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what would you rate this game out of a 10
and you can also give a review.
Its a very good and fun stealth action game.
They look super cool
Its super fun lots to do and mess around with
Wonderful stuff
Has a sweet pullout
11/10, better than Fortnite
fun, but too much exposition including a psa about the cold war, and a bit too gimmicky

hopefully they'll focus less on that in future sequels and more on making the stealth sections larger and more complex
The stealh is shit, the padding with the key car and backtracking is also shit. Bosses are fun. 9/10
At the time a 10 for sure but I find it hard to come back to in terms of gameplay especially after having played 2, 3 and 4. The stealth is really limited, using weapons is an immediate alert almost everywhere, and the final boss and liquid car chase are just frustrating and dont work all that well. Hell Id say the entirety of Disc 2 kind of just sucks.

I really enjoy the story and atmosphere, and I guess thats what really matters with a Kojima game but its the only reason I ever revisit this one whereas the other games I come back for the great gameplay in addition to the story.
breddy gud / 10
wish there were more proper stealth games like it
9 or 8, the only good game in the series
back then it was like a 10/10 in erms of overall enjoyment
8.7 out of 10, it would be perfect if it weren't so easy and short.
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It was fun on release, and MGS certainly shaped my taste and heavily influenced my love of stealth, but I have no patience for movie games as an adult because if I wanted to watch a movie I would watch a movie. The stealth is mediocre at best; navigating a 2D plane in a pacman-like fashion is not really that good. The boss fights are fun, the atmosphere is good, and you can tell that it is heavily influenced by 70s/80s action/spy cliche, which is a redeemable quality. Overall I want to say 7.5 or 8.
10. Very good.
Story is retarded, but voice acting is top-notch.
Gameplay is very, very good. It always feels like you're in control, and the next item is just one button press away (shoulder buttons).
Length is so-so. After the first playthrough, you can easily finish the game in under 3 hours.
Just finished my playthrough of the japanese version the other day. Not a perfect game but a 9.999 game might as well be called a 10.
Less than 10 because it has some overt and useless padding, but a 8 or 9. It's a cool game because you are not even able to scum your way with a suppressed pistol in first person and the levels and stealth are designed with that in mind. You can self-impose a challenge to play MGS2 or MGS3 without the pistol too tho, they are somewhat different games.
For a PS1 game I give it a 7-8 out of 10.
The story is fine nothing spectacular especially if you played Metal Gear since it's kind of a rehash. But the presentation of the story is better than any other game on the system and it really is the origin of calling games cinematic.
Now the actual gameplay is less fantastic. It's not bad but it's definitely over ambitious, with the relatively limited controls of the PS1 it did it's best but the later titles played much better due to having more options.
Sneaking feels fine, it's just fine works as it should and you never feel like you got caught because of the game being unfair or whatever, it is always your fault. If anything it can be a little too easy at the start but that's to ease in beginners.
The shooting on the other hand is where this game really falls down, it feels bad and it can look retarded if you're fighting multiple enemies, it's definitely not the focus of the game and it shows, unfortunately it makes the forced fights and some of the bosses annoying at worst and boring at best.
Speaking of the bosses they are definitely one of the highlights of the game, despite what I just said on your first go around every boss is memorable and interesting. They're unique, and most of them are less of an actual fight and more of a puzzle to solve which cuts both ways everyone remembers psycho mantis but sniper wolf, despite being a great character is not a particularly good fight.
Overall the game is one of the systems top dogs in terms of presentation and despite it's shortcomings it's a great title, also the VR missions are fun and cool and an awesome addition but I am keeping them separate to the main game.
Multiple long Backtracking
Long elevator ride to Raven 2nd fight
Very short

Everything else
yea, well i was in middle school when Sons of Liberty came out and it was fun or awesome
now as a 36 year old. its hard to feel something ,
so you are saying it had a better feel than n64 games
Love everything about it aside from the gameplay which I think is kind of clunky but I don't see any way they could improve that without ruining the atmosphere of the game. I think controls are better in the Twin Snakes and the game suffers because of it(along with everything else they changed).
10, genuine master work of the medium. Pushed everything forward by a measurable degree and made many of its peers appear dated the day it hit gamers hands.
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>out of ten
Shit rating system, there's no real differentiation when rating anything below a 6 due to the fact that most people have their ratings skewed by school grades (anything below 60% is an F). Even if you're not American, IGN had this same bias and skewed everyone rating games in this way as a result.

