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I'm getting to the end of Metroid Prime. After I beat it, will they show how many items I still have left to collect per location? Also, is there a point to return the artifacts early, or can I just do it after I find all of them?
Also, some final thoughts I guess… The overall concept is awesome, but really brought down by the execution. The platforming is needlessly tight for an already awkward FPS perspective. The game ping pongs you between locations, forcing you to backtrack in areas you've just been at. There's painfully little secrets in most areas, no point in exploring 2/3 of it. Nearly no memorable puzzles per se.
Late game enemy encounters were a breaking point for me, the colored pirates and chozo ghosts are stupidly tough when there's a lot of them, and the game just keeps spamming them. Especially when there's different colored pirates in the same room, what were they thinking? I thought some anon hated Phazon Mines too much, but when I went through it I had to waste time and go back to the last save spot just before mini boss, because I was so low on health. Turned out the mini boss I got to could be beaten in seconds with wave beam combo, I felt like an idiot after that.
Despite that, I still was hooked until the end, though some points and combat parts especially felt annoying.
I really, really hope Prime 2 is indeed better. I just hate its visuals, it looks like 2000s emo style with gray/black and neon everywhere.
Not reading.

Happy for you.
Or sorry that happened.
Nothing infuriates the American more than having to read
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Prime 1 feels like a 90's game in the best and the worst ways. The word "stilted" comes to mind. It's a great game that's extremely immersive and does many things perfectly, but it also has a lot of problems as you said.
>I really, really hope Prime 2 is indeed better
The platforming is more inspired and Retro went absolutely insane with the morph ball puzzles, in a good way. The Chozo Ghosts are kind of back with the Dark Pirates, but they are instantly killed with a single Light Beam charged shot and most of the time they don't even lock the doors. In general, the enemy strategies are less gimmicky. You're also not constantly running through Magmoor Caverns to backtrack since the world design is much more sophisticated. The start of the game isn't very colourful like you said, but there's gonna be a part 1/3 of the way through where you say to yourself, "Yeah, the opening hours were totally worth it", and then another part later on where this sentiment is doubled. I think you're going to love Prime 2.
>It's a great game that's extremely immersive and does many things perfectly, but it also has a lot of problems as you said.
Yeah, my thoughts exactly. It's a great game, but they just constantly find ways to make it frustrating.
Anyway, I just don't understand: why is MP2 so rarely talked about? Maybe it's me, but it sounds like this game is the fleshed out and better MP1. I can only assume that it was a late GC title that kind of got lost. MP gets all the praise it seems.
>why is MP2 so rarely talked about?
It went under the radar not only for being a late GC release, but also for coming out a week after Halo 2 and a day before Half-Life 2. It also became a pariah at the time due to its allegedly extreme difficulty, but it likely just threw off the Zelda crowd. Remember what I said about the enemy strategies being less gimmicky in Prime 2? Prime 1 and indeed Zelda bosses largely revolve around priming a Rube Goldberg machine, but Prime 2's bosses are more about tactical execution. The pace of the fights is up to the player, rather than scripted events, but it also means you gotta fight for it too.
>It went under the radar not only for being a late GC release, but also for coming out a week after Halo 2 and a day before Half-Life 2.
Figures. Still dumb though that all those years later I see this game mentioned maybe once a year, whereas Prime 1 routinely gets mentioned in GOAT game lists.
What about 3? Did it really suck, or is this just some dumb meme?
Prime 3's a good game no doubt, but it's essentially a 3D Metroid Fusion; a lot more linear, your mission is being monitored by radio support, and the maps are mostly self-contained with very minimal backtracking. The first hour or two is so linear it consists of "levels" in the traditional sense, with the opening act feeling more like a Call of Duty campaign than an adventure game. But when it sets in it's a really good (if simpler) game. I think everyone agrees on what the best part of the game is, but I won't spoil it for you. Prime 3 also finally introduces beam stacking like in the 2D games, that would've been really nice in Prime 1 with the annoying coloured pirates.
>colored pirates
dude, colored pirate is not the preferred nomenclature
Prime 2's main draw is it's visual design and boss fights. If you don't like how it looks I promise you'll be suffering for most of your playthrough. Almost all of it's content is reused from Prime 1, the exceptions being art assets and a few bosses, but with much more tedious monotony, schizophrenic pacing and awful backtracking. I say this as a fan of both games.
>Almost all of it's content is reused from Prime 1, the exceptions being art assets and a few bosses, but with much more tedious monotony, schizophrenic pacing and awful backtracking
Everything you have just said is false. Tedious backtracking is not even a possibility in Prime 2 given the shape of the overall map
