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Are you excited for RetroAchievement support for GameCube coming soon? What’s the first GameCube game you’re going to cheevo hunt on? When are finally getting RA support for C64, speccy, and Amiga? I know they said C64 was medium-close due to bizhawk exposing the memory, not sure about the other two. I think Amiga is far and DOS is the farthest out.
I'm gonna beat gotcha force with one button.
Huh, I didn’t know this was a HAL game interesting
Supa Mario Sunshine, woohooo, F-Zero GX and Star Fox Adventures.

I am going to start with the first NGC games that I had when I was a lil fuck.
Achievements are pure cancer made for the brainrot generation.
Play the
Developers put achievements in as an easy way to boost play time, so the average consumer would feel they got their money's worth. It's so lazy.
It’s not, capcom just used Hal’s engine for 3D games. This tidbit is relatively new because people just found out a few years ago
The only way to get the achievements is to play the game, so I’m not sure what you’re talking about

That generation doesn’t even play retro games
Achievement isn't a bad concept but PlayStation Network killed it. It's just fine as commemoration for an inhuman near-impossible feat. PSN and its Platinum trophy necessitates that every achievement must be doable by even the most braindead. Payday 2 did it well, many achievements are retarded bullshit like "beat a level but you must use only sniper rifle and every shot must score a double kill", "kill the toughest enemy in the game with only your shitty melee attack" or just "win the lottery twice". You didn't know how it happened but you got something to show as proofs of miracles.
>What’s the first GameCube game you’re going to cheevo hunt on?
fuck you retard, stop making this thread
First time I’ve made it butthurt-kun
>It's just fine as commemoration for an inhuman near-impossible feat
These are the problem ones, though. Autistics will feel compelled to complete these meaningless "feats of strength" that take 5 hours to do each. It's a very easy and lazy way to add more "game time" and help your average consumer feel they got their money's worth.
Why are they bad though. Worst case scenario they’re just “there,” best case they foster additional discussion around strategies to complete the achievements
>Achievement isn't a bad concept
Yes it is
>Are you excited for RetroAchievement support for GameCube coming soon?
Achievements have existed for decades.
Has anyone ever been impressed by your so-called achievements?
I have nothing against achievements unlike most people in this thread but RetroAchievement’s lists are so autistically crafted some of them are downright achievements for abusing glitches in games.
>Autistics will feel compelled to complete these meaningless "feats of strength"
Fuck autistic achoovers. Real chads are in the 20% of players who didn't get the "press start on the title screen" achievement.
I like them when they're honestly challenging, or when they're kind of used as "checkpoint" achievements for games that are considered particularly hard. Mostly because it makes an interesting 2-5 minute read when I get to see the numbers fall off as you get to the later boss achievements or whatever.
everytime achievements are mentioned here somebody gets pissy about it. It might even be one guy. Don't feed him
in my experience every other RA is set up like

Here are the achievements for the layman playing normally

and Here are achievements for the challenge runners and the people who will play it multiple times to master it
>What’s the first GameCube game you’re going to cheevo hunt on?
REmake. I am playing the original rn
Not retro
annoying pushy faggots that don't understand "fun" I hope you people never get into game development
Interesting argument, but what is your counterargument to their points? I don't think achievements are automatically terrible things, but they can be. There is a difference between playing a game normally and playing a game to get all the achievements. You don't interact with the game naturally, you're being guided by someone else telling you what random things you should do and you're looking up things constantly instead of interacting with the game and figuring things out for yourself. Getting all the achievements in a game after you've already beaten it because you like it? Nothing really wrong with that in my book. But people who play games purely for achievements aren't even really playing the games.
The website is called retro achievements
I always play a game once without looking at the achievements at all, then go back and look at them and decide if it’s a cool set or maybe I loved the game so much I want to master the set, that’s all
Yes forcing in a bunch of 'challenges' with an accompanying flashy thing and a jingle is FUNtm. Totally not skinner box tactics in the least
Everything is skinner box. The ding and score when you jump over a barrel in Donkey Kong. The boop when the ball hit the paddle in Pong. The slight hum of electronic components when you hit the ball in Tennis For Two.
what kind of dopamine fried bullshit is this? just play the fucking game retard.
I maintain that they were alright on the 360. The design could be lacking from game to game, but the pop up was well designed, the sound it made was pleasing, and the novelty of gag names hadn't worn off yet.

Everything after that was awful. They were stupid on PS3, and actively annoying on Steam. Can't imagine wasting my time trying to add cheevos to old games.
the left can't meme
>Autistics will feel compelled to complete these meaningless "feats of strength" that take 5 hours to do each.
>5 hours
oh man
Nobody tell him
Part of the game Vs external meta shite.
False equivalency ma nigga
I remember when you would get mocked for chasing achievements, and mocked for playing games with achievements
Oh I'm aware. I was playing WoW between vanilla and early Cata and I found myself in the cheevo hunt. Mid-way through WotLK I realized these were just a low effort way to keep me subbed and only did the ones with actual rewards I wanted.
I like them, they inspire the desire to seek out further content in the game. I also like the idea of 100%ing games so that, if I need to, I can tell an uppity retard to shut the fuck up if they doubt the integrity of my hot takes.

Don’t really have interest in setting up that “retro achievements” nonsense since most people who talk about retro games do it with the passion of someone who has actually played the game.
>some of them are downright achievements for abusing glitches in games
I don't have much experience with RA but I thought those kinds of achievements were only allowed in bonus sets
This. If your game is too shitty to be compelling to play without some artificial progression markers then it's not worth playing at all.
>C64 was medium-close
hoping for an achievement for sitting through every load screen without hitting warp-mode/fast-forward in the emulator
Could be a game changer. If the 6th gen babies spend their time doing that we might actually chive one good post on /vr/ this summer. Sadly, I don't belive any of them actually play games.
I never cared for cheevos. If I'm playing a game it's for fun not to do some arbitrary chore list to pad out game time. Only time I ever bothered doing them was if it were something like Dead Rising where you actually got rewards in game.
we are, dumbass
they are, and most subsets count the players of just the regular set in their calculations
this is why i like chasing a good set, if the achievements are reasonable and not a random challenge that unlocks after 10 hours of play
i can stick with a comedically badly designed game if i have someone to laugh about it with, and it's fun to see obscure games get detailed sets
How are they going to implement achievements into C64 and Amiga games when there are so many versions out there? Are they going to use a specific crack or use a version that isn't cracked? If they're going to stick to the latter then what about cracks that fix bugs or let you complete the game?(RoboCop for the C64 for instance).
I'm curious how they're going to do it.
I actually enjoyed the spectrum games I played on rare replay. jet pac, atic atak, sabre wulf, knight lore.
>these replies
Anyone who defends this insanity needs to be shot
let people enjoy things
Kururin Squash, though it's not on the preview list, so I'll probably have to wait a while for someone to make a set.
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Achievements are gay. Just play the fucking game. Xboxer fags ruined gaming.

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