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>Sonic Team: “Here’s your Mario 64 killer, bro.”
More like
>Sonic Team: Fuck you we're not making another Sonic game
>Sonic Team: lol lmao OOOAAAGH
>Sonic Team: let’s try something new since the future probably beholds a bunch of faggots and trannies.
>Sonic Team: God damn i want to fuck a gay ass jester

It feels like they wanted to spite SoA
>Here's your flagship sonic game bro
what the fuck is that bullshit
>made and released before Mario 64
You think crummy Mario 64 was even on their radar? Lmao
Sonic Team only made one Sonic game before Nights.
Nights is one of those crappy Sega games that really isn’t they good but Segatards will insist is some sort of classic.
Still miles better than even half the Sonic dogshit they shovel the fuck out these days.
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>One of those crappy Sega games
>That really isn't that good
>But people who are fans Sega like it
How did you repeat yourself multiple times with zero actual content to what you're saying. It's so general I could say it about anything
>You think crummy Mario 64 was even on their radar? Lmao

Mario 64 was the most hyped game of 1996, and was projected to be the best selling game of that year. The difference between Sonic and Nights, is that Sonic went through a lot of focus testing and forced design changes by Tom Kalinske in the US, to ensure that Sonic would be Sega's 'Mario Killer' in preparation for the release of Super Mario World and the launch of the SNES in NA. While NiGHTS, was made just by Sonic Team in a vacuum.
oh look a second anti nights into dreams thread right after we just had one calling it a gay floating clown. who would do that? go on the internet and make repeated troll threads like a subhuman autism on loop?
Seething nintendrones who drank too much oot-aid?
Yeah, everyone saw the N64 controller and SM64 at Shoshinkai.
This add from 1996 aired more times than any Mario 64 ad, and it is a commercial for Milk by the US Dairy association. It was also mistaken as a Mario 64 advert. Nintendo advertised Mario 64 pretty well, but they also advertised the N64 itself, with other 'upcoming' games. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJwFUNHtCJQ

Crash had a lot of pre-build up advertising. Taking jabs at Mario 64, but not going as hard as Sega did.

NiGHTS was released in August in NA, and earlier than that in Japan. Nights analog stick was released before the N64 analog stick in NA.
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more like
>Yuji Naka: Fuck you you're not making another Sonic game
The industry needs more games with artistic integrity instead of pumping out a neverending stream of sequels for cashcow franchises. I will never ever fault a game as original and creative as NiGHTS, it's literal art. If it killed Sega than it was worth fuck. Fuck you franchise drones.
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>as original
kill jester
>The industry needs more games with artistic integrity instead of pumping out a neverending stream of sequels for cashcow franchises. I will never ever fault a game as original and creative as NiGHTS, it's literal art. If it killed Sega than it was worth fuck. Fuck you franchise drones.

It's easy to guess that Sonic Team was burnt out by the Sonic Franchise at that point, and wanted to make a few new IP's. But they should have been more cooperative with Sega of America on getting a Sonic game out from a B-Team. But I guess Sonic Team turned to Travellers Tales instead as a back-up. When the Sega Saturn was announced, there were high expectations for a new 32bit Sonic game from various different gaming magazines. Most of the gaming press was also duped that Sonic Xtreme was on schedule for a holiday 1996 release. But SOA was always sheepish when showing media for the game. Sonic 3D Blast kinda took its place. Holiday 1996 was a death blow for the Saturn in the NA market. Sonic R didn't do anything, and was a 1997 release.
The game's mechanics are great but they fucked up by making it an arcadey score attack affair instead of a more robust adventure/platformer.
Yuji Naka hated making Sonic games after the shitshow that was Sonic 2's development, so there was definitely an element of spite in NiGHTS.
NiGHTs outsold Mario 64 in Japan if I'm not mistaken. It's not that it was made in a vacuum, but rather it was made to appeal to Japan with no concern for the rest of the world.
>NiGHTs outsold Mario 64 in Japan if I'm not mistaken
You are mistaken on a level that can't be understated.
The Saturn outsold the N64 in Japan and NiGHTS was the highest selling game on the system that wasn't a pack in, Mario 64 would have to have had an absurdly high attach rate over there to beat NiGHTS.
I guess it's impossible to prove since I can't seem to find any concrete sales numbers.
Virtua Fighter 2 is the only Saturn game to sell 1 million copies.
No. The Saturn is a joke console, but at least get your facts straight. Sega Rally sold 1.2 million worldwide.
>The Saturn outsold the N64 in Japan
>NiGHTS was the highest selling game on the system that wasn't a pack in
You're really overrating that faggy meme game. Multiple games outsold it.
And yes, SM64 utterly assraped it. Pic related is 1996 alone.

