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Of all the Xbox games left in Japan, this is the most interesting one. It would have effortlessly found a following, especially with the absence of later Onimusha titles on Xbox. Maybe it wasn't brought over as it is sandwiched between Otogi and Ninja Gaiden.
What's the gameplay like?
>still no translation of drihoo and this one
Fuck weebs and their irrational west hatred
nta but how the fuck do i start learning if i dont like porn VNs and dont have the discipline to do anki every day
i have the kana down and like a couple kanji and words but its not enough to even navigate the menus in most games, and katakana tricks me into thinking i know more than i actually do. i had learned 習 before but i couldnt recall it when i read your post and only remembered after translating.
What you said doesn't make any sense
Some of us patriots also appreciate other patriots.
>nta but how the fuck do i start learning if i dont ... have the discipline
this is the real issue. Self-teaching is possible but there really aren't any shortcuts, if you don't have the discipline to stick to a study schedule then there's really nothing for it but to either train yourself to be more diligent, or to suck it up and pay for a tutor
spend your time doing something more productive than learning dumb hieroglyphics that nobody cares about
didn't drihoo get an MTL at least? it's not like it's a story heavy game anyway.
Seething dekinai
Don't play porn vns. Play other games with reading
Drihoo got one though
is that... an asshole?
>his translation was made with the help of Google Translate and, later, DeepL Translator. The author does not read or speak Japanese
It really makes no sense why a Japanese company wouldn't put in the effort to localize a game whose that is exclusive to a console whose main install base is in America. Doubly so when you consider it is a hack n's slash, a popular enough genre on the Xbox. Genuinely what were they thinking?

>the era when microsoft tried to compete with japanese games

what killed this era, lost odyssey?
I'll take this over the plague of wokeshit from trannies we currently have any day.
>Just because it's not actual dogshit, I will eat this moldy rotten food

Delusional thinking
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The xbox was really ahead of its time, it had Shawn Megaman Tension 9 and we're only up to 5 now.
You trick yourself into having the discipline. There's no other way. This is true of anything you really want to do or learn.
So uhh
What's the game about
the yellow devil obviously
He just ran some text files through google translate, it's nowhere near complete anyway.
How did Xbox get so many great Japanese games?
bill gates shilled the ekkusu bokkusu with a picture of him holding a hanbaagaa, and all of nippon rented out a seperate apartment room in order to house one of their own
bill and ballmer gave japanese devs a really small licensing fee, 10% I think.
They tried hard to break into the market
We got some great games out of it but it wasn't to successful at what it tried

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