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>looking for secrets and doors without any tells? BASED!!! so fucking BASED!
>ugly boss sprites and basic combat?
so heckin BASED!!!
>no map
GOAT, draw your own fucking zoomers

>have to bomb for secrets and mentally note your orientation in the overworld?
CRINGE! worst game in the series
>ugly boss sprites with simple combat?

why is it like this?
Both are awful and the NES has aged like shit.
Your mom.
>>no map
For anyone else reading, Zelda 1 came with a partial foldable paper map in the box.
No map with quest markers and bright yellow exclamation and question marks? Cringe.
are you lost little boy?
>no map
zelda has ingame maps dumbass, both for the overworld and for dunegons. maps are one of its defining features.
there is plenty of other absoute bullshit about that game, looking at you, random ass burning bush, but no map is not one of them...
it's clear you have not played the game.
It's more fun to stab moblins in Zelda than to shoot zoomer's in Metroid. That's all.
Most of Zelda's screens are more visually distinct than Metroid's.
You're not really supposed to find everything I think. Don't know if that kind of autism existed yet in the way we do it now. I mean I never looked that stuff up and beat it
>for the overworld
No, it absolutely does not. The teeny one you get in the manual only counts if you had it on release
>death mountain
>lost woods
Metroid is really difficult without the barrier suit which is very difficult to reach, even with a map

you were supposed to take at least a few months to get bored with an expensive game cartridge though
Metroid feels like they wanted the wave beam to feel powerful so they gave the enemies too many HP, and everyone only uses the ice beam for multiple reasons so the end result is everything takes too many hits in that game
It doesn't help the ice beam does half the damage of the basic power beam.
Really just get the screw attack and you don't have to worry about anything, or just blast them with missiles seeing as they one shot anything that isn't a boss or a Metroid.
based and true
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>muh bush
Which of these bushes could have a secret behind it?! It's impossible to figure out without trying all of them!
Metroid sucks because backtracking and repetitive platforming gets really tedious. Sections of the world are really monotonous. Zelda doesn't have those problems.

OP, can you seriously tell us why you need to be alive? This isn't an insult. I'm honestly asking.
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We can't forget that /vr/ is a Nintendo board though, so you'll get crucified for telling the truth like this, because "Filtered" or "Games don't age" among other arguments that can exclusively be used for defending Nintendo's titles, but not anything else, then they don't count as proper arguments anymore, funny.

I love the double standards here.
You are both wrong. They got flaws but they're still both good games. A good game is a good game. I do not care what company made it, or what console it's on. If the game is good, the game is good.
Metroid 1 is the ultimate "you had to be there" game of all time. To this day no game has evoked in me the emotions that Metroid did. When you are two layers deep in the middle of nowhere, death means starting over with no health, and you're crawling around looking for secret paths and trying to figure out where you are going. Then you run into some dank ass power up like super jump or spin electric jump and you have no fucking clue how u even made it there or how to get back.

I'd imagine it's kind of what zoomers felt going deep into Minecraft caverns for the first time. I tried super Metroid several times but felt it was cinematic driven annoying horseshit and sneds has the worst soundcard of all time especially how Nintendo used it. (Only square used it well)
backtracking is the backbone of metroidvanias and any 100% run in a video game, what makes NEStroid bad?
How many XTREME Zelda romhacks exist that dial this up to 11?
A statement like "the NES le aged too much and is garbage" is just retarded and only normalfags say it. You might as well go to >>>/v/ if you want to spout dumbass platitudes like that.
Not needed because that's what the second quest is actually like
And to be fair, Lost Woods is a puzzle
Specifically that several rooms are just copy/pasted such that you're doing the same 4 jumps in a loop, often with tiny platforms that cause you to fall down several screens in a very tedious fashion.
And usually when people complain about the backtracking it's because you can't have ALL the weapon upgrades simultaneously. You'll find yourself having to go hunt down the ice beam again to progress late in the game, then you'll want to go find the plasma AGAIN to re-upgrade when you're done. Which is tedious.
It's fair because it was the first of its kind, but be thankful we learned how not to repeat these mistakes.
>come to retro game board
>hate retro games
>simple as
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>NES games designed for small children in the 80's are too hard now

OP pictured here
That is not what I was implying at all. I’ve beaten Metroid at least 5 times
Punch Out isn't even a real beatemup/fighting game. Try it. Try fighting your opponent like you're actually trying to beat them up. It won't work. It's a puzzle game with rhythm elements.
Funnily enough, both Zelda and Metroid only become fun once you get the blue ring and varia suit respectively.
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Zelda also had a map in the game overworked that told you what tile you were in and discoverable maps in every dungeon, but OP is a zoomie faggot so he probably is too retarded to realize this
Hey look there is a map on the hud
>Why won't the game handhold me and be easy. I'm trying to watch a game here
Filtered zoomie, many such cases
Zoomers need big blinking red dot and quest marker. If if doesn't have a HUGE HECKIN ARROW than it's no good. They got lost on the way to the first dungeon that is like 5 screens away.
Needs more clarity. It would be a shame if I accidentally stumbled upon a secret. That's what they made game wikis for.
Games don't age, it was simply always shit
Don't compare the first Zelda to the first Metroid. One is an excellent game, the other is chock full of completely identical rooms.
I was born in 91 and missed out on 8 bit era, no nostalgia and yet I still think NEStroid is the best metroid because Im not a casual smooth brain. super metroid is a work of art but its dumbed down and easy, and also controls like shit in comparison.
The ingame dungeon maps are a great indicator for someone who's bitching without even playing the game. "Just bomb every wall lol" dude there are only so many places a hidden room can actually be. There are some ridiculous ones sure but something that helps you break the game like the red ring *should* be an obscure secret.
trying to play through zelda 1 the first time. found the first dungeon and got through it. now Im just wandering aimlessly... tips for a noob, /vr/?
I'm playing through DQ1 right now and it's extremely comfy, NES is just as fun as it ever was. The graphics just aren't impressive anymore, literally only thing that changed and that's just perception, not the games themselves.