I'm guessing that list is Japanese sales only for 1996? For a June 1996 release, Mario 64 did really well. But you can just see the Playstation taking over the Japanese sales charts. Also, the Super Famicom games were selling strong at that point. Mario Kart 64 also sold well for December only sales numbers. The N64 was really starving for games in 1996 and 1997.
>The N64 was really starving for games in 1996 and 1997.
It still had several million sellers though. A small library, yes, but every console owner buying the same 10ish games made it perfectly stable.
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>fly through rings
>one of the better games on the Saturn
>superman 64
>fly through rings
>one of the worst games on the N64
I only realised that recently. The only games I can think of on the PSX that involve flying through rings are the Quidditch parts of Harry Potter, which are the shittier parts of an okay game. Are there any other games that have flying through rings as a major mechanic? Doesn't have to be on one of those systems.
Uh, you sometimes fly through rings in Genshin. Like 2-3 times a year.
Isn't Fantasy Zone a shmup?
NiGHTS is Fantasy Zone without the shooting.
Crash 2 has flying through rings
>Nights is one of those crappy Sega games that really isn’t they good but Segatards will insist is some sort of classic.
First time I played it I thought it was meh. Then a few years later I played again but this time tried to get good scores(not just passing but A's) and that is when I 'got' it. It became such a fun experience full of sovl and one of my favorite games of all time.
Saturn version of Sonic 3D Blast which ironically has worse music even though it's on CD
khel jestuh
And it looked like total shit
so they made a game starring a faggot tranny? that motherfucker is gay lol
Sega: Please, Mr. Naka, our console is dying. We NEED a 3d Sonic.

Yuji Naka: Hmm… No. Gay clown game.
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Croc does what Sonican't
They actually need FIFA (in Europe) and NFL (in America).
Nobody needed or wanted a 3D Sonic.
>Croc does what Sonican't

If Naka played nice and let SOA use the NiGHTS engine to just make a 2.5D-ish Sonic game, they might have been able to 'safe face' during the later half of 1996. Sonic was much more vital to Sega in the western markets. But I guess Sonic Adventure was Sonic Teams reboot of the franchise for the Dreamcast. Retail outlets were never happy with the Saturn in the west, lack of a 'big ticket' IP like Sonic really made the Playstation and Crash a suitable replacement. The Saturn was one clusterfuck after another in the western markets.
yeah and what N64 needed was more WWF games, nobody needed or wanted 3D Mario
WWF isn't any country's favorite sport. It's not even a sport, just a series of sport themed theater plays.
looks and runs better than anything on the saturn
>WWF isn't any country's favorite sport.
and soccer isn't any real country's favorite sport.
no Sonic is literally the reason I didn't buy a Saturn.
Uh huh, and the PlayStation actually only sold 60 million units. Sony shipped 40 millions to Wonderland.
no sports game even broke the top 20 in overall sales for 96 or 97.
horse racing did.
obviously the answer was more horses.
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>the only countries are America and Europe
world-wide, no sports games got father than top 20. baseball hit 20.
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oops, looks like we were both wrong. the answer was actually more golf!
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>japan-only tables
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>"gee, Frank, how many games do you think we sold?"
>"eh, just tell em a million plus."
>"for which games?"
>"all of them."

