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I recently got the 30th anniversary fanbook for PSIV that detailed some info on ideas they had for Phantasy Star V.

Anyways feel free to talk about the Classic or the older PSO titles here.
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>PHANTASY STAR Millennium Continuity Story
2023/11/7 Kazuyoshi Tsugawa
>The subject was "The continuation of the millennium," and while I was turning over documents from that time to recall various things, I found a text in a file that looked exactly like a story for a sequel, among my private notes.
>The date was August 1994. The year after the release of the millennium. I had completely forgotten about it until now, and even when I read it back, I can only recall that I might have written it, but it was roughly like this.
>After defeating the "Profound Darkness," Algol mankind steadily regained their scientific civilization and eventually succeeded in the practical application of hyperspace navigation. They sent out immigrants to neighboring star systems and established an interstellar federation.
>However, as each star system developed, conflicts of mutual interests became more serious. The central government's aggressive intervention in an attempt to control the situation further aggravated the situation, and the Federation rapidly became unstable. Although peace has been maintained on the surface, dark struggles continue behind the scenes among intelligence organizations, operative organizations, and undeclared armed groups of each star system's military.
>Perhaps because of this unsettled situation? (A religion that worships the "Great Light" as a god has gathered a large number of members throughout the Federation, and has grown into a huge interstellar cult. It even had its own fleet and exercised influence over the governments of various star systems and the central government of the Federation.
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>On the other hand, forces opposed to the cult's authoritarian nature and political intervention were also active in various regions. There are even thought groups that view the doctrine itself, which relies on the "Great One," as problematic, and their leader is rumored to be the current Lutz.
>Meanwhile, Rykros, the fourth planet of the Algol system, which had been undetectable by any sensors since the defeat of the (Profound Darkness), suddenly makes its appearance. The Order, which regarded Rykros as a legacy of the (Great Light), was the first to dispatch a survey team and discovered a (seemingly) Palman boy sleeping inside a crystalline body.
>When the boy awoke, he did not even remember his own name, but he was able to manipulate supernatural powers that were neither magic nor technique, and could even bring the dead back to life.
The cult propagated the boy as a messenger of the "great light" and enshrined him as the head of the cult.
>At the same time, however, a child with the same powers as the boy was born unnoticed on a remote immigrant planet in a more rural area... .
>The rest of the story is more or less concrete. The rest of the story is only "This child is the protagonist, and the story will depend on how he or she navigates between the various forces.
At the time, I was thinking, "If I were to make a sequel, I would like to put some kind of closure on the relationship between Algol and (the Great Light)," and I wrote the introduction as a test. It was just my own personal fantasy, and I had no intention of putting it together as a game plan or anything like that...
>It's a bit embarrassing to show it to the public 29 years later, but since I dug it up, I'll just say it was meant for the right occasion….
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The book contains a prequal comic by Yoshibon (the artist for PSIV) regarding Zio past as a failed successor to Lutz
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Thanks for the translated comic, OP! It dramatically improved my day to read! Have a random image from my PS folder as thanks!
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What a delightful little series. I love Phantasy Star.
According toYuji Naka, An evil female Lutz successor was planned to be in PSO story but war removed because of time constraints, you can still see a glimpse of her holding the Rykros staff in PSO credits.
Holy shit I was trying to find a screenshot of this a few months ago based on vague childhood memories so I thought I made it up.
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PSO has a lot of lost links to when it had more to do with the original series.

Female Lutz, Android based off Wrens model was gonna make an appearance, Ragol looks like the planets from one of the endings from PSIII, One of the rarest weapons being a literal bible titled Prophets of Motav(Motavia), etc.
I remember the seals had something to do with the planets, and the translations of the magic summoning circles.
That's awesome. I was always curious about Zio's past and how it overlapped with Alys/Rune's, so a story giving more background on him is cool. Thanks for sharing.

It also gives an answers the question of "how did Rune go from Dezolis to Motavia without a ship?" Even though most people assumed he teleported somehow, your normal skill can't teleport between planets. So I like how the comic mentions a teleport gate.
Anons, which one is your favorite and why? Pic related for me
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Classic: PSII, its deranged whiplash tone makes it very special to me. You get a game with happy oldschool sega vibes at first but then get greeted with a civilization thats on the verge of collapsing, a father mistakenly stabbing his daughter to death and suicide bombing, dead party members being replace by clones, the planet from PS1 gets obliterated, a bio engineered catgirl clones being created to breed with palmans to save themselves from extinction but all of them end up failures. Nothing else like it.