Every time you get a new power and start thinking about how to use it to progress in the current area it leads to 20 minutes of bumbling about aimlessly before the CHOZO TECH DETECTED pop-up appears and shows on your map that you're supposed to return to some bumfuck nothing room in a dungeon you were at 5 hours ago if you want to make any more progress in the dungeon you're in. It's not tedious because getting from point A to point B takes ages, it's tedious because there's no indication or expectation for the player to have to give up what they're doing at the time to crawl through every single room they've previously visited in the game until they find the otherwise unremarkable one that happens to be the exact one you need to arbitrarily get through to progress. The developers knew this was didn't work because they put in a 10 minute fail-safe after you get an upgrade that just tells you where to go because the only other option is exploring the entire game again every time you upgrade. Also the dark beam is the ice beam from 1, the light beam is the plasma beam from 1 and the power beam is the power beam from one. The dark suit is the phazon suit, the dark visor is the x-ray visor. Tons of enemies are reskinned (elite pirate->ingsmasher). Asset reuse is to be expected in games development but Prime 2 was particularly heinous because it spent so long focusing on being a multiplayer shooter before they changed course to make it a traditional single player game, and even then wasted manpower and resources focusing on multiplayer. This has all been discussed by the devs themselves in interviews over the years.
I thought you could disable the hints. Anyway, none of this was a problem for me because I intuited what to do.
>any more progress in the dungeon you're in
That's probably where your ailings are coming from; you are upset this is not a Zelda game.
>The dark suit is the phazon suit
????????????????????????????? They look nothing alike. Aside from the Beams, all of your comparisons in truth have different models and rigs. I don't know what you're talking about mate, have you played the game at all since release?
I thought it was Dark Suit = Varia Suit, the weird Gravity Boost thing = Gravity Suit, and Light Suit = Phazon Suit
Dungeon is common gaming nomenclature faggot, obviously it's not a medieval subterranean castle basement. If you're incapable of realizing that 95% of Samus' upgrades and powers come from the previous game then by all means tell me how the dark and light charged shots are all that matters but you'll still be a retard in denial. I also never said they reused art assets, of course the suits look different - the point is that they function the same; to reduce 'poisonous' (be careful this is another common term in video games and not necessarily a slice of fugu fish) area damage. Turning the gravity suit into a jetpack upgrade was 'new' but still functionally the same power interpreted in a different way.
>WTF the Metroidvania gives you items that let you access more areas? Recycling much?
Yes if it gives you the exact same items that is what recycling content means. I knew you'd figure it out in the end buddy.
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>Guys, I was born in the late 2000s.
>All my life, I've had access to the Internet, even through my phone. Wi-Fi is immutable; I haven't even existed without it.
>But, I'm playing this game that came out before I was born, and, well... it's not telling me where to go!
>No, I'm being serious --- There aren't signs on my wall-mounted LED screen appearing telling me exactly where to go, what to do, and how to do it!
>It's not even giving me an "auto-play" option!!!
>I'm dead serious!!
Get a life?
You literally made up something I didn't say and made fun of some imagery zoomer in your head. Seek help.
And btw, tardo, in case you can't read, I'm actually beating the game without issue. Going for 100% after game end is common for any Metroid.
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>Guide me
Genuinely think you're responding to an AI chat bot, even the image is unrelated. Then again /vr/ posters are some of the most braindead lifeforms in 4chan's primordial soup so who knows
That's a genre convention, not recycling. Saying Metroid Prime 2 recycled "means to open door" is like saying Call of Duty 2 recycled gunpowder.
Damn i thought prime was alright but I got filtered in the first 1/3 of 2. Just got bored
Nothing infuriates the European more than forcing himself to be around his American boogeymen and then complaining about it.
Holy shit dude fuck off you're on /vr/ get a grip.
Frankly, Metroid always recycles upgrades, Fusion is perhaps the worst offender here. Most of Prime's upgrades also come from Super, though of course with some changes, for 3D and whatnot, sometimes they're same in the name only. But it doesn't matter that much, really, what matters is if they make an interesting game with it.
I hope it isn't actually a lazy game like you're suggesting. And also the asset reuse is fine by me, the enemies were generally centered on one idea, why throw out good old ideas is beyond me. Metroid in general is a game that rehashes stuff, like surprise, you will need to find morph ball again.
I'd like to apologize to Americans for forcing you to read anything. Let me rewrite my post so that you wouldn't have trouble with it:
Game good. But some things bad.
There, under 140 symbols, so that your brain wouldn't explode.
>what were they thinking?
in regards to enemies, they give you so many energy tanks it's a bandaid solution in late game for challenge.
the level design for Prime 1 is pretty abysmal.
yikes, the first third is great, the second third is meh, and it's the final third that makes fans swoon. dunno how you noped out of a fantastic foot forward.
>I really, really hope Prime 2 is indeed better.
it is, they ADDRESS issues from Prime 1, they do not FIX many, but there's obviously intent to tweak things to be a bit better. the level design of Prime 2 is great.
>why is MP2 so rarely talked about? Maybe it's me, but it sounds like this game is the fleshed out and better MP1. I can only assume that it was a late GC title that kind of got lost.
good questionnaire. Prime 1 has what I dub the "Ocarina of Time effect" where gamers went from Super Metroid to Metroid Prime, so there's that insane wow factor in that you can imagine. Prime games aren't that much like previous metroid games (which one even is lol, Metroid 1 to Return of Samus, to Super Metroid, to Fusion, ect so different and distinct?) they're more like Zelda games in first person. That's great in its own right on the console which only had Wind Waker- and eventually Twilight Princess.

