was some plan by some of these kids or not but long story short on that, it was ripped up and distributed to like a handful or two of us. Somehow even I got a piece of this porn handed to me. Not even sure what more to say on this desu lol. Its not even something worth remembering all that much. I didn't even fap to it either btw I remember throwing it away shortly after I had my fill of my piece.

>The point of the story?
Back then you had 6th graders going a bit nuts over some shredded up pages of a porn magazine of some whores with many of us getting a piece of the mag. These days would 6th graders be doing that shit when there is so much easy to access porn out there? I highly doubt it. Sometimes you guys I think make these things out to be way more complicated then it really is. It was edgy for its time so there was curiosity simple as that. Stupid games in hindsight but games were simplistic as hell back then. They had to do something to stand out more so they made porn games.
>character models
>sprites in a 2d game
What the absolute fuck is your dumb ass talking about!?

I was there and I endorse this post fully. I did not ever see any Atari 2600 porn games for sale, and I never played one myself, but I can EASILY imagine somebody buying one for the comedy, the novelty, and the faint yet unquenchable hope that it'll actually be sexy somehow. I can also very easily imagine somebody actually masturbating to one of these games. I can easily imagine my younger self being that person. It takes very, very little to get a young mammal sexually excited. Don't forget how you were back then.

Yeah, they probably didn't sell a lot of copies. But it's easy to imagine why somebody might have expected enough sales to make a profit. There was so much novelty sex-related crap in Spencer's at the mall. This is just like that. Apparently it sells, to somebody, somehow.
>They clearly had to sell at least something otherwise they wouldn't have been made.
I hope what you actually meant means something very different from what you actually said. Because that claim is ridiculous and indicates a complete lack of understanding of how the market works. Unless you're scamming seniors with unbuilt timeshares you almost always have a product finished before you make any retail sales.
Porn shovelware didn't sell nearly as well as is claimed. They were garbage and overpriced. This turd is actually one of the best of the lot. About the only place you could find them were porn shops. That's where I got mine. And no, I did not pay $50 for it.
They could have potentially sold much better, but the publisher completely mishandled it. Probably because they were a bunch of retarded scammers As a result they went bust in less than a year selling only 9001 million games. Yes, these trustworthy and totally believable gentlemen claim that one of their turds outsold obscure garbage such as Yars, Galaxian, Air Raid, and many others.
I had Custer Revenge in an multigame Atari knockoff when I was a kid.
I remember my dad saw the game and cracked laughing till his sides hurt. Good times.
The point of the game is to eat em every time he beats em
Thanks for the info, this is the only post in the thread that explains the novelty without just saying "hurr durr retard"
>I don't see someone seeking out these porno games for a laugh.
hello zoomy zoomzoom. when these were released some 40 odd years ago, this shit was hilarious. it's not like kids had easy access to this stuff. there's probably more bootleg copies of these x-rated games than legit.

factual post.
it's just coombait of the time, just like how lolipop chainsaw and stellar blade are now
>beaten to it by 16 minutes
aight, gonna kms
I feel like a lot of these games were made under the bizarre assumption that video games somehow never would look better than this, and if you wanted porn from the medium this was the best you could do.
>I find it incredibly hard to believe people got off to this stuff
Before porn was as easily accessible as it is now, horny little faggots got off to the weirdest things.
I remember there was a brief description of a female character in some fantasy book I was reading and it briefly mentioned her boobs. It did the trick.
Shock value. Atari had no quality control over software on the 2600 which opened the floodgates to unlicensed devs doing anything they want and they decided to make porn-themed games to stand out and drive sales since they clearly didn't have the talent or tech to make compelling gameplay. This is why Nintendo implemented their strict licensing and quality control policies but it still didn't stop some devs from releasing games like Bubble Bath Babes for it for the same reason.
>he can't enjoy the pixels
I feel sorry for your lack of imagination.
I don't remember seeing any sales figures for these games. I hadn't even heard of them until well after the Atari hey days were history.
Were they actually successful?
Maybe therein lies your answer.
>pornographic and even borderline pornographic content always sells well
>videogames start taking over the market
>some companies think "Hey, porn sells, videogames are hot, let's make porn games"
>quickly realize the hardware isn't powerful enough to make anything genuinely titillating
>"OK, so maybe the games are turning out to be more silly than sexy, let's just rely on the enticing boxart and marketing copy to move copies, or maybe people will buy them for the novely"
Whenever there's some new visual medium, you can bet somebody is going to immediately try to use it to make and sell porn. By the time more powerful PCs and the NES/FC rolled around, it was at least justified, since with those you could at least produce something worth masturbating to.
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I mean... isn't it obvious? It was for us to jerk off.

"Oh, but it sucks! It's graphics are too bad! How can you jerk off to this?" We adapt to whatever we've got at a point in time, it's why we had an amazing time with Playboy magazines that now would be considered tame, time passes, that's it.

Think of this as the Hentai/18+ VNs of our time.
They sold. The people who made them got paid. Everyone laughed.

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