PSO: Infinity, Best version of PSO gameplay. I just wish it had PSO atmosphere but its still a blast to play and a far better version of PSU.
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Goddamn based thread. Glad I read that backstory about Zio. Wish it could cover his fucked arm tho.
... this is making me want to play a Phantasy Star. Which one will give me the best experience? I think I remember hearing that 4 is generally regarded as the best?
Play 1. You'll be surprised by how good it is for an 8-bit RPG, and 2 and 4 are both enhanced by playing it first.
Not him but the remake Generations can be a good entry too.
Can't say about the II but they're both very tough games.
I'll give 1 a go and if it just isn't clicking I'll switch to >>11065073

... and if neither are clicking, then it's just a bad game and I'll endlessly crap up the discussions forever.
or realize that jrpgs still just aren't for me... which still sucks.
Remake on Nintendo Switch?
>remake of obscure RPG series on platform that is definitively on its way out
You weren't kidding, about my only gripe so far is just the movement speed.
>animated enemy sprites
>black magic with the dungeon animations
>extremely pleasant sound direction (the ost is "fine" but the sound effects are very nice)

I think what's also boosting my enjoyment is I just watched a longform video of a horror jrpg done in this style. This genuinely feels good to play. So I should hit 2 and 4 after this, then anything else? Getting kinda excited to tackle this series.
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There’s a text adventure game for Phantasy Star 2 that shows off all the party members backstories. This website has translations for CD dramas and various comics made by the dev team if you want some more background info on the lore: https://yumpoplala.com/phantasystar/

PSIII has cool ideas but it was rushed and incomplete. You’ll go “That’s it?” At a lot of parts in the game.

Play PSO using the Ephinea private server. If you just want to play the single player focused PSO titles those would be PSU ep 1 and 2, PS0, and PSP2 infinity(the best one).
The PSO titles are random generated dungeon crawlers with Diablo influenced gameplay. You may not be a fan of the more modern anime style writing in the later titles but if you’re addicted to the gameplay it won’t matter much and you’ll end up wanting to play them all.

PSO ep 3 takes place like 20 years after PSO ep 1 and 2 and it’s card battle game. Enjoyment on that varies but the music is awesome.

For PSO2 wait for the fan server to be complete, after Sega connected PSO2 engine with NGS you now have to download both with a whopping 100+ gb file size and it made pso2 look and play worse. PSO2 is deeper with skill trees, combos, and fast paced focused combat and has robust character customization. Boss battles are fantastic and a blast to come back to and S rank.
Gotcha, I appreciate the recommendation and link. I'll definitely check it out. I don't know what it is about this particular game, I've started so many RPGs and usually feel like I'm forcing my way through them... but I'm really enjoying this one. The dungeon crawling is tense, the sprite art is awesome, and the combat is quick and looks nice. I'm enjoying it a lot more than pretty much every ps1 jrpg I've started and subsequently quit.
glad we never got a Phantasy Star V
the series ended on a high note
Anon, was this an licensed publication? I'm not seeing anything that meets the description. If so, an ISBN would be appreciated.
What part of "fanbook" did you not understand?
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I love Rika and her lack of pants
"Who needs pants when your boots go all the way up?" -Rika, probably.
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Hell yeah. I hope you love it anon.
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Tall boots are peak performance
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My lactating android wife, Mieu.
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>we will never get better quality scans for the PSIII side material

Wonder if those old ass 40 year old PS fans that ran PSCave or Gazeta de Agol are still alive to scan them again.
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People always go on about remaking good games but they should be remaking games that could have been good but got fucked over in their development.
I spent pretty much the whole day playing it. I'm about to go to sleep, but I'm 3/4ths of the way through and can't wait to start 2 if 1 is already this good.
I'm just hoping 2 doesn't rely as heavily on a guide for the exploration/story portions. The dungeon crawling is great and I never needed one there, but there are times in the story pretty early on where I was just stumped, though I suppose thats how you'd get your moneys worth out of this era of JRPG. You go everywhere, try everything, then eventually something clicks and you push a bit further. Still, hoping 2 is a bit better with direction.

All in all though, this is the first /vr/ related JRPG that kept my attention the whole way through.
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Id love a a whole 2D-HD remake of 1-4 that adds unused ideas and even include story elements from those comics but chances are low and sega doesn't have a Team Asano of their own to do sprite art and such.
They also buy into the absolute worst kind of (((localization))) now too and defend it to the death. Chances are it'd be a monkeys paw at this point.
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Should I play through all of the games in order or just IV?
IV has a lot of call backs that don't necessitate foreknowledge but you'll smile that you had it.
As somebody who was thinking about just jumping to IV, I'm glad that other anon convinced me to start with the first game. He's right in that a lot of aspects of it have aged surprisingly well.