Prime 2 is really good. There's an underlying theme of contrast it's subtle with, it doesn't beat you over the head with it, but it exists in the main quest, and in level design. There's the light aether and dark aether worlds, but the first region is a desert, the second region is a swamp, and the third region is a high tech digital tower. It paints a story of the luminoth and how they advanced and transcended and conquered this planet.
None of that is ever seen in any Metroid game for Chozo, let alone Prime 1.

If I had to take pseudo stab in the dark; people nitpick little things like beam ammo, and jumping between worlds with that ten second animation, and they do not pick up on the subtlety of the world building.
>I thought you could disable the hints.
not in Prime 2, it led a lot of people getting stuck some grief because it rare gives hints to players. I am five hours into a replay right now, and it's never once given me a hint. Though I'm not struggling!
That is a good way to look at it, but idk, it takes away from how I do, in that Prime 2 simply didn't need to go with a bunch of suits, just the two for Prime 2 is fine.
>Fusion is perhaps the worst offender here.
Fusion introduced a lot of new stuff to the series. The new ledge grab wasn't even relegated to an ability, it was organically explained through her surgical removal of most of her suit.
Also a shout out to diffusion missiles, due to the Metroid DNA used to save her, she is vulnerable to ice, and as such required a new ability.
>return to some room in a dungeon you were at 5 hours ago to make progress where you're at
not quite, Prime 2 has two instances of leaving the region, and it thoughtfully telegraphs the way with an ability you had just obtained.
-in Torvus Bog you leave and there's an immediate shortcut leading to a super missile door, you have just obtained those. you continue through to a halfpipe, you had just obtained the boostball, you take the morphball to a room locking you inside with a seeker missile door, and a puzzle to obtain those seeker missiles.
on the way back you will likely hit another super missile door before taking the shortcut to Torvus Bog.

Prime 2 is really really good about this design. Prime 1 is where it tells you to go back to Tallon Overworld, and it does it with an immediately HUD map hint. (how else could they have done it?! well they knew better in Prime 2)
That's because that post is replying to someone that has completely dumbed down any discussion to the point that replying is meaningless. Metroid Prime 2 reused a lot of content due to rescheduling the game into development. It has a lot of new art assets but the majority of weapons and upgrades are repurposed from Metroid Prime 1.
Every time I play MP2 again (at least once a year) I find myself saying "uuUuuGGHH it's THIS part" for like the first 2/3 of the game.

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