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Is it worth playing? I don't hear much about it, even from people who love the original Vice City.
My first GTA game :) I was 8 or 9 when I first played it.
Good visuals not present in the PC version that I had. But it has more loading screens.
wrong game
You may be confusing it with Vice City.
Vice City Stories is a great PSP game, on PS2 it has enhanced graphics and better gameplay due its second analog plus L2; 3, R2; 3. The thing with PS2 ver. is that it lacks of multiplayer and the framerate is awful, but on PCSX2 it runs smooth.

If I play GTA: VCS in 2024... I'll go for the PS2 version on PCSX2.
It was my first GTA I ever owned so I'm definitely biased, but I like the story missions far more than VC. The radio is better, too. Fight me.
It's a good game but it's the last game to play in the series...
1. GTA 3
4. GTA LC stories
5. GTA VC stories
So yeah, probably not a lot of people have played it
>I like the story missions far more than VC
>The radio is better, too
Mega Based
It's a great game. It's been one of my main fuckaround games on psvita for years. The criminal empire/turf wars are a lot of fun
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Played it for the first time last year on my PS2, I enjoyed it. I thought Liberty City Stories was more fun, but that was mostly the side-stuff.
Main mission/story is still good, I just didn't enjoy the empire building side-missions very much.
Definitely worth playing if you like the other 3D games. Surprised at how good the radio stations were for the PSP titles in general. They could have cheaped out since it was handheld, but they had some solid lineups.
Worst characters and story of any GTA game. Terrible sense of humor and really mean spirited. Licensed soundtrack is much worse than VC as well
GTA is supposed to be a dark and gritty game. 2 3 and 4 got the atmosphere right
Story is overall better and more cohesive than VC
in ps2 you will have a poor frame rate
I don't know if I'd say worst characters, but I did feel like Vic was out of place as the protagonist compared especially to Tony in VCS.
Tony comes off like a psycho who'll do whatever it takes to get ahead in the mob, whereas Vic seemed like a nice guy in bad circumstances. Made it seem strange when he's car-jacking or killing cops, whereas I didn't think that was strange for Tony to be doing, let alone Claude from GTA3.
Minor thing, but something i noticed.
Nah... It's just a lazy cash grab entry.
Only play if you are a GTA fanatic
I actually like the story and the characters around Vic. It's clearly a dry run for GTA 4. The first mission actually mirrors what happened to Niko having to swim for his life in Italy after his smuggling job went under. Problem is, they never give you a chapter of Vic enjoying being a rich coke dealing pimp in 1984. He's got this retarded accent in Vice City, gained weight, I wanted to see the beginnings of that.

LCS I just do not get at all. Toni is drier than armadillo shit, it's a shame the first female GTA protagonist wasn't Asuka in retrospect.
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Well, even if the stories aren't all that connected really, it is the first in the 3D era chronologically. It's fun to play it back to back with Vice City, taking Miami Vice breaks in-between.
>The radio is better, too.
this surprised me after the other game on psp had such a shit soundtrack
Yeah I'm going through LCS right now and while it looks very pretty on PS2 (significant jump from PSP) it's not a very fun game. I like liberty city but man the radio sucks too in this one... It's a bit of a chore but I'm far enough that I just want to complete it.
Easily one of the best from the "classic" games.
It's basically Vice City but better in every way, it's not perfect but absolutely worth a play.
To that point so is LCS which I don't think is as good but has a good story and a lot of really fun missions.
If you played III, VC, SA and LCS there's literally no reason not to play VCS too. The characters were terrible, easily my least favorite story out of the five 3d games, but it had some neat mechanics, and some pretty good moments that made it worth it.
if you liked Reddit City then sure give it a try
it's the worst out of all the 3D GTA games tho
You're thinking of LCS.
LCS is better than Reddit City let alone VCS
why have this opinion, for what purpose. help me understand
It seems like Rockstar's idea with picking the protagonists for the stories games was:
>They have to be characters that were in the original game
>They have to be mostly unexplored so we can actually write a story for them
>They have to be believable as criminals
And when you apply that criteria I'm not sure who else you could have picked in VC
He thinks it's cool to say he hates something everyone else likes, and that mentioning Reddit will help him "fit in"
I think Phil would have been a great choice, he's a great character and outside of VCS mostly unexplored.
I'm talking about Phil Collins btw.
Its more of the same, if you liked vice city you should like this one. About the biggest change is you can swim now. You don't hear much about it because after Liberty City stories people didn't care that much on PSP, I think many were waiting for San Andreas stories but it never came.

