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The Duke or the Dukess?
I'm surprised the S controller is the most popular these days. I really get the impression that there's a lot of separation between Xbox fans and retro enjoyers. Not that there's not also plenty of overlap. I prefer the duke overall, but those strong triggers can make your fingers sore if you're spamming spells in Morrowind or etc. The dpad is pretty not good on both
You don't hear any ''xbox hueg" jokes these days
The Dualshock 2.
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I hadn't touched a Duke since 2002 until recently when I bought one for shits and giggles.
Now I'm a Duke controller apologist.
it's Duchess esl-kun
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This and the Super Pad 64 are the best third-party controllers I've used.
It's a good controller but don't act like a fag just because it's the last day of pride month
Is the dpad on the duke better?
Or is it worse?
A little worse because your thumb kind of fits into it comfortably, and you wiggle it in a direction to get an input. So basically it's just a less precise way to do a dpad. The S dpad is just kind of like a shit third party dpad. Kind of feels like an early genesis pad but it's smaller which totally fucks that whole thing up. Kind of like how the gamecube or gba dpads were just a little too small for their own design
I have fuckhuge hands so The Duke actually feels comfortable for me
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what the fuck were they thinking with this "d-pad"
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those old MS sidewinder controllers that preceded the Duke had a similar pad
Duke is better, yes. Feels more like a SEGA d-pad. S model d-pad has almost no travel and there's less response making you not sure if the input is registering properly. Never had a doubt if I had press each direction with the Duke's d-pad.
Fuck, I remember having this one trying to play King Of Fighters on NeoRageX. It was horrible, possibly the worst choice possible for playing fightan.
I never got the hate people had for the Xbox d-pad in particular.
EVERY sixth generation console's d-pad was complete fucking trash.
Pick your poison: do you like the mushy and imprecise DS2 d-pad, the unusably tiny and misplaced GCN d-pad, or the nearly-competent DC d-pad that became physically painful to use after 15 minutes.
There's a reason they became dedicated grenade-selector buttons.
Open the controller up and have a look at it. The duke dpad is just insane I've never seen something like it. I don't know what they were thinking. It's like a tall ass cylinder with four rubbers on bottom. And then of course the top is just crazy town
Who is right?
I know the S controller is shit, I play DoA with it and it sucks
I said duke is worse but I don't think it necessarily matters. I've hit wrong inputs in menus on the duke plenty of times. That said, most games it does what it's meant too just fine. Buy one of those raph adapters if you want a great dpad. Could even use a newer xbox controller. I think the decision between duke and s is almost entirely about whether you find the duke comfy in your hands
having only used later xbox controllers the duke has a charm to it based on pics I've seen that makes me curious. But the dukess looks better
Duke has a better button layout, Back/Start on a more intuitive position, better triggers, and it has more personality with those buttons and sticks.
S has a better d-pad and ironically enough it's more resistant, the stock one looks kinda ugly but it has more common translucent variants which look great
I think both are worth having around.
kys and go back
I enjoyed both. The Duke was great because if you brought one to a LAN party, nobody else would want to use it, so you were always guaranteed to never give up your seat.
very good controllers. Original duke no one with big hands could complain. The smaller one was extremely sturdy also very comfortable. Close to ideal desu. The later Xbox controllers have functionality but don't live up to the extreme utility the original Xbox controllers had
The Duke is a meme. When the Controller S came out nobody wanted to go back to The Duke.
duchess, op.
All "webbed toes" style d-pads are fucking disgusting.
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Definitely the duke.
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I recommend trying to find an authentic Japanese controller with the green jewel and transparent buttons. While it may look identical to the Controller S there's a subtle difference in feel and tactile feedback that makes it a lot better.
I notice your 3ft cord is missing too. I broke mine playing Halo, but the controller is solid.
I don't even have large hands and I find the S to be cramped and small these days.
When it comes to console gaming, go big... or GO HOME!
Anon, console gaming was always about going home. Otherwise it would be the arcade.
At least the DS2 was pressure sensitive
Well, they did make millions more of that one. The duke had a rather short run.
I think the PS3 was already bigger than it.
They're the only third party controllers you've used.
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>what the fuck were they thinking
Boy, it sure would be nice to have a decent d-pad, too bad nintendo holds the patent, lol! Guess we have to use the same shit garbage we use on our sidewinder models!
That's the hyperkin duke controller for use in modern devices. Notice that the pause and select buttons have xbox one controller icons, that's why there is no traditional wire
The s was much better
>t. was the best player in europe on multiple xbl shooters
I didn't know that. I remembered it being out there for a couple of years but it makes sense they had to cut it early. I literally could not even hold it as a kid and remember thinking it had way too many fucking buttons. The moment my friend pulled out an S, it was just obviously way better. I can remember that moment vividly because of how impressive the improvement was. Now though I generally prefer the duke and I have normal adult hands. Play with both though depending on the game, just for fun. I guess the short life of the duke explains why S has all of the cool special editions and such
Either one is good. I don't like their overly rounded buttons though

Still not bad
(The bulky ergonomics of the controller almost make up for the slightly stupid overly rounded buttons)