Japan became a Playstation region the moment that Square started releasing games for the console. But Pokemon really saved Nintendo's ass in Japan. Also Crash Bandicoot clearly outsells NiGHTS in Japan.
that's the Japanese for ya, very efficient!
So where were Sega of America's brilliant games during this era? I thought they were the real masterminds (lol).
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>dies in 3 years
they saw the writing on the wall.
Sega of America never managed to make a good game. The only good games they "produced" were developed by relocated Japanese staff. Left to their own device they made The Ooze then died.
Was Nights any good? I only saw the references in Sonic Adventure
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>Left to their own device they made Kid Chameleon, Spinball, Comix Zone, The Ooze and Die Hard Arcade then died.
Yeah it’s pretty good. Short but sweet.
Are you guys dumb? Nights is genderless. They made that clear in the manual.
The game would be popular today if it was a biological female.
>Yuji Naka hated making Sonic games after the shitshow that was Sonic 2's development
>so there was definitely an element of spite in NiGHTS.
That doesn't follow from that. Nothing about NiGHTS indicates spite unless you have an interview where he said it was anti sonic or something
what about the aesthetics though
Fuck you NiGHTS is cool. I like my pretty intersex jester thing
But anon, the new trends of 2026/2027 will bring & embrace the idea of going entirely genderless.
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I genuinely think Sonic X-Treme would've been fun to play from the little footage we have of it.

It's not as good as the OG trilogy, nor as good as Adventure would be, but it still looks quite fun!
>The Saturn outsold the N64 in Japan
For one single month, in 4 years of its lifetime.

Meanwhile N64 sold minimum 20x the Saturn worldwide throughout its entire lifetime. So did Mario 64.
Why didn't sonic team just make psx games
why didn't SEGA just make the PSX
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I know this felt like a letdown for most back then, especially if we compare it to the cancelled Sonic X-Treme that people were hoping for... but it's an alright video game still, a 3D platformer, with its isometric view, and a Collect-A-Thon style just as Super Mario 64 was doing, just a lot simpler. It's a quick and fun run, and I can't recommend the DX version by Jon Burton enough... it's truly superb.
If you have to add that many asterisks it's probably not a very good game. Trying to compare it to Mario 64 on any level is completely laughable, they're nothing alike.

Traveller's Tales is just not a very good dev. It's a miracle Sonic R was okay.
>It's a miracle Sonic R was okay*.
*Sonic R was not okay. it's the worst-controlling racer ever made.
the soundtrack's great.
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I don't think I added "that many" asterisks at all, it's not a classic or fantastic video game, but it's good and fun, and I'm not comparing it to Super Mario 64 in quality, it was a spin-off that got an emergency port on the Saturn because of SEGA being a mess then, of course it can't compare to Nintendo's major N64 launch title, I just noted it was also a "Collect-A-Thon" like it, just simpler.

Traveller's Tales has a lot of mediocre or subpar titles, mostly due to publishers rushing them at that time, but under the right circumstances the developers there could deliver, they're not bad.
Nah Sonic R is cool. It feels great. Just gotta get use to it.
>just get used to the wonky momentum bro
nah, just learn to program games better.
That's your skill issue.
no, my skills are immaculate. i dodged the Saturn completely and went Playstation.
The controls are pretty decent honestly, just a learning curve to them like >>11063084 said. The biggest weakness of the game is having so few courses, but the ones it does have are well designed and feature secrets/unlockables to uncover. I wouldn't call it bad at all, I've played tons of far worse and more boring racers.
sorry, anon. whatever soft spot you and the other anon have for the game, it has never been considered anything other than extremely shoddy.
it is literally not possible to keep top speed and not bump in to everything or fly off the track. a racer where you have to slow to a crawl to make a clean turn is not a good racer.
there's way too much sliding, like everything's made out of ice.
You can jump, you know. That gives you far more control and lets you keep your speed when maneuvering.

