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Which of these games are actually fucking good?
The first two on Famicm and after that it gets to shit
The Kaga games

Especialy Genealogy and Thracia
The retro era ones that got American releases are all worth checking out. Play Fire Emblem (GBA) if you want a starting point.
I really like Sacred Stones, but I'm biased since I want to fuck my sister
Assuming you have no history of playing the games in the genre:
>start with binding blade then blazing blade on GBA, then sacred stones
"I want an easier time/I want more story":
>path of radiance
"I want a challenge":
>mystery of the emblem and the rest of the snes games
They're fun if pretty basic tactics games - Outside of Thracia and non-VR entries like Conquest and Engage none of them really break your balls enough to force you to really dig deep in their systems.

Genalogy is a game thats more impressive than it is actually fun to play - Still worth a run just for the insane ambition for a SNES game and the stellar presentation.

The GBA games are all enjoyable; Binding Blade has some fun challenge reminscent of the older entries so it feels a bit more old-school. Blazing Blade is pretty much more of the same but with more fleshed out story and cast and less challenge. Sacred Stones is EZ mode thats more fun to break apart with how broken it lets you become, but its not bad.

Advance Wars is better anyway
majority of them are good. most of the bad ones are the non-/vr/ ones. 3 sucksjust because they changed abel's design from goofy rat faced man to generic anime pretty boy.
All of them
Except 2
after that it gets mogged by shining force
Whats better FE or FFTA
FE1= Fun
FE2= Kinda weird but mostly fun
FE3= Collecting the shards is aids but pretty good
FE4= Kagakino
FE5= Kagakino but with better gameplay
FE6= The pokemon gen 3 of Fire Emblem, good fun game but destroyed the franchise (basic story and gameplay reverted trend of the games becoming more complex in story and gameplay)
FE7= Kinda fun
FE8= Kinda generic but fun
FE9= Kinda generic but fun
FE10= Kino
FE11=Remake slop
FE12=Remake but less slop
FE13=Best music in any game ever, good char designs and graphics but gameplay went down the shitter broken
FE14=Conquest is pretty good gameplay and the characters make me hard
FE15=Sterile but fun
FE16= idk haven't played shit after echoes
It doesn't really make sense to compare them because they're essentially different genres, but I personally prefer the GBA Fire Emblem games to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
all of them
I only liked the gamecube one
>Best music in any game ever,
Bold statement and wrong on so many levels.
> good char designs
Hah hah no.
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Awakening had highly aryan char designs and music. I admit kaga Jugdral designs were more grounded and cool overall but I still liked Awakening's designs

Also Awakening literally has the greatest music of any video game
>games becoming more complex in story and gameplay
Ah yes, the incredibly complex story of the evil cult that hunts children for a dark god and the incredibly complex gameplay of having to tediously capture enemies to acquire weapons.
The story of FE4 is well presented political drama. It is the full realization of the classic FE story before kaga departed and the mouthbreathers who followed him used his story over and over again.

There's a lot of morally grey characters, and great drama. Also it's highly anti semetic so that's a plus.

> tediously capture enemies to acquire weapons.
You can capture conveniently and you never run out of weapons. Thracia gameplay is peak
U just hate thracia because you forgot to get Orsin's pugi lol
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I've played 7, 8, 9, and 11, none of which are retro because 7th gen doesn't belong on /vr/ but I digress. 7 was my favorite but I might have nostalgia goggles on.

>TFW no sweaty hapa steppemommy
>Also it's highly anti semetic so that's a plus.
...Go on.
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*6th gen
I want to play FE6, what's the best way to do this on a handheld?

I thought you'd appreciate this.
Isn't the narrative obvious?

Jugdral and it's nations are a reflection of Europe and North Africa. These nations have a mythos in which their nations lived under the tyranny of the dark god loptous and it's cult.

This dark cult was overthrown with the help of god who sent the twelve crusaders, but it was also overthrown by Saint Maera who was a Lotyr noble who while believing in Loptyr hated it's the corruption and cruelty it caused. This is an obvious allusion to Jesus Christ being a Jew of noble birth, who while still professing many of the tenants of the Jewish religion rebelled against it and created his own in it's image and his.

The game encapsulates many anti semetic tropes. A long nosed, demon worshipping cult with entwined ethnic and religious beliefs, who were expelled from many nations and countries and now reside in the desert. This is a combination of the true history of Jews and Jew stereotypes and tropes.

Just to rub it in, this dark cult actively subverts what are obviously coded as the nations of Europe, exploiting greedy, corrupt and weak nobles. Grandbell as a massive central state which is by far the most decentralized with autonomous regions is a clear allusion to the Holy Roman Empire, this comparison is further enhanced by their relationship with client states (look at HRE influence in Italy, Bohemia, Poland etc). Sigurd is quite literally an old Norse aryan name, and he ''inadvertently'' basically conquers half the continent which is a vague allusion to German's modern invasion happy image.

After invading half the continent and successfully subduing many nations, Sigurd is backstabbed by the de-facto ruler on the directions of the Loptyr Jews. This is an obvious reference to the back stab ''myth'' from WW1, where German soldiers and nationalists felt the government had surrendered and betrayed the German's great victories in Russia and somewhat in France.
Sigurd's great victories get him betrayed and killed by his superior on the orders and directions of the Loptyr Jews, Germany's great victors were backstabbed by the Government supposedly on the order of the Jews.

