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Did you know? In Capcom Generations 2 for PSX, they added transparency to the water level in Chou Makaimura, but they didn't do it for the Saturn version. The Saturn version also letterboxes 8:7 in 4:3 because it can't output 256x224. The PSX version also has controller vibration but the Saturn controller doesn't have vibration in it.
who cares fag
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Americans got snubbed in general with Capcom Generations, only the Street Fighter disc got released there.
the ports were so and so tough.
brutal mogging
The transparency effect looks kinda weird in that situation. Also that is by far the worst level in the game
>No Capcom Generations 6 Disney Magical Adventures that ports all 3 Magical Quest Games & Aladdin

There was one Pang Collection that combine all 3 Buster Bros games released at the time in arcades.
Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts just sucks ass in general.
>boring as fuck horizontal scroller when the second game had an actually fun vertical scroller
>basic enemies in stage 1 take six years to spawn while having an active hitbox so you just have to wait there as opposed to the other games where enemies spawn instantly and you don't need to wait
>character moves slow as fuck when arthur moved super fast in Ghouls 'N Ghosts
>third level platforming is literally impossible
What were they thinking?
>>third level platforming is literally impossible
Knave detected. I bet you also get the bow gun.
Means being evil or dishonest. Didn't you mean to say something along the lines of "shitter"?
Its a crutch weapon for people who can't do with horizontal only shooting. The "upgrade" you get with the golden armor is shit and limits your firing rate because one of the bullets will always fly away. I only use the basic weapon and the knife, obviously.
Dishonest is fitting seeing as you claim the platforming in stage three to be impossible.

>Its a crutch weapon for people who can't do with horizontal only shooting. The "upgrade" you get with the golden armor is shit and limits your firing rate because one of the bullets will always fly away. I only use the basic weapon and the knife, obviously.

I was mistaken, you know your shit when it comes to the weaponry. While on the subject of weaponry, the Psycho Cannon in Ghouls n' Ghosts is much better than the Goddess Bracelet of Super, and I think the discus and sword are more interesting than the scythe and triblade of Super.
Really, thinking about it, I would rank Super lower than Ghouls. But I do like the addition of the double jump.
The sega shitturn is shit, more news at 11:00
What the fuck did you do to that saturn controller
does the SNES version have this transparency?
Well yeah, the Saturn can't do transparency.
>they added
Hope this helps!
I agree with this anon. I like the dark water of the original anyways it looks more dangerous. It better suits the games darker atmosphere. It is also the worst level or maybe its one of the last levels that is because fuck those gargoyles and fuck needing to get the bracelet and do it all over again just to beat it with that shitty weapon.
That is actually an 8bitdo Sega styled controller.
>Chou Makaimura
dude just call it ghosts n goblins and i might know wtf ur talking about
People like you ruin gaming.
>old console doesn't emulate am even older game as shittily as the other
Bitch only a retard would play the game either way today
Those are ports, not emulation. You fucking retarded mouthbreather
The absolute state of /vr
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>There was one Pang Collection that combine all 3 Buster Bros games released at the time in arcades.

I have that one in piracy copy here in europe.
>depth isn’t a retro strong point
>now: 5th gen was clunky garbage, 4th gen is better
>then: 5th gen is spine tingling kino, 4th gen arcade was complete garbage
What were they thinking?
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That transparency looks terrible like alpha-blending instead of additive blending.
>there were 5th gen versions of this game

Nani? Do they lag less?
Yep, no lag.
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This has better water on the PS1
On the topic of PS1 Capcom, are Rockman Complete Works ports or emulation?
Did anyone acutally have a Saturn back in the day? Or was it just kids who's Granma bought the wrong system?


Haha Are you archetype /Vr/ user.
>boring as fuck horizontal scroller when the second game had an actually fun vertical scroller
It's not boring. The raft provides an unique game mechanic that exists only in that single part, mixing it with waves and platforming forces you to be on your toes and constantly carefully change your position, then you fight the second most challenging boss in the game that properly tests those skills. It's not perfect, it could have been more randomised, the plants and those green mermen could have had more interesting patterns, this way it would stay more thrilling on replays. The vertical scroll from the second game is much shorter and even more predictable.
>basic enemies in stage 1 take six years to spawn while having an active hitbox so you just have to wait there as opposed to the other games where enemies spawn instantly and you don't need to wait
And without being hyperbolic: why do you think it's bad? The coffins spawn at different vertical hights. Even when rng fucks you up you are still being forced to fight zombies that spawn from coffins behind you and other enemies so you never just sit and do nothing. And this is like one segment, the coffin zombies literally never come back.
>third level platforming is literally impossible
Just double jump, sgng is probably the easiest game in the series overall
Couldn't Saturn Devs render the entire game on just one VDP in order to get transparency?
ports but they kinda suck
>The Saturn version also letterboxes 8:7 in 4:3 because it can't output 256x224
This happened a lot when porting to Saturn. Why didn't they just make the field of view wider?
Making the viewport wider is no simple task. Significant reworking is required. Also, it does not really fix the core of the issue since the aspect ratio would still be wrong.
controller vibration is a shitty feature and I always turned it off

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