The fact that you sucked at the game and never tried to figure out how to actually play it doesn't mean it's a bad game. I don't have any reason to have a soft spot for it, I only ever played it as part of Gems Collection years after its relevance.
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>Just because this game got terrible reviews and everyone hates it doesn't mean it's a bad game. YOU'RE a bad game!
and we haven't even talked about the terrible camera yet. doesn't work with the track designs at all, there are many spots where all you'll be able to see is a wall. so then you have to stop and sloooowly turn to try and find the intended path.
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What the fuck? The fucking camera is fucking....NOT showing me fucking every fucking thing correctly? What the fuck? How can I go on like this what the fuck sonic fucking sonic HELP me sonic fuck fucking fuck
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sounds like a skill issue, m8.
just dump the ISO, load it in to a hex editor, and manually fix TT's shitty camera system for them.
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let me guess, Sonic R was the only game you had.
STI were incompetent, a new engine wouldn't make the game come out.
why did Sonic Team keep trying to escape Japan and set up shop in their studios tho
Die hard arcade is just a localized Dynamite deka.
Can we have a different thread, please?
reverse. DHA was developed first, in 1996. SEGA didn't hold the rights to Die Hard in Japan so they stripped the IP.
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>Released July 1996
>JP: July 1996[2][1]
>NA: August 1996[1]
You lying fuck
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basically they made a Die Hard game and angled to get it turned official.
>Still launched earlier in japan
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That's literally the japanese release date.
it's literally not. it's literally attached to the Die Hard Arcade release. which literally could not be published in Japan without the license. so unless you can literally come up with a valid source, i guess you literally don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Sonic R is awesome though. Its the only racing game that feels so free. Im not sure what you're trying to do here dude. You cant prove someones opinion wrong
all i'm doing is stating facts, my man. you also can't prove it didn't receive lackluster reviews and low sales.
It is the japanese release date, learn to search.
>Traveller's Tales is just not a very good dev. It's a miracle Sonic R was okay.

The thing about Travellers Tales is that they were always incredibly competent when it came to the technical aspects of their games. Mickey Mania looks great, Toy Story (16 bit) has a lot of technical wizardry behind it, Sonic 3D Blast on the Genesis/ Mega Drive is quite impressive, Sonic R shows off a great looking engine, Even games like Rascal on the PS1 look fantastic. But the gameplay/ game design can be hit or miss. Current TT sticks to lego licensed games and they have that locked down.
Man what facts. Im just saying I like it. What are you even trying to do.
So fucking weird dude.
>basically they made a Die Hard game and angled to get it turned official.

Thanks for clarification. I do remember playing the arcade game, and I swear it was released as Die Hard first. But, I guess it was just a Die Hard inspired game that had the Die Hard license slapped onto it and released as Die Hard first. It makes sense to add a well known license to an arcade game, back in the day.
so the guy loves Die Hard, makes a Hie Dard game and takes it to Fox before it's even finished to get it officially turned in to a Die Hard game.
sounds like it was always meant to be a Die Hard game.
>especially if we compare it to the cancelled Sonic X-Treme that people were hoping for...
ignoring everything else, I've been hearing a lot of people claiming that sonic x-treme looked BAD nowadays. I keep hearing murmurs of "it would have been unplayable, awful camera, bad gimmick, blah blah" but that's 100% cope, right? Having a 3d sonic AT ALL would have been absolutely killer for the system, it would have been absolutely good enough... and even still, the gravity-flipping or terrain-flipping gimmick they were looking at would have obviously been great for an early 3d game. I wanted to play it so bad.
The point was that it's basically a japanese game, you can't give STI full credit for that.
Is that they weren't able to make that thing run on a saturn.
full? perhaps not, but it was still a joint effort. they DO get credit for it, and rightfully so.
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Sonic Xtreme? never work! as if SEGA would ever made a 3D Sonic game with horizontal and vertical movement through a fisheye lens perspective.
I'm aware that they were exceptionally technically competent. But when it comes to games, even the jankiest shit can be more fun than an awesome looking and really impressive tech demo of a game that sucks ass.

