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Sheela MMNK edition
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What are anons favorite difficulty in 2?
I'm playing on Super and coming to the conclusion it isn't ultimately a fun "challenge" since enemies will be one hitting mostly everyone. Leaving the weaker guys to fall behind or need to be carried.
Yeah, you shouldn't be playing anything but default.
(expand, is not game sprite)
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>Battle sprites are facing away from the screen so we can't make the most of this character design
Horniness finds a way.
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Every time I go to replay this game I'm reminded of shit like Mithril and basically having to play with a guide in my other hand.
She looks average.
I come to /vr to get away from what EVER THE FUCK these threads are supposed to be. communal jerk off threads?? can't you just go to rule 34 please?
I wish I didn't play other TRPGs before trying Shining Force II. I love the art style and and setting of the game, but the gameplay feels so dull and primitive.
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Nice edits! Sheela is my favorite MMNK because she gets MUDDLE2 and BOOST2. And she's hot.

>What are anons favorite difficulty in 2?
The only difficulty that has any impact is SUPER with a 25% ATT increase. OUCH! might have some AI changes, but I'll have to confirm that. One-shots are annoying, and I usually just play on OUCH!
>Every time I go to replay this game I'm reminded of shit like Mithril and basically having to play with a guide in my other hand.
>I come to /vr to get away from what EVER THE FUCK these threads are supposed to be. communal jerk off threads?? can't you just go to rule 34 please?
Sorry, not OP, but I was responsible for the extremely horny SF2 thread last time. I'll keep hornyposting to a minimum.
Shining Force 2 is pretty good about not necessarily needing to 100% complete to play and enjoy. Miss-able items aren't too impactful, but I understand if the completions in you must do it.
>Shining Force 2 is pretty good about not necessarily needing to 100% complete to play and enjoy. Miss-able items aren't too impactful, but I understand if the completions in you must do it.
meant for >>11059665
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General question: What do you like least about SF2?

Also, if you could change how the Dwarven Blacksmith is handled, what would you change?
When I got SF2, it was after being disappointed by a lot of other VG sequels. But, SF2 was exactly what I wanted it to be, so it felt great.

I don't undertand why everyone cares so much about the blacksmith, it happens at the very end of the game when there are like 3 more fights. You can ignore it and the game is fine. I usually just skip it entirely.

If I could change anything I would make the combat slightly deeper, perhaps more AOE spells like in the original? (Honestly I only care in retrospect after playing FFT etc, at the time I was just deliriously happy.)
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>cute fringe and ponytail
>big and round tits
>sleek figure



you're fucking gay
No, he got a point.
Lack of horse lower half nerfs her a lot.
>Ask smith to make a weapon for Jaha
>He gives me Levanter
This is why I hate the blacksmith now. Why the fuck is one of the best swords in the game exclusive to Hero when he gets better one a little later? WHY THE FUCK DID YOU GIVE ME A WEAPON FOR SOMEONE WHO CAN'T USE IT?

To add. I don't think Super is a good difficulty. Compared to 1, I think 2 doesn't give you enough characters early on. It takes mid game until you finally have enough to start switching
Jaha can promote to BRN, and then he can use it

bad oversight when coding, sure, but probably that's why
Levanter is Hero only
>Sleek figure
anon, for a SF2 girl she's incredibly fat,look at Karna
but on her defense she may be pregnant from her fiancee Lemon just murdered
Strongfat Sheela...
>another Shining Force thread
I slept on this series.
Is it any good or are you peeps just waifufagging?
Anon... that's Frayja in drag
for the dwarven blacksmith, it should either just be to buy the weapon you want outright, or pay more gold to get the better weapons (you're swimming in gold by then anyway). realistically, the limitation ought to just be FINDING the mithril. we dont need extra hoops.

