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New sub!
>Game Center CX #165 - Dragon Ball Z - Super Butouden [LocationScouts]



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Märchen Maze subs when?
Zank you, based goose!
Still location scouts, no new geese for a while.
Oh nice, a fighting game. Those are surprisingly fun for GCCX Episodes.
Has anyone ever found the full 24-hour recording of the 40th birthday stream?
So why did they kill off the YT channel? I'm sure it's explained here but me no understand.

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Very nice, sankyuu sub-tachi.
They didn't kill it off. They made the channel for the 20th anniversary year, and they've kept it around but took 20th anniversary out of the name and won't upload stuff as often. They might do more crossovers or something later.
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>3 months waiting for a new sub
>it's a DBZ episode
I guess I shouldn't be complaining so thanks
The Pilotwings one? Pretty sure that was shorter. Lemmings was the 24-hour one. I don't know if the whole thing has been put together.
I don't remember exactly how long it was but the unedited Pilotwings event was really long, wasn't it? I remember staying up int he thread all day and people faxing artwork to them overseas and they hung it on the wall live. After the fact I've only found a 1-hour condensed version.
I actually really enjoyed the ep where he plays the NES DB episode. I know that's not Z, but still.
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oh shit new sub? it's about damn time
Gonna have to split that (you).
Lemmings was 24 hours, the 40th birthday was for Pilotwings and it was 12 hours. There was also the New Years Show where Arino played Kirby's Super Star that was also 12 hours.
How long was the Quest of Ki live stream? I loved watching the 2 parts + recap of the live show in Bonk's Revenge, but don't know if I'd ever want to watch the full thing.
It looked like a really cool event with people faxing in solutions etc.
why is arino so bad at fighting games?
TokiMemo 2 subs when

I understand it's a SUPER DIALOGUE HEAVY episode but please, go the extra effort ;_;
even if you have to just sub a minute a day
That was 9 hours, not sure if the torrent is still seeded, but you can get it here.
I watched the 9-hour unsubbed Quest of Ki stuff. The majority of the 9 hours was spent level 98. And when I say majority, I mean any part that wasn't a live-action bit from 20 minutes up to the final hour. That's 7 hours and 40 minutes of Arino trying and failing to beat level 98. 7 hours and 40 minutes of the same two in-game screens and the same music playing on loop.
If you ever wanted the experience of sitting there in the room with Arino as he struggles through a game, this is probably as close as you can get.
They did have him switch to Spelunker because he was making zero progress, but they switched back to Ki soon after.
I’m always shocked at how bad he is at most platformers as well. I remember one of the young ad’s was getting pissed at him for how shit he was at New Zealand Story. He sucks at racing games like Mario Kart and F-Zero as well. Puzzle games are his forte.
Finally a sub for an older episode instead of something from the past few years.
A little late for the RIP Toriyama meme
He isn't good at anything, and Puzzle games typically don't require fast reaction time. If anything, he's slowing down and his reaction time is getting worse with age, not better.
>Season 28: Episode 5 (#381) "Gun shooting" premieres on Thursday, July 11th.

we'll know in about 6-12 hours time so place your bets. Time Crisis seems the most reasonable.
The typical announcement time is in just over 5 hours. I agree on Time Crisis.
>4 hours 52 minutes
About 5 hours 9 minutes from that post. Like 11 minutes from now.
It's Virtua Cop!
Oh that's even better. I get Virtua Cop and Time Crisis totally mixed up in my mind.
>Mega Drive and PC Engine

Okay I think combined these systems still had fewer games than the Super Famicom. What console will they do next? N64? Then... what? If they do PlayStation I think it'd take them a literal decade to do it at their rate.
I think Game Boy Color would be a good fit. It's like the last hurrah for (legitimately due to limitations, non-nostalgia bait) NES/"8 bit" style games. And for similar reasons, seeing that followed up with the GBA would be nice.
Nice, thanks
Yo, that's awesome! Will he play with the gun, or the controller? Was a bit disappointed he played HOTD on Saturn with the controller for most of the way.
His arm would have fallen off if he tried to play with the light gun the entire time.
>Game Boy Color
They didn't even finish the game boy showcase properly since they cut it off at 1994 when it was still getting games until 1998. And that doesn't include the game boy color.
I guess we'll see how much he struggles with the gun and what help he gets.
does anyone have a Google sheets with the episodes to track which ones you've seen? I have one but it's super outdated (meaning it's missing a lot of seasons)
My top 5 wishlist:
>goof troop
>DoReMi Fantasy Milon's DokiDoki Adventure
>Musya: The Classic Japanese Tale of Horror
>Operation Logic Bomb
>Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
> まさかのお助けアイテム
Is there a mouse controller for virtua cop Saturn?
Because 9/10 it feels like that’s the helping item he gets halfway through the challenge
Yep, compatible with Virtua Cop.
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>tune into the twitch stream
>it's Lemmings again
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Are GCCX generals doomed to die without Ogawaposting?

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