Also, VCS performed worse than LCS on PSP. And I don't think many would care to buy it on the PS2, it came out late and why would you play it when you had San Andreas.
He wasn't even the beat choice to have a concert.
I think not hearing about it now has more to do with it not getting any kind of modern port, not even a mobile port like LCS did.
lcs missions actually do feel like toilet break quick missions on handheld. precursor to mobile tat i guess
what came after is best gta since gta2. chinatown wars
oh no
I still need to try that one. What's the best way to play it these days? Still on DS or better emulated?
Nintenbabbies swear by their touchscreen gimmicks, just play it on PSP/PPSSPP. I've played both and unless you're some faggot who gets giddy scratching lottery tickets, it's the superior version.
Don't get your hopes too high either, it's a fun game but not better than GTA2 and has by far the most amateur writing of any GTA, which is saying something.
Ya it's worth playing and I don't like this stuff the same as most people

Liberty city stories is more fun though
it's weird that the moonshine mission gets the rep for being difficult, had more trouble with the firetruck brothel mission.
v rock is an absolute downgrade from the original
it was great when I played it on PSP
mowing down cholos on a chopper will never not be fun kek
I'm a couple missions in and I can say it's at least better than Liberty City Stories.
You mean like what they do to European Americans now
I've been told its one of the worse titles in the series. It seems alright though.
What I'm saying is that you need to go outside and touch some grass.
It's alright, the property management shit gets annoying after a while.
Does the PS2 version have widescreen? I think you can add second stick support on PPSSPP with a cheat.
It's fun but Vic is really, REALLY lame protagonist.
There's a bug on the moonshine Mission if you emulate it. The timer goes absurdly fast where it's damn near unbeatable.
>property management
you not supposed to do any of that until specific story point where you do all capturing at once to clear the map. if you do it too early, you get spammed with random attacks, yet due to the story reasons, you cannot clear all properties yet so it gets annoying as all attacks will be coming from one lone building you can't cap
The story is really good
oh is this true? makes sense because half the businesses aren't available yet and my map is just full of the same brothels, finance buildings and protection racket bars. just got to to the Forbes betrayal
It's absolutely worth 1 playthrough if you liked Vice City.
>Terrible sense of humor and really mean spirited
Examples of this from the game?
I... I lke LCS' radio and I think Rockstar should have never stopped doing original songs

also, the main theme is up there with Soviet Connection on being the best GTA theme
I'm all for smaller artists and original music in the GTA games but apart from some of the pop tunes LCS just didn't have what I wanted. I guess Big Pun was a cool inclusion on the hiphop station but for me GTA3 had a far better selection of music.

Plus this is the best theme for any GTA game.
Perfectly captures the chaos and hustle and bustle of the big city, all the disparate elements in carefully set up stereo audio coming together framing the comic panel crime and drama of the city in a mundane and chill song that feels like just another day in Liberty City.

Not to get too sidetracked or imply anything about yourself, but GTA3 still seems to be the most misunderstood game in the series. Something that the scarface-lite or the life-sim gangster management games could never really grasp.
>GTA3 still seems to be the most misunderstood game in the series
I agree, I think it's the best GTA for causing mayhem around the city, and that's what GTA is fundamentally about

I also agree with what you said about GTA3's music selection being better than LCS's, its main problem is that there are few songs and they sound similar, but I still like them, same for GTA 1 and 2 radios
I agree, I really liked LCS radio. Found myself really enjoying a few stations, even Rush though I don't normally go for dance music. The mixes were fun.
Head had some good indie songs too. It did really feel like it was from 1998.
Hell yeah, Vic is one of the best GTA protags
Vice City Stories is a damn good game. It's got Phil Colins, it's got better shooting, it's got a proper ending, it's got a more personal story, and it's got the empire-building. It's more than a portable Vice City, it's better.

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