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Epic was a 30 man company when they made Unreal Tournament 2004.
And today they are worse than Valve. What an achievement.
>Epic was a 30 man company when they made Unreal Tournament 2004.

It was outsourced heavily to Digital Eclipse. Most of the features in UT2004 were originally announced for UT2003 but were cut out due to time constraints. The vehicles were showcased in 2003 screenshots, as well as some of the game mode ideas. UT 2004 is also technically an update to 2003 and is not a new game, as there is a UT3 that followed (and was a disappointment).
But UT3 still is a great game a complete one, but today, they could not even keep the Unreal Tournament 2014 mod community united and dumped the project.
On top of what >>11060154 said, OP is a faggot that can't count because there are 60 devs from Epic credited for it
UT3 became a great game with the Titan update and Map Mixer. There's also Foxbot to make the bots less shit. I slept on Warfare for the longest time but it's actually a good mode.
And now theyre chinese
You mean Digital Extremes.
But yes, Unreal/Tournament will never be good without them.
I really want to know what happened to the vidya industry. Like how the fuck aren't there just 20-30 people teams just making indie stuff like this and revitalizing vidya.

Convinced there is just no talent left.
That game is still more fun than Fortnite or whatever wanna be bullcrap that's out now

Counter strike is probably still ok too
The hype is going away for it I think because kids now don't know anything about it and the adults were all shamed for playing it by their wives nonstop as being man childs, even though they never matured either (guessing here but probably close)
video games have become an established "thing." they are no longer new and exciting, nobody is wondering "what new tech will bring to gaming,"

a smart, talented, creative person might look at video games and say "why bother putting effort to become a commercial whore?"

this happens with literally everything, cars, movies, music. capable people really have very little drive to produce goyslop.
Bethesda was a 35 man company when the made the much bigger Morrowind+expansion packs.
>Like how the fuck aren't there just 20-30 people teams just making indie stuff like this and revitalizing vidya.
You mean like NuMale's Sky dev team?
what's the new tech thing that will get people interested again

no, it's not VR
Agree, VR won't do it.

Its hard to say, this phenomenon isn't due to stagnation in technology alone. Its like asking, "how long do we have to wait until the next Kubrick?"

In the past, and technology was certainly a part of this, games were a new frontier. This attracted people who were interested in testing the limits of the medium.
>You mean Digital Extremes.

Yeah, that's what I meant. Not Digital Eclipse, which mostly does emulation and retro collections.
>UT3 became a great game with the Titan update and Map Mixer. There's also Foxbot to make the bots less shit. I slept on Warfare for the longest time but it's actually a good mode.

I will admit that the bot AI was some of the best. But the game felt like a big step backwards from 2004 in so many ways. I was also not a fan of the look of UE3 at that point in time.
ya the crazy thing is these bloated 1000+ people team with triple digit million dollar budgets cant match the intensity of these smaller-scale projects of the past. the system is royally fucked. the whole thing is just a farce and its only going to get worse as we treat game design like a solved science to be labeled and exploited.
It is just a job for those people.
>Like how the fuck aren't there just 20-30 people teams just making indie stuff like this and revitalizing vidya.
because leading a team that size to make a game today is fucking hard. it's a completely different landscape from 20-30 years ago. you can't just have a team hunker down for 2 years in a bunker, release your game, and expect people to buy it.

first off you need seed funding. for an indie team it's either self-finance or do kickstarter. that's it. maybe you have the right connections and found some SV investor (doubt it) or got in some VC incubator (doubt it).

then you basically need to get very lucky and get noticed somehow as the market is absolutely swamped nowadays. i have no idea what that entails so i'm not really going to detail on it. once you do though, you need a constant dripfeed of content to show off at regular intervals or else you risk falling into obscurity. you need people who can make compelling/titillating trailers that leave potential customers wanting more. this all requires employing people/spending money. you need community engagement. the more people you can get invested into your game/vision, the "easier" the job will be. the best advertising is a horde of NEET zealots that will spread the word for free.

arguably the hardest part: you need people to keep coming back to your game. you need "stickiness". 25 years ago it was enough to release admin/mod tools for users to have their own servers/mods. nowadays those are all but extinct because those don't generate revenue. you need to give reasons for people to keep playing your game or otherwise they're just going to get bored and go play one of the hundreds of other games out there and leave your ass in the dust.
I don't think that's why they don't release mod tools. I think they don't do it because it is too hard/the game is barely moddable.
For example, Total War does have mod tools, but it is a nightmare to mod.
Something like Pathfinder would massively benefit from modding tools in terms of growing the playerbase. But it neither has tools nor is easy to mod.
At this rate it seems like gaming will go extinct. Kids are already losing interest and only play Gacha/GAAS garbage to pass the time. The capitalists succeeded at turning gaming into a disposable form for both the designer and audience.
Good. AAA gayming has been a fucking disaster.
>I think they don't do it because it is too hard/the game is barely moddable.
that's partially why. modern game workflows are so fucking complex but it's naive to think it's not also because they don't want you hanging in the product years later and want you to buy new product instead.

battlefield games used to have mods, think they stopped around the time of BF3 which is when EA really ramped up the MTX/DLCs
>And now theyre chinese
They are still based in North Carolina like always. And the company itself is pending a court trial is Disney can buy up Empic stock from it's chinese minority holders.
Some VR games actually felt like a throwback to the days when devs would see the Xbox 360 as a playground of new opportunities rather than an excuse to cut everything, particularly in terms of physics.
Epic used to make good games.
Fuck you, retard. I got my info from the fucking founder and president of the company, from an interview in 2004.
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