once i realized the mid and late game grind is even WORSE than the early game grind, I got filtered and played the SNES remake instead... i am ashamed but remember that option if you get frustrated like i did. you need inhuman patience for dq1 nes
I have an excuse to talk about Zelda 1 so...
The only parts of first quest that are genuinely a little obscure are the optional stuff like extra rupees and the couple of heart pieces you need to bomb/burn something to get
The other two heart pieces that you need the ladder and raft for are obvious
Finding and getting through the dungeons is also relatively straightforward
I dunno shit about second quest though, never bothered
Cute but didn't hit sorry nigger
True. NES games didn't git gud until 1993.
There's really only one point when you need to grind hard for a long time. But you're right it's absolutely essential to completing the game and it's a bummer.
if you are back tracking at all, you are doing it wrong. your supposed to kill yourself to warp back to the elevators

and go back to 30 health? no fucking thank you.
My Dad works at Metroid.
Good job getting through the first dungeon, 1 and 3 are my favorite dungeons. Dungeon 2 is hidden in the forest. There's only one way path into it. The original game came with a map of the overworld (with a few bits hidden) so downloading a map isn't really 'cheating.' You're supposed to have an overworld map. Dungeon 2 will be marked on it.

Outside of dungeons the first thing you want to do is save up some rupees to buy the Blue Candle. That will allow you to set fire to the bushes and get into the treasure rooms. It also makes a handy weapon. You don't have to buy bombs you can find them by killing certain enemies that carry them. Search out the Heart Containers, they will make everything easier. There are several hidden around the overworld and you usually need a special item to reach them- like the Raft or the Ladder. Some are easier to get to than others.

After you've got more than three or four hearts in your Life Meter the game gets a lot easier. When you have enough hearts, you can go get the White Sword from under the waterfall. I can't remember how many hearts you need to unlock it, you should be able to get it after Dungeon Three maybe earlier.
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Today I learned that if you beat Metroid on NES and press start, you are playing as suit-less Samus, and that change is actually reflected in the ending screen if you beat it a second time. So Samus flashes from wearing the leotard to wearing the swimsuit if you beat if fast enough, which looks weird since her palette is off before the change starts. Pic related.
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And the after.
Does anyone else think it's strange that in NONE of the Zelda games, do you ever play as Zelda?
It's always some kid named Link.
The game isn't called The Legend of Link. It's ZELDA.
It would like if they called Super Mario Brothers 1-3 the Princess Toadstool Sisters 1-3.
Yeah man its weird
You can play as Zelda in Smash. She sucks. That's why she isn't playable in any of the over 9000 LoZ games.
There were two on the CDi where you played as Zelda. One was The Wand of Gamelon, which played similar to Faces of Evil, featuring the same janky game design, questionable artwork and animation, and poor hit detection. The other was Zelda's Adventure, which was more like traditional Zelda gameplay, but was also poorly done.

theres also a password to start the game as zero suit, really wish that was an option in any other metroid game. another reason NEStroid is king (her zero suit appearance even changes with suit upgrades)

thanks for responding anon, I looked up the original map packaged with the game and Im all set and comfy now. going back to play the first mario bro and metroid have both been 10/10 experiences for me, had to look up a map for metroid too though kek
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tl;dr some secrets are a bit too obscure
zoomer cope
ywn have a genuine zelda foldout paper map and I'm sad now
>You're supposed to have an overworld map. Dungeon 2 will be marked on it.
You are, but the map is sealed and the game challenges you to not use it, as exploring is the whole point of the game.
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>atari 2600 is dated! nes onwards is where it got playable
>/vr/: this is fair

>nes is dated! genesis/snes onwards is where it got playable

Don't you dare tell NES kiddies they weren't the beginning of gaming or they'll start foaming at the mouth.
>a blank gray rectangle that only has one pixel colored inside it counts as a map
Fuck off
Sealed hint paper aside, he should probably read the manual at least.
Atari 2600 games are just 80's arcade slop where you play for a highscore infinitely.
NES games are masterful kino adventures where all of the great franchises came into being.
people seriously had nothing better to do than bomb every single bush and wall
if you lived it, you know that, so why are you so mad
no one complained because no one had anything better to do

if you didnt live it who cares what you think for you are a ZOOMER
I never said that. I played the shit out of Activision Classics on the PSone when I was younger. There's some games on the Atari 2600 that fucking rule. It's funny to me how complex they tried to make some of those games when all you have access to is two controllers and some switches on the console.
>this is how a tendie actually thinks
play more video games
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first time I played Zelda was with a (week-long) rental and the manual had been lost or stolen by someone else. I didn't find my way to Level-2 until I'd already done 3 and 4.
That's not a tendie that's just a mindless webdrone posting low-effort bait. You can tell by the careless and inappropriate use of the term "slop" that he has never had an original thought in his life (if he's even alive and not just a bot).
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>people seriously had nothing better to do than bomb every single bush and wall
They did it, though, fighting the enemies on each screen was fun so that's what we did. Dropping a couple of bombs or candles before going to the next screen was an afterthought.
(You know this, of course, and just think your boring post is clever irony which is typical of nu-/vr/)
The game came with a map, you fucking idiot.

People like you are why we get forced tutorial bullshit. Because you're too retarded to go through paperwork and need to have you dick held like a leash for the whole game.

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