Rate out of 5 like a real man. Even fractions of 5 are better than rating out of 10.
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The weak should fear fear the strong
Numerical ratings in general are stupid.
8-9/10. It's clearly a masterpiece. What's there is great. But it's a bit too small. Later on the game turns into a sort of boss rush with smaller areas and very little sneaking around.
A solid 8/10
THE GOAT movie game, for better or worse. Definately the best in it's series.
Not very good as a stealth game at all. Really it's just a collection of fun gimmicks rather than a game based on solid fundamentals, so with each replay it becomes less and less fun as you memorize those gimmicks. Great on the first playthrough though, because of the gimmicks. And obviously the story/characters/music/visuals are great. 7.5/10
I'm a lifelong MGS fan by the way, I'm just not delusional
by PS1 standards it's a 7/10 at best
by modern standards it's a 6/10 because the writting is fucking shit, in 1998 it got a pass because serious games with serious writting weren't that evolved yet
Very stylish game overall
10/10. hard mode is kind of whack since the game seems really fucked in some stealth segments without it due to the camera. it makes the boss fights way cooler though. raven and the hind without radar are the best bosses in the game.
You know how I know everyone on this board is a 20 year old zoomer?

None of you know how to use the catalogue
Review scores suck. 8/10. It's a well-paced and entertaining game (at least until the last hour or so) that manages to deliver a pretty compelling narrative. It's outdone by 2 and 3, although playing it is essential to getting why 2 is good.
>Verification not required.

Its crazy to me just how overrated it is. The best thing about it is all the out of the box stuff, easter eggs, breaking the 4th wall, however its full of dialogues that are pure cringe, characters that are lame at best, I think Kojimbo never was what people take him for but because gamers are so easy to please he is the legend.

a really good remake of metal gear 2
Best video game story. Best voice actors. Good music.
The gameplay is shit. Clunky controls. Hind D is a pain even on my 4th playthrough. You can alert guards by slightly walking into their back and even if you manage to get them in a chokehold the whole base goes on alert.
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10/10 in 1998
6/10 in 2024
How different did the story seem to you? Assuming you read and understand Japanese.
10/10, but if you want to really get into the mechanics VR missions is better representation of what you can do in the game
just don't insist it's the best stealth game
But honestly this is one of the few games that does "the cinematic experience" right
even if mechanically it's pretty much a reiteration on MG2 just in 3d graphics

I just wish it could provide more in terms of levels and actual stealth gameplay, but hey at least we got vr missions
I wish there wasn't as many long cinematics and Codec calls, but the game as a whole it's great.
Fun gameplay, interesting characters, great visuals and except for a few moments, it has great pacing.
>the exact same game drops in points
What's your reasoning?
+Nice graphics and excellent presentation for a PS1 game
+Good variety of weapons and gadgets
+Great boss fights and memorable setpieces
+Solid controls
-kind of short
-latter half of the game focuses more on gimmick setpieces while the stealth gameplay takes a backseat
While I don't agree with the anon, the reason is pretty simple. 25 years ago MGS stood out among all the games around it and there wasn't much else like it that had the quality it did. Now days though not only are there more MGS games but also tons of other games to compare it to. It's the same reason Wizardry was amazing 40 years ago and just good nowdays. Expectations are different, there's more to compare to, and the mindset people have when going into these games is different.
I think it's still a special game. Nothing else has really interwoven gameplay with storytelling as well as this game to this day, which is why I'd fathom a lot of anons are calling it the quintessential movie game. It's funny, because the writing is absolute camp if you look at it through today's lens, but even this somehow enhances it without wholly removing what emotionally striking moments there are. It's cinematic, yet concise. It's broad, yet focused. It's an enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in Meryl's codec code.
Repetitive backtracking
Doesn't live up to its full potential
Insanely good atmosphere
Very good multimedia experience
The game is 65% codec calls and cutscenes, so the highest score as a game it can get is 3.5. I'll round it up to 4. The gameplay is inexcusable for 1998, as if the product being interactive was just an excuse for a bad movie guy who couldn't make it in the movie industry to sell a shitty movie to videogame players who have no standards. It's an 8-bit MSX2 game, just with fancy 3D graphics. No advances in design were made within the decade between it and its predecessor. No advantage is being taken of the power of its platform for any gameplay purposes, just for graphics.
The controls are literally incorrect. When leaning against walls, left can mean up and up can mean down, because it uses the top-down directional controls, but changes camera angles. The developers obviously had no idea what actual user interface design is. And ultimately it undermines its main gameplay mechanic, which is supposed to be stealth, by having a story that mandates that the protagonist constantly confronts the bad guys even though the player's objective is to stay undetected. So the entire product is ludonarratively dissonant from top to bottom. Like a Doom game where you're penaltized for killing enemies.
So, when you factor all of that into the maximum of 4/10 that it is allowed to have, I'd say that it's 2/10 at best. It has great music, and if you don't have aversion to second-hand embarrasment, then you can get extra entertainment value from how incredibly cringe the completely un-self-aware terrible storytelling and acting is. In the end, I'd lower it further down to 1/10 because it has had a 100% negative impact on the videogame industry because of its huge disconnect between quality and success, caused by the poor taste of Kojima's cretinous fanbase.
The JP version has a way more hardboiled, Golgo13-esque seriousness to it. The english localization is all about cool one-liners and loud dramatic reactions -- which is memorable and acts as a mirror to the players feelings, but isn't exactly realistic for the setting.
The lack of foreign accents was a real bummer though (although standard for japanese dubs) and I had a hard time telling some of the badguys apart. Heck the Cyborg Ninja didn't even have a robot voice!
Other than that, the VA for Naomi really killed it. Her subtle reaction for when Snake talks about his friendship with Frank Jaeger had me choking up.
The texture work, vfx, sound design are unbelievably good
A solid 8.5 out of 10.
Graphically very impressive for the time, music is really fucking good, great dub that carries the writing when it gets a bit too sappy, but it hits the emotions it needs. Stealth and combat is limited and on multiple replays you notice the low count of enemies and backtracking a lot, but the atmosphere and variety of the game at least keeps you engaged. All the boss fights rule and most of the cast is likeable and interesting. Genuinely good game with some shortcomings, particularly on Disc 2. Vulcan Raven is the best fight in the series after The End.

