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Quite possibly the best production game controller of all time. What were they thinking? Who engineered it? How did they refine it? Where will it take us? We must all consider ourselves lucky to have been blessed with this divine treasure, which reminds us of our shared human heritage. Some claim that it has the power to achieve frame-perfect input and grants substantially improved gameplay skill.
>Quite possibly the best production game controller of all time.
Stopped reading right there.
I like the n64 but the controller is retarded
You read the whole OP.
It's like the Cybertruck. Some really like it, some really don't. Quite polarizing.
Similar to the cybertruck having a tendency to kill its driver because of its non rounded design and other odd features, the fans have a tendency to have hand pains and minor injuries with usage
Is shit against the Xbox series controller
For its time? I agree

Nintendo were the only ones who had the fucking brain to release a 3D console with a 3D stick. Sony didn't do it and now 90% of PS1 games control like shit, forever
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Yeah is a good pad bro, how about taking your pills please?
just use an analog stick
Fuck (((you))).
>games control like shit
literally skill issue
>Sony didn't do it and now 90% of PS1 games control like shit, forever
Agreed, Sony didnt dare to innovate on the controller front and games got fucked over as a result
>just use an analog stick
>literally skill issue
Sniggers defending retard design decisions are the worst
I wanted to say the same about Sega but the Saturn was just a 2D machine really so the stock controller is fine.
They should have put the analog stick on the left.
>muh steering wheel
it's the horn of the saddle, buckle up buttercup
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Why does this board have a ton of nintendo worshipping weirdos?
Says the guy who watches a Fox News report about gay hypnosis.
No idea, but it's quite annoying.
This, the rest is too ironical to bait enough numbers of vrtards to make this thread last. It's a great controller btw, because the best N64 games' controls were designed specifically around it, but you could still play them with other controllers since they all feel good once you get used to them.
Except in the case of games requiring A+B and the C buttons.
You really need good access to those 6 buttons in arrangement for it to work well.
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I like how it essentially combined the Nintendo/Sony's diamond button layout with SEGA's more arcade styled 6-button one, having the C-button act as the diamond, while A and B finished off a couple of rows... besides that, the analog's way too fragile and the 3 handle design is ridiculous and there's a reason it was never done again... I just wish the button layout got another chance.

I hope 8BitDo and Analogue can deliver...
>what, you don’t hate Nintendo like me?
Seek help
Control stick + the extra C face buttons that often function literally as a SECOND control stick makes it a million times better for 3D games than the PS1 controller and the best of its time

Yeah Sony released a twin stick controller later but almsot no game was truly designed for it
most retards will post how they didn't even knew how to use it because of some shitty murrican game that tried to use all the buttons available.
Yes is great and a filterer between smart and retarded users.
>Smart : is great and simple for 3d games analog stick, for 2D games d-pad.
>retarded : is a bad control you need 3 hands to control it.
dpad slanted such that it hurts after more than a couple hours, and it's less precise than the snes dpad despite being visibly so similar. Analog stick also suffers from degradation, though that's an artifact of time moreso than poor materials. Could have benefited from start and select mounted on the left side, mirroring the A and B buttons, instead of only Start in the center, so that left+middle controls had a couple more input methods.
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>Nintendo were the only ones
sega dropped this bad boy first doofus
How many games even used this?
Nights, and some racing games.
>non rounded design
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>no left position
Into the trash it goes.

Saturn release in Japan
>29 november 1994

N64 release in Japan
>22 june 1996

Night and 3D Pad on Saturn, release in Japan.
>5 july 1996
Bangai-O does this.
>controller is such a mess you need to show people how to hold it in manuals
I like how it looks like some sort of nightmarish claw that is reaching out of the abyss to drag me into hell
the best controller of all time remains the NGC controller
seriously, do you really think people were never able to finish an F-Zero race because they weren't able to hold the controller?