Lego Star Wars was pretty fun but repetitive. Now they more or less ship the same game over and over and over again as far as I know.
That's not a fisheye lens perspective, it's a cylindrical level.
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which gives the same visual impression.
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No. Objects aren't distorted the closer to the edge of the screen. Those rings at the bottom aren't squashed.
This is how distortion with REAL fisheye lens looks.
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can we agree that SRB2 is the game the Saturn should have gotten?
No, srb2 is absolutely awful.
why's that?
No, SRB2 is a mess level-design wise. It's impressive in a sense for a fangame but you can tell nothing about its foundation was meant to make up a Sonic game, either.
can you explain how, if "nothing in its foundation was meant to make up a Sonic game," anything in the foundation of any other 3D Sonic game was?
This wasn't intended as a "Mario 64 killer" at all.
This is the real thought process behind NiGHTS. They wanted to do something different from Sonic.
it's floaty and imprecise. Almost impossible to tell where you're going or how to do it without having memorized it ahead of time. Short jumps are needlessly fickle, long jumps are totally blind. Controls are awkward at best, no matter if on kbm or controller. Graphics look good visually but become messy between the billboarded sprites making it hard to judge distance and position or the patterns blending into eachother. It's an absolute mess.
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like, are you focusing on the engine? other sonic games, such as Heroes, were built on engines not designed from scratch by Sonic Team, you know.
are you focusing on the fact the engine was originally used for an FPS game? i can think of several different examples off the top of my head where engines originally used for an FPS game were repurposed for other genres.
Yeah and it doesn't fucking work for a Sonic game. A more generic all-purpose engine can be used to build a Sonic game from, but not something as specialized as Doom of all things. You're not making the gotcha point that you think you are.

>>11063696 details it better than I could. It's simply a mess to play, 3D space is hard to gauge thanks to the sprite approach and movement is super wonky. It starts off with you thinking it might be fun and you'll eventually get the hang of it but good fucking luck with that, especially with such amateurishly designed levels. Maybe they finally fixed them up some in the past few years but I've played through a couple of iterations of it over time to see if they ever managed to make it work and it was a mess every single time.
>as specialized as Doom
Doom has gravity and a velocity vector, that's all anyone needs.
>Almost impossible to tell where you're going
looking for rings you haven't collected is a pretty easy way to tell.
even then, i'm not sure how this criticism couldn't be leveled at any 3D game with freedom of movement, unless the maps are literally hallways. how do you know where to go? you explore. don't want to do that? then it sounds like you just don't want to play the game.

are momentum based. short jumps are much easier when you're not running full speed. the longest jumps are accomplished by making use of the character's abilities. if you're sailing through the air as Sonic and you see you're going to need more distance, you use the homing attack.

can you explain how? or were you hoping simply dropping a few overused critic buzzwords would get the job done? as far as playing with controller, using the left stick for movement and the right for camera doesn't feel awkward at all.

unless you've got something you can pick out of a specific level, all of the billboarded sprites i've seen have been used for simple foliage which has little impact on judging the distance of a 3D platform. likewise, none of the "patterns" have an effect on determining the portions of walkable areas.

plenty of other "specialized" engines were used to create things they were never meant to do, i stand by the point.
>looking for rings you haven't collected is a pretty easy way to tell.
I don't mean "I don't know which direction I should go", I mean "I don't know which direction I'm about to head because of the physics and controls"
>unless you've got something you can pick out of a specific level, all of the billboarded sprites i've seen have been used for simple foliage
wtf you have NO IDEA what you're talking about. Sonic and ALL enemies are billboarded sprites you dumbass.
I'd much rather play Nights than Super Mario 64
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but if you're not playing on automatic, you'll always move in the direction the camera is facing. if you're on automatic, you head in the direction you're pressing.

