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Why are Japanese games more likely to be passion projects than western games?
Why do you believe that stating a random opinion as a question somehow validates it as a fact?

Anyway, that one in particular is more about a passion for money than about anything else.
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>Why are Japanese games more likely to be passion projects than western games?

I think it's because the Japanese dominated the games industry in the 80s and 90s, so it's possible that the retro landscape is heavily focused on those games, but I wouldn't say that western developers didn't poor passion into their projects either.
They got to experience NES & SNES games without a middleman muddling them.
Because whites are soulless creatures that destroy everything they touch.
Westoids can't make good games in general, so you never hear about the westshit passion projects
Spoken by seething brownoids in the English language on an imageboard founded by a White man, on the internet, also made by a White people.
>on an imageboard founded by a White man
which is a soulless ripoff of a Japanese imageboard, completely on brand.
Because the youtube told you they are?
This. Browns gonna seethe, thoughalbeit.
First ever video game was made by a White man and the majority of the tech you use today, if you're going to seethe at least do it honestly.
Another dumb fucking zoomer thread starting with "why"
I play almost exclusively Japanese games and I reject your premise.
It's because Bideo James are still considered 'Otaku' not mainstream entertainment like in the West.
People with passion making games instead of just people trying to separate kids from their money
NINTENDO produces the most pimp commercialism kiddy slop imaginable
Japanese games are much more prevalent in retro gaming, particularly console gaming. Obviously, I mean most of the relevant consoles were Japanese up until the success of the Xbox, and the scene for game developers was not much different.
These days, most passion projects come from the rest of the world in the form of indie games. The same is true if you look at retro computer games.
The western passion project companies of the 90s were on PC, Warcraft, Command and Conquer, Civilization, that's what western devs were doing.
>Pimp commercialism
My new favorite term
I just think westerners are less patient and prefer to focus more on flashy, edgy stuff rather than substantial gameplay.
>implying the internet is a good thing
it's the business and cultural mindset.
In the US you're not going to get any financial backing to make a game unless you can show the market justification and how it will turn a profit and give the shareholders value.
In japan, there is much less emphasis on making money, and more on doing the right thing and contributing to society.
There are retro western games with passion put into them, they just tend to not be mass marketed slop, vs Japan where even mass marketed shit tends to have at least someone's passion put into it.
Assuming you're a console gamer, yeah, it's basically the comparison between various crafted Japanese products and Akklaim slop
Because the autism gene is dominant in Japanese genetics whereas it is recessive in the rest of humanity.
>In japan, there is much less emphasis on making money, and more on doing the right thing and contributing to society.
The real reason is that the Japanese economy has been stagnant since 1989 so the money will be mediocre no matter what so you may as well spend your time making a game that will leave you a good legacy.
They played fucking Dragon Quest and NieR music at the Olympics. Why do so many people continue to spout “this (incredibly popular Japanese product that makes shitloads of money) is actually looked down on as something for loser otaku!!!1!”
>two industry giants collabing is a "passion project"
>jap games are passion projects
>posts pic of a carefully planned huge release from a major developer thats development only happened as the result of billions of yen being spent both on the project and in the name of corporate synergy and mass promotion.

good b8 have a (you)
Japan recently realized that vidya and anime is an important cultural export, and the same 20 year old weirdos in the 90s are now approaching their 50s
Are they?
>jews are white
Retard. They are brownies from Khazar and Egypt
The real "passion projects" in the west were all the mods made by fans. Things like Natural Selectio and Counter Strike for Half Life or even all the user map settings custom games for Starcraft/Warcraft are were the real passion went. Granted now stuff like CS and DOTA have been whored out, but they started as just actual passion from real fan that did it for free.
Ironically, this perception seems to be because westerners into Japan are so frequently clueless otaku themselves. They're naturally attracted to anime and videogames, because that stuff IS the best cultural export Japan makes, but they're people who take up this attitude "people look down on me for liking this stuff here, but if I went to Japan it would all be OK and I could sperg out with people there".

Since these people don't seem to get that, while popular, these interests tend to be things you don't flaunt around in public in Japan, and since they didn't get that message, they assume that these things "really aren't popular", even though there's no mainstream culture in Japan of higher quality stuff to 'consume'.
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>Why are Japanese games more likely to be passion projects than western games?

look this dumb zoomer posted a false statement

ackctually sweetie chinks stole everything from west you dumb clown

Your final fantasy is just a Ultima fan project
The release of a new Dragon Quest game has been a borderline public holiday in Japan for decades. What are you talking about?
culture. They're much bigger hoarders. The average person in Japan is more likely to be a hoarder than the average person from America. No proof for that btw. People in Japan also like to sell their games to game stores as a form of storage. It's why the games there are cheap. They buy it back when they want to play and then sell it to them again when they don't want it.

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