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Which one is worse?
PS2 is literally the greatest console of all time(tied with the SNES).
They are both the best due to backwards compatibility.
They're both good, but PS1 has the better library IMO. And the PS2 Slim, despite being legendary, is outdone by the PSOne model in size.
It's an underpowered DVD player. Just because it has a ton of shovelware doesn't make it better than the Gamecube or Xbox
It is better than the gamecube and Xbox but mostly because of its superior games and hardware and controller. Xbox online is great tho. Gamecubes handle is also interesting.
wrong question, both are equal good.

but which one has more SOUL? that would be a proper question.
>PS2 is literally the greatest console of all time
>(tied with the SNES)
LMAO not even close.
>LMAO not even close
you're right, the SNES's games are much better
All 12 of them
PS1, that era of console 3d looked like shit and a lot of the games visually aged like milk, and non standardized control schemes create some real "what the fuck" moments. Tank controls suck but those were the only consistent control schemes you'd find. Other than 2d platformers which Sony didnt want and honestly weren't as good as 4th gen and previous ones. Still better than Saturn's quads and whatever proto Instagram filters they tried to force in every n64 game.
I like how nobody gives a fuck about the PS, PS2 and the 360. all the dudebros who played those consoles moved on. meanwhile the N64 and GCN continue to be beloved by TRUE gamers
I like the PS & PS2. You're talking outta your ass pal.
But enough about the Genesis.
SNES is for babies.
I know this is probably bait but on the off chance it's not, I really feel bad for you.
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this is your brain on nintendo
PS1 is definately the worst with its garbage wobbly 240p 3D that just looks horrible.
PS2 is a fine machine with decent visuals and an amazing library of games. Also has a contoller with analogue sticks since day 1 which is a plus
Is the SNES just there to hold the PS1's drink?
PS2. Kaz made it to be corporate as possible and sacrificed everything that made the original psx library unique. It has good games, but they felt to AAA.
>PS2 is literally the greatest console of all time(tied with the SNES).
PS1's a lot better than PS2 and NES is a lot better than the SNES
It's okay nintenbro, the pschads aren't gonna stuff you into lockers anymore
PS2. EVERYTHING people hated about the 7th gen (piss filter, le mature games, cover shooters, consoles being multimedia devices, online subscriptions) started with the PS2 and Xbox
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depends what you want the disc drives on the original ps1 are prone to wear due to heat from the psu it warps the rails the laser sits on because they are plastic, ps2 drive should be way more reliable. slim ps1/psone is good though
PS1 3d games are just a horrendous mess. Terrible console for anything but 2d games
PS1 since I can play PS1 games and DVDs on the PS2.
psx is better than ps2 due to being released in mid 1990s
That's not ps2's fault and would've happened regardless, it's not like brown n bloom was exclusive to consoles.
Just use a pico psu
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The parent company Sony Corporation didn't really believe in it to the point that Ken Kuturagi developed the console in a 20m2 premises loaned by Sony Music.
If Sony Corporation had put in the means...

Ken Kutaragi was already starting to have stupid ideas.
The lack of idea or courage to make a real Dualshock 2 with a joystick placed at the top left and not a copy of the PSOne DS.
Lack of anti-aliasing.
Only 2 controller ports after the N64 and Dreamcast...
Almost useless USB sockets.
There's nothing wrong with DualShock/Sense analog sticks being where they are.
Better for 2D games and shooters.
Yeah, DualShock/Sense are cool for PS1's games...
Based Australia kun
yeah you could just get a psone tho
You again? Stop with this stuff. I already told you. You're worse than the actual shit poster. I've been telling you this for years
You're like family guy trying to force this bizarre unfunny phrase
>There's nothing wrong with DualShock/Sense analog sticks being where they are.
They are one inch apart. Unless you aim with the very tip of your thumbs, they’re going to smash together when you press both sticks inward. A lot of people aim with the ball of their thumb, and this stick placement is terrible for them.
Is the SNES is so good, why they never made a SNES 2? Ps2 got a ton of sequels. Makes you think
>crappy hardware
>both controller and console break easily
>hardware was inferior than Gamecube and Xbox and harder to make games at
>even Dreamcast games were worse at their PS2 ports
>the console that gradually started cancerous trends like cinematic games, QTE games etc
>Sony started to gradually focus more to American games to end up now making no games
PS2 , still the best.