still not seeing how it effects judging the distance of jumps, blud. especially when you've got a fucking shadow underneath all of them to help.
>I choose to not acknowledge your critiques, therefore you are wrong. Checkmate.
>i choose to disregard your direct rebuttals to my critiques and hope sarcasm saves me instead
it didn't
Mario 64 I think was Nintendo beating Sega to anything they could have possibly done in a competent 3D Sonic game. The game has momentum built into most of its basic movement and makes way more use of slopes as a way to restrict or challenge player movement than any 2D Mario games did.
>The game has momentum built into most of its basic movement and makes way more use of slopes as a way to restrict or challenge player movement than any 2D Mario games did.
Yeah, it's clearly inspired by Sonic games. Sonic Adventure successfully brought something far more ambitious to 3D space. At its release it was the best 3D platformer ever.
hell, Naughty Dog beat Sega to a 3D Sonic.
It isn't Naka's fault that westoid devs can't game.
Naka just wanted Sonic to die so he could replace him with an IP he had more control over. i.e. the one in the OP.
Absolutely not
Also I love how everybody on /v/ will suck its cock but that isn't really the case on /vr/
it's not perfect, but it would have moved more Saturns than NiGHTS ever did.
A port of Sonic the Fighters would have too, and would have the bonus of being a decent game
>sprite approach
Game actually does have an entire 3d model system baked in that improves the game. Don't know why it's not the default, lol
/Vr/ doesn't actually like Sonic though, /v/ does.
64 plays absolutely nothing like a sonic game and barely features momentum in the design. Absolutely asinine how 64 fans will circle around this.
>A port of Sonic the Fighters would have too
i suppose, and i'm surprised it never got one. but it's still, like, "anything to keep from having to make another real Sonic game." SRB2 would have the benefit of being an actual Sonic game. not a racer or a fighter or a compilation.
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huh. that's neat, i never knew about that. i always just used the sprites.
i'll probably go back to the sprites, just because it's not like it turns all the addon characters 3D.
Said nobody, schizo
A complete Sonic game, something that Sega of America never managed to do and blamed Japan instead (same Japan that created Sonic)
remember when Sonic Team loved America so much they moved here and started calling themselves Sonic Team USA?
Japan didn't like Sega or Sonic so it makes sense that they would move to America.
so then...
isn't Sonic Adventure 2 technically a SoA game?
I think Sonic Team USA was part of Sega of Japan.
everything i'm reading says they developed it in San Francisco, at SoA's studios, using SoA's equipment and that Sonic Team USA (which became SEGA Studios USA in 2004) was not merged back into SoJ until 2008.
Modern SRB2 is a ruined abomination. However srb2 was great back in 2008.
NiGHTS had the best chiptune music of the 32bit era. Not the best music but the best chip music, absolutely amazing soundtrack that remixes itself base on the evolution of the Nightopians in each level. The brilliance of the music system only becomes apparent when you use the music mixing bonus feature included on Christmas NiGHTS.
Why are segafags so fucking delusional?
Nah anon it’s just a fact that Mario 64 in 1995 looked like garbage
Nailing sluts and making putts forever the GOAT
nah, I suppose it didn't meet expectations but in hindsight it's a pretty cool jankycore title. I don't see what is the big deal over mid 64, but Banjo-Kazooie? Yeah, that's high on my wishlists. And that's the problem, there's no comparison there. It's a janky kino vs the absolute titan.
SRB2 is good for what it is... but no, we needed a 2D Sonic in 3D, with proper physics that felt like a Sonic title.
everyone's saying no but
>a 2D Sonic in 3D, with proper physics that felt like a Sonic title.
what does that even look like?