Here's the guide I'm using if you'd wanna go for it. Some of the items and how you get them are pretty out there, but in general it's real enjoyable.
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For me the franchise ended at IV.
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Whats better Xenosaga/Gears or Phantasy Star?
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Yeah, I'm retarded. I read that as part of a title, rather than an amateur press.
I think PSII is quite different in design. It has a bit more structure to it, not as open as PSI. It’s more of a struggle, but very satisfying.

I’m a bit torn on recommending this, since the game stands up fine on its own, but I usually play it with this patch nowadays.
I wish IV had a proper remake too or at least the three main games got remade in an enhanced PSIV style.
Too bad I can't RPG Maker.
I downloaded the patch, but I'll approach it vanilla first and see if anything really bothers me.

Also, are there any other rpgs you'd recommend after this? I think my issue is that for the most part, the jrpgs I've played were more or less VN's with grinding where as this one is opening my eyes to how fun they can be.
Grinding out till everyone is level 25/26, then it's time to fight the final boss while stuffing my characters faces.
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happy 4th of july :)
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It's so dreary out where I live at the moment that I genuinely forgot what day it was. Apparently all my friends are staying in too.
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Well I wasn't expecting this:


Phantasy Star official TTG announced the other day.
Phantasy Star. And I like Gears a lot but Phantasy Star is better.
You got this anon. I think you're probably ready.
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I love Demi so much, it's a shame she gets sidelined with either being kidnapped or having to babysit the Motavia systems for a good portion of the game.

Sounds like early 90s anime kino, if only the mainline series didn't end with 4.
Is Phantasy Star IV an easy game? Kinda looking for a game to play after a big JRPG and I don't want to think but I dont want it to be piss easy either.
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As much as I did like PSO and put in so.... soooooooo many hours into it, there's part of me that's really bummed they never made an online game set in the Algo Star System.
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I just remembered how much I love the art for whatever this was because it was in the style of PSO. I haven't even seen so much as a screenshot from it though and people say its bad for some reason. I wish this guy retained his style. He does PSO2 now not that you can tell.
Your thoughts when hearing this?
II. The combination of the way the music sounds, the sheer difficulty of the game and the story and setting itself creates a really oppressive atmosphere. The text adventures add a lot to the experience, too. IV would be my second favorite. III had some neat ideas but that's about it. I like the first game as well but I don't feel like it's anything particularly remarkable.

I don't really like the Online games, either.

I wouldn't say either is better than the other, they're probably tied for me as the best sci-fi JRPGs. Xenosaga is probably my favorite of the bunch, though it helps if you know Japanese so you can play the DS version of Xenosaga II.
...official?? I don't know what to think about this. I'm afraid of modern Sega.
It is but there are some mods to make it harder. The last hack it got made the game well balanced and with more neat stuff. Nothing brutal hard tho.
Those last two bosses were super fun. Also, the OST that played when the castle appeared was 10/10.

All in all it was very, very good. Especially considering how some of the older rpgs don't age so well. Playing II right aftet is definitely different. The combat is a LOT slower, but the pixel artwork and addition of a story is nice.
There are some sections (Aiedo cave and Tonoe warehouse basement) that will kick your ass if you aren't prepared, but the game is fairly balanced.
A bit of grinding once fix all this. If you defeat a sandworm, no boss in the game will ever be trouble.
It just feels shoddy and cheap, sadly. Like, your sword swings use a stock whacking sound. Generation 2 is actually relatively worse.
I want to be a cheeky piece of shit Dezorian with a Newman wife.
looks like a fucking rpg maker game. sad
For once, I agree with that being said about a game.
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I just had a fucking forgotten memory flashback. I used to go to a virtual dress up pixel doll website called KiSS dolls and I downloaded the last boss of Phantasy Star 2 so I could dress her up as Sailor Moon. And holy shit the website is still up. I haven't thought about this for 23 years.

>no side view while walking
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I just realized she's wearing Hexadecimal's outfit from ReBoot.

There's also a Rika
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Here’s an Alisa he did for the 30th anniversary
Look at that little snapshot in time
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Here’s Yoshibon idea for a PSV. Chaz/Rika and Alis descendants would’ve been the main characters. Newmans have overpopulated the world and racism by the Palmans.

Funny enough PSU reused a lot of these ideas.
Would be better than House of the Dead remake?
When are SFC homebrew?
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All right thanks anons, I'll go through I-IV blind this summer, missables be damned. (Unrelated but I miss late 1980s anime aesthetic so goddamn much).
I wish you luck anon. It's been said already, but the PSII text adventures are worth checking out too. They're all quite short, so beating one or two shouldn't take too long.
I like her horns!
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FYI the Switch port of Phantasy Star has an optoinal automapper and a built in reference guide, highly useful.
Nei dies and I'm pissed.

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