>crappy hardware

Nintendogaycube- shitsmall disks.
Xbox Clock capacitor still killing countless of xbox OGS
PS2 fat and thin still going strong.

>both controller and console break easily

Only if your autistic ass is throwing them at the wall.

>hardware was inferior than Gamecube and Xbox and harder to make games at

Yet there were more games.

>even Dreamcast games were worse at their PS2 ports

There never was a dreamcast.

>the console that gradually started cancerous trends like cinematic games, QTE games etc

Also on xbox and GC(Twinsnakes).

>Sony started to gradually focus more to American games to end up now making no games

Never stopped having Jap exclusives Thought-out its life.
>hardware was inferior than Gamecube
When is this stupid myth gonna to die?
As a professional electronics repairman I can 100% confirm PS2s are not going strong at all. The most reliable console is the Gamecube handsdown. Sony consoles in general are junk quality wise. All the playstations going into nonretro break down like crazy and are annoying to take apart and fix.
You dont seem like a reasonable person though
They only "break down like crazy" because they sold well and nobody bought Gamecubes.
To manifest hardware problems the hardware must exists first, and there are nearly 8 times more PS2s than Gamecubes.
This, as well as, most GameCubes have very few hours put on them because hardly anyone was playing more than a handful of games. Tendies will go to such ridiculous lengths to defend they're holy grails.
>As a professional electronics repairman
>Nintendogaycube- shitsmall disks.
You are trying too hard here, you look like a retarded fanboy this way

>Yet there were more games.
Difficulty of development does not necciserily mean fewer games are released, just that it bloats development cost for no good reason.
The Genesis was much easier to develop for than the SNES, yet the latter ended up with twice as many games.

wtf snes wasn't that good. Kinda boring really when you look at what it has. I would pick nes or possibly gba/ds over snes
(Other than that contra ending, ya maybe)
Same reason why I only play 3 - 4 of their games. Majority of their stuff really is kinda stupid compared to other consoles
I agree for the same reason.
It's kind of hard to argue the PS1 is better than the PS2 when the latter plays all of the former's games, and it can output component natively.
The one big positive in favor of the PS1 is using an ODE to play PS1 backups is much simpler than burning CD-R's to play PS1 games on the PS2.
fr fr on god :skull:
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>PS2 thin
>still going strong
>There never was a dreamcast.
too redpilled for /vr/
>ps2 thin
>makes your discs thinner
I don't see the problem here.
>tied with the SNES
the top 30 games on the snes are phenomenal but then it quickly goes downhill
Because that was worth the bump.
PS2s break down like crazy because people actually played them. All the GameCubes you see have been in storage since 2003 because no one wants to play Luigi's Mansion again.
Anyone know the minimum burn speed on an Optiplex 780's DVD/CD burner? I'm on the hunt for 4x but preferably slower.
Anything that keeps a PS2 thread on the front page is worth it

Just select AWS/Automatic Write Speed
Every Nintendo console since the SNES is shit except for their handhelds.
If you think the Gamecube is even close to either the PS2 or Xbox, you are delusional.
Agreed, 30 is pretty generous though, I'd probably halve that. Both the PlayStation and the PS2, meanwhile, have hundreds each. It's not even close.
My current drive goes no lower than 8x
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just use automatic, it'll be okay
>Anything that keeps a flamewar thread on the front page is worth it
Get a hobby.
Agreed Wasn't that impressed with it other than f zero and a handful of platformers
Been playing with various DualShocks for decades now, literally never had that problem.
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Agreed, Anon is talking out of his ass. PS1-PS2 was a mighty reign. Awesome libraries, comfortable, sensible controllers, and gen two had backwards compatability. I also see a lot of people downplaying the dvd player aspect of the PS2, but man, in 2002 it was fucking awesome having a full entertainment device in my bedroom.
To me, the Playstation systems gets worse the further it goes along. In theory, I may like the 4 more than the 3, but at this time I still like the 3 more due to a lack of experience with the 4. However, between 1 and 2, I just appreciate the rawness of experimentation in games that was in the original more than 2.

The PS2 lands in my top 15, while the original Playstation is a top 10 non-computer/handheld gaming console. The SNES is top 5 though.

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