the physics were certainly Sonic-like. if you're standing still on a slope, your jump will take you in the direction of the slope, just like the games.
i say SRB2 would have given the Saturn a fighting chance.
>what does that even look like?
Megaman X8 I suppose. Just ignore the bike levels.
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so you're saying you want a 2.5D game. you're saying you want Episode 4.
you're also saying you want the gameplay to be stopped every 3 minutes for a text box.
not the other anon but what an asinine way to reply to a post

i'm pretty sure it's clear that he meant just the graphical style and not any gameplay hangups. you're right that they have made multiple 2.5D sonic titles by now of varying quality that are pretty much what >>11067301 was asking for visually but they all fail at feeling like the genesis games.

i don't necessarily think that anon is right and feel that a 2.5D approach might have be looked down upon at the time, but it would be a lot easier to make than something like adventure and likely would be a solid game if it stuck to the classic design principles and physics.

sonic world was their attempt at making a full 3D sonic work at the time and it's heavily flawed in several ways, not a surprise it stayed as a tech demo bonus in jam. saturn couldn't deliver the way the dreamcast eventually could for a 3D game as fast as sonic
and here i think we get to the heart of the issue. everyone wants different things out of Sonic, and no two desires are exactly the same.
>but they all fail at feeling like the genesis games.
anon, would you say the physics of the Genesis games are the majority of why Sonic feels the way it does?
so then you're basically asking for the exact same games except 2.5D.
> a 2.5D approach might have be looked down upon at the time
you are correct. and it WAS. NiGHTS' flying sections--as in, the majority of the game--were 2.5D and did not wow and amaze anything like freely exploring a 3D environment could. 2D in general was looked down upon, see the infamous review calling Castlevania 64 a masterpiece while shitting on SotN for being 2D.
Sonic Team already tried a lower-scope, 2.5D game back then, in 1996. it didn't beat the competition.

i still stand by the point. SRB2, a 3D Sonic with freedom of movement, would not only have been better than everything tangentially Sonic-related we actually got, but it would have kept the Saturn alive longer.
>A faithful 2.5D game would have been lame, but this mediocre Doom mod, now that would have wowed people!
Spyro flight schools
>giving people the same thing they'd already been given literally 5 times before except with a visual novelty would not have been as impressive as a gamestyle largely unknown by the general public because no one could afford a $1K computer to run the originator.
sounds like you get it
>a gamestyle largely unknown by the general public because no one could afford a $1K computer to run the originator
Anon you underaged dumbass, Doom was on everything and didn't wow anyone by the time the Saturn was around. Hell, it wound up ON the Saturn eventually after being on several other consoles beforehand.
star fox 64
correct, that's why they shoehorned mario into sports games instead of making a mario 65
>Doom was on everything
which banger port would you like to check out, anon? the 3DO ($699) one? aw yeah, that one's really known for quality. how about the 32X ($159.99 + Genesis cost)? you only ever hear good things about that one! nah, i know which one you mean. def def Jaguar ($249), right? that one was critically claimed.
anon, perhaps you weren't alive back then, but did you know that in some places, it was hard to find any port of the game, even the SNES one? like the southern United States? like around the Bible Belt? adults sure were concerned about violence in videogames back then, you see, doubly so in the more religious parts of the US.

point still stands. the general Sonic gameplay style had been done 5 times before then and already was played. 3D platformers were in. SRB2 is a 3D platformer.
>Sonic 3D: Fuckin’ Island
>it actually says Flickie’s
I didn’t have my glasses on when I looked at the cover.
The PS1 version, which came out before the 3DO version btw. And even back then many thought Doom was old hat.
>many thought Doom was old hat.
is that why everyone and their grandmother were making DOOM clones?
sort of besides the point, anyway, since SRB2 doesn't play much like original DOOM, now does it?
whether this game its better than m64 or not (it isnt lol) i still like this game a lot and i respect sonic team for trying to do something new and creating cool ips, instead of getting stuck with one game franchise.
Why didn't they just make a fucking Sonic game?

Do you believe they rebranded the game all within a month's time?
>Donkeys are zebras without the stripes

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