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File: id.png (5 KB, 219x230)
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Was id software the first company to open source their video games?
Definitely not.
Even earlier there were BASIC games distributed on magazines by printing the entire source code and the players type it back on their computers.
How about real games?
Maelstrom predates it by a few years.
Your question was answered and your thread is retarded. You can fuck off now, zoomzoom.
I prefer ASSEMBLER games
That's some real fucking shit, man.
it was a real genius stroke to do it, though.
the amount of gamer publicity and usage kept id in their mind and deprived other companies of revenue.
While there were many games that went open source long before Id did it, but Doom and Quake are much more important as they established industry practices we still see today.
>another thread where a retarded doomquakefag thinks his sacred cow developer invented everything
Maelstrom got a Linux port in 1995, but it wasn't GPL'd until 1999. If the 1995 Linux port were under a different open source license, then it would predate id open sourcing its games.
They're real games, what, do BASIC code games suddenly not exist now?
Well technically you have all those DIY games that laid out the code for you to write down and mess with into a BASIC interpreter from european computer hobbyist magazines, but id open sourcing Doom was one of the bigger mainstream instances.
Doesn't Hack/Nethack count, or does it have to have an actual company or formal developer behind it?
Apogee had alot of freeware and shareware games back then too
Thanks for the correction.
>they established industry practices we still see today

i fucking wish, Rajeet
But did they release source code?
Now try pointing out that John Carmack hasn't produced anything of value in nearly 30 years.
Rage was in 2011
What a fucking retard.
Doom was released under the GPL in 1999. I can't find an earlier example of a previously commercial game being open sourced.
That's source available, not open source.
Did anyone really give a shit about Rage?
it was a cultural landmark, anon. it was featured in an episode of breaking bad
I cared
me. It even got a sequel
>Was id software the first company to open source their video games?
>How about real games?

>That's source available, not open source.
literally open source. same levels of license faggotry too.


zoom zoom, zoomy zoomzooms.
read the book Masters of DOOM. Not to downplay how talented some of the guys at ID were but most of what you find innovative was already there available to only the most diehard of nerds. It's just impressive they employed it on a mass scale in amazing packaging.

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