They should just make a few more controllers, consoles, games geared toward adults and let kids have that boring nintoddler crap (yes nes used to be good though)
What about the grey ones?
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Too bad Hyperkin fucked up the triggers. the Duke always felt robust, no matter the abuse. I was about to get a fat one for a general, all-purpose gamepad sinceI have gross, slender pianist (heard: penis) fingers.
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So why do xbox controllers have this segment in the cord?
Still use the S controller although black white button placement is shit. Controller is solid though - dpad ain't shit like in 360 and there is no drift whatsoever despite being old as shit
It was a break away cord so that the console doesn’t get pulled and dropped, preventing it from damage
seethe, zoomiezoom
lmao that's literally zoomer reddit talk
>zoomiezoom denial
not bussin nocap ong fr
nice projection
>Not Duke & Dutch-S
I had one of those but my niece dropped it and shattered a huge chunk of it, so they are rather brittle
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The gift from God.
That's the Hyperkin Duke, yes? I thought about getting one but seemingly every listing of it on amazon besides the 20th anniversary edition has disappeared, I guess it was a limited time thing. Given the lack of shoulder buttons I'd think it would be annoying to use for anything other than emulating original Xbox games.
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That is correct, I looked through my email orders and I ordered it in 2018. And it actually did have shoulder buttons. The only thing it lacked was wireless, but according to them it was because MS didn't want to give them the wireless proprietary.
That big potato was so comfortable in my hands.The black and white buttons were a bit unnecessary tho. I don't remember ever having to use them except for in TeS III.
Hi zoomer!
Having 6 buttons was probably done for fighting games
I have the PS2 version of it. 20 years and it's still running flawlessly(only needed the cleen the pads a few years ago). Truly a marvel of technology lost to time.
>And it actually did have shoulder buttons
Damn, nice. I wouldn't mind it not having wireless, wired is usually somewhat better anyway. You gonna buy Hyperkin's version of the S whenever they finally release it?
XBOX One perfected the XBOX controller.
actually its duchess. Also marquis is prononced mar-kee
Also quarter is pronounced one fourth
>Years ago
>Buy nice smaller Xbox controller
>Swap cable with a USB cable so it can be used on a PC
>Works nice with Project 64
>People start selling adapter plugs
>Look at controller... "well that would have been convenient a week ago"
Damn guys I really want that purple hyperkin duke. I know they're apparently built like shit and they're 90 bucks. But I feel like it's obvious these will be valuable when they look so cool and are limited edition. I feel like the simpsons comic book buy thinking like this. You know what I'm not getting it
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That was a real emotional rollercoaster
holy shit thats the controller from the windows ui
>thats the controller from the windows ui
big if true
kill all newfags
This was the best 3rd part controller I had ever used until recent times. Can confirm it was amazing, especially for the time period. I know people meme on mad catz, and generally it was true that their quality was bad, but this specific controller was an anomaly that went above and beyond.
I should try and find one..
>cool, a translusce—
*troonsitions into an ugly opaque grey-green*
>I am the one who guided you, this far
>All you know, and all you feel
>Nobody must know my name
>For nobody would understand
>And you kill what you fear
>implying transluscent isn't troon and ugly too
Can't speak on it personally but they're probably just as good.
WTF? I didn't even know there was an xbox version of this.

Agreed. They need to go back and stop using that term.
The only S controllers I have are a skeleton black and the grey and they seem the same to me. Dpad is a little more floaty on the grey one, in a good way, but it could be because I didn't clean them internally due to them being Japanese. Everything from there just feels and looks clean. Don't have an American one to compare against.
member when cortana was allowed to look good? I member...
You could kill a man with that controller on the left if you hit him in the head with it.
I could never get used to the white and black button placement on the S. It just never made sense in my mind and it also squandered the opportunity to put them on the shoulders.
Shitty Controllers you say?
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I used to have this ugly thing as my PC pad, then i got a USB adapter for my Wii Classic Controllers and never looled back
I have the GameStop branded version of this in black. The smaller size made it so much better.
Hey, that's all we had back in the day and we still pulled off those pretzel moves, god damnit.
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The madcatz duke was pretty good, used to sniff the shit out of the memory card port on it
The GC one they made was pretty nice too, probably some of the last before they turned into a meme
Then it became zoomer reddit talk over a decade after it was 4chan talk, and I'm not going to adjust my language because some zoomniggers I'll never interact with also happen to use a word
I had this bad boy, slightly larger than a controller S.
Logitech Thunderpad for Xbox.
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>it was 4chan talk
We made fun of the few people who used it back then. It was always queer sounding.
The dpad on this is just amazing, there's individual springs under each direction and it feels glorious
Old PC controllers are pure SOVL.
Not him, but I'm a zoomer, so "hi" to you. Sorry if you don't like it, but I'm too polite to not greet someone.
And also poorly supported.
Dualshock 2
I've never used either of these. What are the little black and white buttons next to the ABXY cluster for? Are they regular buttons? Could you play like a Street Fighter game on this and have the normals mapped to those six buttons? Or emulate N64 and map the face buttons one-to-one?
Yeah they're just there for a low key 6 button layout. They're fully functional though and have the analog pressure sensors. You could emulate n64 that way
What's the model name?
Had one of these too, but it had tons of lag, no joke, i hated it too
as an owner of this controller, they were pretty fucking bad on PC too

idk where tf people get off saying that xbox controllers make for good /vr/ controllers for emulation. the d-pad is terribad
no shit retards
it was literally THE microsoft PC controller for years

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