How much is your IQ to be put in difficulty in front of this controller!
It feels so good to hold and Im not even a nintendo lover
Many games do this, most importantly the FPS ones and S&P
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This might be worse than the N64 controller. It's tolerable for bing bing wahoo shit but generally awful for anything else. I HATE those shoulder buttons.
which games did you have problems with? be direct and give us some more info, anon. what is the problem with the shoulder buttons?

i even used this controller for non GC games and it always worked wonderfully fine for me.
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>no select button or left bumper
>asymmetrical analog sticks
>small d-pad in the wrong position
>small right stick and concave left stick

why do game cube fans praise such garbage? almost as bad as nintendo 64 fans
the most ergonomic controller ever, maybe. the new ones made by powerA for the switch look good since they fixed the lack of buttons on the original
I don't like how the d-pad is not aligned with your arm and palm, which was the whole point of having a separate handle for it in the 64. With the 64 controller, your thumb doesn't get strained whether you use the joystick or the d-pad.
The controller is fine. There are literally professional Super Mario 64 players who use the original controller design. Which means logically that it's not objectively horrendous as people claim. In fact, it's tied for MY favorite controller design with the Duke.
convex. Concave goes inward like a cave, convex goes outward like a vex.
sorry, wrote it wrong, but my point stands, concave's better than convex and nintendo chose the wrong one
Any fighting game, Capcom Vs. SNK 2 in particular which had to invent a stupid new control scheme to make it playable. I don't like the springy shoulder button, they feel mushy and imprecise. Almost every game plays just fine with a standard PS2 layout - it works with everything. You cannot say the same thing about the GC.
Also out of all the first party Nintendo controllers I've ever used, these have worn out the fastest. I've had several buttons "stick" and no longer turn to the up position. I've had shoulder buttons lose their spring. The D-pad, C stick and Z button all feel cheap. It has a super small cord.
I'm not sure why people defend it so vehemently. Nostalgia? Smashtards?
Even if you think the layout is brilliant the controller had big flaws like the joystick which eventually wears out and becomes floppy.
The stick feels really good when it's tight.
True, true, but we need to remain on topic: the N64 controller.
But wtf, Capcom VS Snk exist on N64 ??

The people who defend this controller, play N64 with an N64 game on an N64 pad.

When are you going to play a Playstation, Dreamcast or PS5 game with an N64 pad??
no one does that.

I'm talking about Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, F-zero X.
is it so hard to play it with the original N64 pad?
On these same games, does a modern pad make handling easier?

I made Mario 64 with the N64 pad. I did the Mario 64 romhacks with the Xbox 360 pad, it's the same, it doesn't make it any simpler.
its just good. the shoulder buttons feel mushy to you, but they work perfectly fine. im feeling the contrary: i love those analog, springdriven shoulder buttons. much better than the ultra soft L/R buttons you find on modern PS5 controllers imo.

the D pad is totally shit, i agree with you on that. fortuntately most game devs acknowledged that and you dont have to use it that much. the Z button is perfectly okay for me too. its something different for the time, really special how it behaves when you press it. its rather "pushable" than "pressable", if you get what i mean, and it is an interesting experiment. works perfectly too.

C stick also works and feels fine. it may be a little too small, but apart from that, its good and does its job.

of course we all feel nostalgia for our favourite childhood consoles. but so many people cant be wrong - the NGC controller remains one of the most popular among gamepads - if you like it or not. and for a good reason. its just solid.

if you have handled yours properly, it should still work. i got a few old NGC controllers from around 2004/2005 that still work perfectly fine. and if they dont, you can easily open them up and refurbish them. thats not too easy with newer controllers too.
No, all these things suck, the GC controller is shit, sorry.
It's honestly funny seeing the lengths people have to go to to deny Nintendo's legacy of innovation. Like they can't just admit Nintendo did some cool thing, they have to pretend their big boy systems did everything first even if only in the most menial way.
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Step aside, pal.
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Hey fuck you buddy
It’s literally the worst video game controller I’ve ever placed hands on. AC actual abomination that it’s developers should be physically punished for.
How about you learn A single thing about any topic at all before posting? Sega did analog controls first with a Mega Drive controller. Look it up. Nintendo's legacy of innovation my balls, lmao. Their success is not due to innovation, but rather economy and prioritizing gameplay experiences over hardware features.
nice try at baitposting zoomer shit
you've not held many controllers then
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Why is it that, despite Nintendo doing amazing controllers like the SNES and Switch Pro, many Nintendo fans feel the need to prase the most awful garbage out there? All of these suck balls.
Man, this contrarian shithead business has gone too far. Find healthier ways to interact with people, you stupid cunts.
looks like it has the same snitty handle shape as their ultimate controller, and the A and B buttons are too low as the main inputs
Wii U Pro Controller is honestly solid aside from the retard stick placement. If they had fixed that it would have been superior to the Switch Pro imo because it'd have a non shit dpad.
The stick placement is the best thing about that controller
>Quite possibly the best production game controller of all time

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