It's not a stealth game and it's not a movie game and even in 2024 99% of people who played it have no idea what it's about and just hallucinate a conventional western plot over what's actually happening because of Jewish mental blocks and filters.

The sensibilities behind the game's design are on one hand arcade, and on the other advanced multimedia, a tradition which Kojima innovated heavily upon, but did not create. If you've ever played any PC 98 games, or really Japanese PC games in general, or more of their games than Mario before Metal Gear the way the game is assembled shouldn't be too surprising. The "game" is not a fundamental stock "game" form with a layer of "movie" imposed on top. The whole work is a narrative based idea, realised through various media techniques at each point to best convey the story, concepts, and ideas. What brown people on 4chan call the "stealth" body of the game is better understood as sequences in which you are simply moving from place to place. Serious fighting is best avoided during these sequences, which is a novel idea that creates a unique tone for the game, reinforces the seriousness of Liquid's operation and Snake's status as an espionage agent, but the game was not constructed to be a "stealth game". Metal Gear Solid is a "stealth game" as far as it suits Metal Gear Solid's ends and no further. Comparisons to Splinter Cell were always retarded but completely inevitable.

When you say "fundamentals" rather than "gimmicks" you're taking it for granted that all games should be "games", with elements other than conventional contrived challenges being secondary. You want video games to be about doing things you've already done before but with different superficial theming every time. You are retarded.

The PS1 had many "gimmicky" games, because the Japanese saw art potential in PS1 games rather than repetitions of "game" forms forever. You can do anything. Augment your premise with interaction.
>brown people
I hate this phrase is becoming common
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Stop being brown
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I'd call it a 10/10 even though it has some flaws, because otherwise nothing would ever be 10/10.
Highly entertaining, super memorable, fun to play, awesome soundtrack, cool and innovative technical features and gameplay.
it always kinda irked me that it has analog support and it doesn't really do much with it
If a "game" where only a third is actually interactive and what little gameplay there is was obsolete and badly designed even by the standards of the year it came out, and that's a 100/100 for you, are you just capable of enjoying literally anything at that point? Just a complete lack of standards? Is Dad of War Ragnacuck the absolute pinnacle of entertainment to you then just because it has muh grafix and good music?
>Dad of War Ragnacuck
why do reactionaries always do this? honest question
>why do reactionaries always do this? honest question
I suppose you should ask some "reactionaries", whatever those are in this context. Honest answer.
Guys... I'll be honest... I love the story, ost, texture work, tech, pretty much everything about MGS 1-3..... but
I don't think I ever genuinely had fun with any of them. I played them and beat them all the way through for everything BUT the gameplay. They just felt so tedious.

It's weird because I loved the Tenchu series.
it has cool aesthetics , as a game is shit. smw is 5x msg1
It's bascially a good interactive movie, with novel gameplay gimmicks.
The actual stealth game part of the game, aged poorly. It's not a good stealth game. Too simplistic. No real consequences for just killing a guy because the body evaporates.
If you're looking for a stealth-action game, it's the worst MGS, and it's worse than Thief, Deus Ex, and Hitman, to name just a few.
If you're looking for the "I'm really playing an action movie", experience, it's peak MGS, except for maybe 3.

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