additionally, if you can choose, then why have the weaker weapons at all? well, you could put the passives and "use item to cast this spell" abilities on the weaker ones, but the strongest ones are just raw stats.
meanwhile, almost all of the fanart of dumpy sarah and karna uses the master monk look, which is completely borrowed from sheela. she's objectively top 2 or 3 of the force (the others being may/janet).
it shouldnt give the levanter because it is hero only. if so, thats a bug. however, if you want a mithril weapon for jaha, you should use your brain and select gyan instead, to ensure that its only axes. and i agree, its stupid and useless to have a special sword for the hero, only to receive a better special sword 2 battles later. i think the only thing that makes the levanter "worth it" is that you can use it to cast blaze 3 (which is a MASSIVE step down from sf1 being able to cast bolt 2 or freeze 3 with swords).
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They're solid, simple, easy tactical RPGs. If you've played Fire Emblem it's pretty similar, with the addition of some lite Dragon Quest style town exploration in between battles. If that sounds like you might enjoy it, give it a try.
That's what I did and I got the Rune Axe. Just made me think how sword users that aren't Bowie or Slade got a shitty selection.
Fortunately, Bowie Slade and Jaha are my only sword users.
you know you can choose not to click on the thread right?
oh that sounds neat, too bad i suck at these kinds of games and i refuse to use a guide
Depends on what you want.
Basically, it's the SRPG series for people that are more into the fantasy of the genre, rather than the gameplay complexity.
>too bad i suck at these kinds of games
Good thing they are pretty easy, save for a few memorable tough battles.
Shining Force 1 or 2 and Vandal Hearts are my recommendations for newcomers to the genre.
yeah, its sad that birdmen (already gimped) can only get the counter sword as their best option.

and while the rune axe is 42atk, the ground axe is 39 and gives +1 mov. personally, i think the ground axe is superior for that. 3 attack that late in the game is pretty trivial.
Honestly, the waifufagging here is kind of a joke. In the actual games, you rarely if ever see full-body sprite renderings of characters.
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>his waifu doesn't have a unique backsprite
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I'm almost finished with Shining Force III Scenario 2, does it start right after the end of 1 (and 2 I guess) or will I have to see the same timeline for a 3rd time?
And is the Premium Disc any relevant plot-wise or just a fan disc?
Original Roy
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That's what fanart is for.
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Was RoDD really that bad?
Support characters were absolutely fucked in that game. I hated how you had to carefully whittle each enemy down to 1HP so the healers could hit it with their bonk branch and gain that 49 EXP. Then once they gained access to Boost the script flipped and suddenly they carried the entire Force through each battle. Shit was absolutely fucked.

For the dwarven blacksmith, I'd keep the mithril requirements and gold requirements intact.

What I would change is add a materia (for lack of a better term) slot to each weapon and lock the overpowered materia behind completing challenges tied to certain battles. You want Gisarme's instakill ability on the Hyper Cannon? Go for it, but you have to finish Battle 12 within five turns. And you only get one of those materia so choose carefully.
I don't get it.
ooh challenges to replay battles differently, I would love that addition--is that romhacker guy still around?
I agree that waifufagging here is just a joke, but I very much like this alternative Tao. Do you know the artist/sauce?
RoDD? The GBA port of the first game.
Picture? ナーシャ and ナターシャ. Play CD or Sword of Hajya
Then why are they acting like they encountering each other for the first time despite the closeness?
I played through these as a kid. You should be able to handle it
Their names are close. Narsha is from RoDD. Natasha is from SoH.
Yeah, it's from a doujin where the artist reimagined most of the cast. I can't remember the name, but someone on Youtube did a video on it, RPG Fortress I think.
Why is she hotter then she was in RoDD?
Shining Force re-uses names an odd number of times
>finish Battle 12 within five turns
cringe. turn limits are the WORST.
also, there are only 3 passives (heal after turn, recover mp after turn, and chance to insta-kill), the rest are "use to cast spell", and some of the mithril weapons are just plain attack. (i suppose im also discounting the critical/counter swords, because do they REALLY even increase the rate?). i dunno. the idea of picking and choosing alternate passives/abilities seems pointless and dumb to me. but turn limits make me cringe in every other srpg.
This is a localization problem for the most part.
as a kid I thought Khris was cute, but thought Chris was a boy's name, so decided then that Kris is in fact, not cute.
saved myself from furshit and fagshit as a child.
My name is Chris and I'm a guy, then I saw Khris and figured there's more important things to consider if you are thinking of waifuing a dog
I agree anthro girls are for human males but dogs aren't that attractive
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BTW, the first thing I thought was that it was a nickname for Christina/Christine or something. Fitting for a priestess to be named after our Lord and Saviour.
How exactly is she cute?

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