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Anyone else enjoy playing arcade and point based video games more than games that you can beat or are heavily story based? Nothing wrong with the latter, I just like playing for points it's just more fun to me. Also stealth high score thread.
I do that almost every night after work. I just don't feel like getting engrossed with plots or sequences of shit, I just play good arcade games and shit. I have my og Xbox fitted with final burn legends and it scratches most of my itches on any given nights. I've been definitely getting into weirder stuff on top of the seemingly infinite amount of good to God tier shmups.
Picrel is chameleon
First time playing this game, saw it a while back while searching for stuffs. Its very fun
Yeah, I have a weird combination of I play more story heavy games on my deck bc I travel a lot for work and want to be able to continue the story, and I play almost exclusively stuff like arcade, score attack, 3rd/4th/5th/6th gen action games/arcade ports/shmups etc on my tv since I’m usually tired after work or the gym and don’t feel like long lore dumps. I think the hardest for me right now is slow PC games since I get tired of sitting at a desk. It’s really hard for me to get back into old school RTS or RPGs on the PC.
>I do that almost every night after work. I just don't feel like getting engrossed with plots or sequences of shit, I just play good arcade games and shit
Basically in the same boat. I ran out of patience for plots long time ago,
I think it doesn’t help that getting older makes you realize most game plots are absolute shit. Most of what people remember fondly are characters or moments that rise above, but the collective story is usually not good. There are some really cool games that are way out there story wise and genuinely thought provoking but they’re far and few between. Carmack was fucking right. I honestly think the best games are the ones where there’s not an apparent story or it’s very light but there’s great atmosphere and crumbs of story, it allows your imagination to fill in the rest. Show, don’t tell.
What's your favorite arcade game anons? Mines a basic bitch answer, Donkey Kong.
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Robotron. It's a shame my local place has a Joust instead, which is also great but not quite.
I like levels.
I sorely miss levels in modern 3d games.
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I was so close to reaching my 100k goal on NES DK, then the fall damage fucked me.
You'll get there, but why the nes version?
>but why the nes version?
Just easier to access for me, I got my Twin Famicom hooked up and my PC is kinda dormant right now (phoneposters rise up). Plus the pie factory isn't really a huge loss to me.
It can be both. I enjoy a good point n click once in a blue moon (im the poster, other anon replied to) and ive gotten into tje sega cd library of DMV sequence games, which are mindless 90s cheese in the best way. Though, you are right, as I get older the plots to these games are lackluster at best and it gets harder to find engaging games that I am willing to spend time playing. Arcade games are just so easy to pick up and get lost in. Learning a new games mechanics or going back for a high score or 1cc, it has longevity that a story game will tarnish itself from after the first or second time around. Ive played donkey Kong, congo bongo, ms. Pacman, asteroids, space invaders, centipede, etc... literally hundreds of times through most screens/stages and the ever increasing skill to get that much better coupled with the mechanics and aesthetic of the game itself are always a good time.
Cool beans
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I did it.
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>the ever increasing skill to get that much better coupled with the mechanics and aesthetic of the game itself are always a good time.
Firetrap is one of those games
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Recently I have, yeah. I’ve been working on improving at my old favorites (DK, Ms. Pac Man), discovering new favorites, and even getting into shmups.
I love that the games get right into the action and never feel “repetitive” like replaying storyline games can.
>Show, don’t tell.
These are the only story games I can play anymore. The stories of games that use the “show not tell” style are almost always better than the stories of games that use cutscenes as well, imo.
I recently played (not /vr/) Titanfall 2 and was disappointed at how much they sacrificed their genuinely amazing gameplay in favor of a boring and generic storyline. The game would have been 10x better if there were no storyline at all and it was just constant mech battles and wallrunning gunfights.
Congratz anon. I’m also working towards that at the moment, but playing on MAME feels a lot different than what Im used to on Switch (which I believe is also the NES version). Specifically, the jump on the elevator level feels a lot more tight on MAME. But it could just be placebo.
i wish we had modern 2d arcade style games on consoles. even by 6th gen that shit was dead.
>Specifically, the jump on the elevator level feels a lot more tight on MAME. But it could just be placebo.
I practice on a good joystick and wreck house, but at the peppermill in Reno the donkey Kong cab's joystick was rickety dickity last time I went. Fucked up my mojo.
There's so many fucking awesome arcade games, you'll never play thoroughly all the ones that already exist. Be happy the arcade era existed at all, what a crazy fucking time to be alive.
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Can't stop winning gamers.
I'm just going to come out and say that newer games are better. They should be better, developers have more experience now. Things changed with stuff like Super Mario Bros and Zelda, because developers realized that home play was different than quarter eater arcade games. Having said that, the old arcade games are still fun. We weren't just pretending to be happy about the flashing light, there is legitimate entertainment to he had there.
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Bumping with another 100k PB. I'm gonna be honest, the early 80s feels like the peak for Nintendo. Raw gameplay and fun.
Space Invaders. An even more basic bitch answer, but I love it.
There are some old arcade games that are very close to my heart. Joust has always been at the top of my list. Asteroids was good. I once played a crazy version at a state college built using a oscilloscope display and it had bright phosphorus lines and dots that sort of twinkled when you fired with tracers behind them.

I liked how the arcade used to be the testing ground for new ideas. I wish we still had that.
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Battle Garegga. But if we're talking classic era, then it's Defender.
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Recently I discovered Gravitar which is a vector based shooter with thruster controls like Asteroids. It features a map of the solar system (which you can be attacked on) that you travel through to various planets which are the stages, almost like a primitive Starcontrol II but more action oriented. Impressive stuff for a 1982 arcade game but the difficulty is absolutely ballbusting.
Still coming back on gauntlet 1 on my raspberry pi plugged to the jamma in my cab.
It's a hook (don't talk about gauntlet 2 it's unplayable the food drop is undercalculated, you'l starve)
Been playing a lot of Dig Dug thanks to the high score thread. Most fun I've had gaming in a while since I basically was going in with no strategy and had to learn as I went.
Kek, I dropped a few hours into it too
Always, just farting around playing some of the collections olinhave on my PS2 and just couldn't stop playing the midnight wanderers,until I beat it. Absolutely lovely. Like if megaman, gunstar heroes and metal slug had an abomination.
You ain't kiddin. SNES was really the end of Nintendo and the beginning of jewtendo.
Recommendations for FPSs that have an arcade scoring system? The only ones I can think of are Wolfenstein 3D, Rise of the Triad, and Dead Man's Hand.
>>11059291 #
>don’t feel like long lore dumps
It's a bummer sometimes, like I want to get engrossed in the story but I don't have the energy to care about words. I just need fun now
Yeah. I play both though.

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