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Post covers with soul
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top kek
Mom I'm playing Castlevania IV again.
what's mega drive version like?
I only played the NES version
One of the few cases where a highly detailed Western-style box art painting was warranted and more fitting than the Japanese art
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i loved playing this in the arcades
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It's a great game. Spawned a dozen bare-faced ripoffs too. Picrel is literally the same gameplay, just with worse level design.

MD is legitimately the best version probably. It's the only home port to be developed by the original devs, and it includes a shitload of new levels where you play as the princesses (who have to rescue the Bros after being rescued themselves)
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It may be the best DuBois cover for a 16-bit game, and slightly less kitschy than average too for him. I think he tended to get better results in landscape format, but Dracula's Curse is probably the coolest one he ever made.
What if it was called Blow Bros and and instead of throwing snowballs they gave their enemies blowjobs which caused their heads too explode? Instead of Nick and Tom they could be named Dick and Balls.
I love this game.
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>top comment on main castlevania iv theme yt vid is "mom wouldn't let me play it as a kid"
>now this
dafuq? how many fucking people weren't allowed to play fucking castlevania iv as a kid?
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Hey Mike. Get some fucking sleep
Can't believe this game actually got released in the USA back then. Seems like a game that would have been Japan/Europe only.
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I like how Mickey seems to be looking sideways at the witch and going all *cough*ᶜᵘnᵗ*cough*

Still, for me QuackShot is THE Disney/Sega cover.
All the Sega and Capcom disney games had great covers, and were great ludo
Ive wanted a copy of this, saw one several years back but didnt like the price i guess, maybe i just didnt want an rpg idk. Something just felt off.
As a kid with anger issues, I always felt good and special when I saw how FUCKING PISSED Donald looked on all of these covers, if someone with as many anger issues as he has can be beloved, then I can be too... it almost makes me understand all the black/fat dykes who want "representation" in everything so every form of media has someone as repulsive as them at all times really... almost.
As a kid, Magica was sex
It's not an rpg. It's an adventure game like Deja Vu, Shadowgate and Unenvited.
You play the role of Princess Tomato.
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It's not as bad as people claim. This box art actually tells you more about the game since you get to see the hero and he's got the sword as well. The Japanese/European box art is very artsy and pretty but it doesn't tell you anything about the game.

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