The game also has a deep racial bent, with a constant focus on blood right, bloodlines and the power of kings. Ancestry literally bestows you power in Jugdral.

There's also the fact that they often give bosses foreign names like ''Muhammad''. This boss is stationed in Thracia, which is a shitty infertile impoverished region where the embittered natives fight over scraps. This is a clear reference to the real life Balkans, and Muhammad's presence a reference to the Ottoman invasion of the Balkans. Good characters nearly always have Christian and European names.

Basically the game features a German superman, conquering most of Europe which has been subverted by Loptyr who are clearly allusions to Jews, he is then backstabbed by his own government on the order of these Jews which is a reference to ww1 backstab theory, and his son has to wage a holy race war to cleanse the world of the people who killed his father.
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Oh and the Helwath's original name in Japanese is Swastika :)

Just thought u should know
what do you mean by aryan design?
The only plus about Awakening's designs is that they're a step up from what would come latter but they're still overdesigned garbage compared to the older games.
Interesting. Never actually played it. For some reason I got the idea that Grado in FE8 is an allegory for the Japanese Empire in WWII and have gone to increasingly schizophrenic internal rants to justify my theroy.

>In FE8, Grado quickly steamrolls Jehanna and Renais
>This is an allegory for the Japanese Empire's rapid gains in 1941-1942
>Erika and Ephraim suriviving, building up their strength, and waging a campaign against Grado are an allegory for Pearl Harbor and US entry into the war
>The reason everything happens is that Leon has a vision of his country being destroyed+despair from his father dying
>Grado's actions in FE8 lead to their country being left in ruins
>A lot of the Japanese Empire's actions leading up to the war was motivated by the fear of being subjugated by Western powers, leading to their land grabs/righteous crusades against chinese aggression in the 1930s
>Vigarde's death is an allegory of the feeling of nationalist groups in the Meiji/Taisho eras that Japan was becoming too Westernized
>Ironically, this leads to Japan being subjugated by a Western power and the loss of their empire
>Valter represents war crimes
>Caellach represents business interests/Zaibatsus or otherwise power hungry elites
>Riev represents State Shintoism/secret societies/shady ultranationalist group shenanigans
>Carcino/Pablo represents the "fugu plan"
>The Demon King is nukes or something IDK
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Part of my headcannon is that characters from the Western Isles in FE6/7 are Norf FC.

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If I was to write out a non hyperbolic version of the Loptyr conspiracy here it is.

Basically Loptyrians do resemble Jews and Jewish conspiracy theories. They have the hooded cloak, big noses and decrepit appearance, they worship a dark god, they were expelled by many nations to reside in a literal desert and they subvert European styled nations by exploiting, bribing, convincing and threating their rulers. Especially the part that their subversion led to those nations fighting eachother. Also the Helswrath's real name is Swastika LOL.

I don't think Kaga or anybody on the team is a antisemite or even aware of Jews to a high degree, the Fire Emblem team loved European mythology which is where all the char names came from and probably absorbed antisemetic tropes unknowingly through traditional stories.

It's worth mentioning that the Jugdral countries do have irl counterparts as well. Grandbell is the autonomous, central and massive HRE, Augustria is France (literally subtitled Kingdom of lords) where just like irl the monarch was incredibly weak and had little control over his barons and lords, Thracia is the Balkans because it's an impoverished hateful shithole of people with close ethnic identity but strong cultural differences and they love killing themselves, they're also poor and the ground is infertile, as for other ones IDK
As a brit this is real and I confirm this
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Is it true I'll likely miss a bunch of shit if I play Genealogy and Thracia without a guide? That's what's been keeping me from delving in.
Luv me axe
Luv me Western Isles
Luv me Gonzales
Luv me Roy
'ate Etrurians (they're poofs)
'ate Bern
'ate dragons (not racial just don't like 'em)

Simple as
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The jew fears the killing edge
You won't miss much in Genealogy without a guide

Thracia however you can miss bonus chapters and OP weapons that's a shame
None of them, really. It’s one of those cases where it gets massively overrated because it’s associated with Nintendo, much like Pokémon which in reality is a laughably mediocre rpg series at its very best.
You shouldn't play any of the Fire Emblem games with a guide. Literally ruins them. Strips all the fun and excitement out of them.

There is literally one important cryptic thing in FE4 and that is that thieves can fix bridges by standing in the tile next to them.
I wouldn't want to miss story content that the above poster notes is missable.
You're missing the point. If they wanted every player to experience something they would of made it mandatory.

The whole bonus chapter, branching path element is part of intelligent systems original design philosophy, Kaga said he wanted the player to experience a different story each time.

The only secret event that matters is one in chapter 10 of FE4. Look it up once you defeat the final boss in that level, but don't capture the castle.
When you decide to follow a guide, and minmax with optimal strategies off the internet you are missing the original intent of the game, ruining all surprises and challenge, and destroying your own fun.

The only thing I'd tell would be Jugdral players is the thief bridge thing, and that there is an event in chapter 10 to look up once you've defeated the final boss of that level. If you look it up before, you're just spoiling the plot.

The fun is going in blind, just like players in the 90s were meant to.
Sacred Stones
Kek. Check out 4 if you want inbreeding eugenics.
Chagall's portrait coming back as Muhammad will always be fucking hilarious. i'm not sure if there's anything to that though

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