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File: 9KLgqRb8_o.png (28 KB, 1226x626)
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Street Fighter II has the total package of World Warrior, Champion Edition and Hyper Fighting.

Also, I wonder why they took out the bonus stage with the oil drums on fire for the Super Nintendo version of World Warrior as well as the entirety of Champion Edition, Hyper Fighting, Super SFII and Super SFII Turbo.
What could be the reason why the Oil Drums bonus stage from World Warrior got removed for future SFII revisions?
The reason why it was removed was that the oil drums were over the sprite limitations of the SNES

The oil drum bonus stage had basically the same backdrop as Zangief's stage but with a cloudy sky in the background.
I'm talking about sprites.

There are 6 oil drums, which, by the way the SNES handles sprites of that size, they would have needed to use several sprites for each drum... plus the fire. That's why it was changed to a similar working one with a brick wall made of a background layer.
oil drum stage was replaced with bricks
pc engine CE doesnt even have it at all
2CE is so good
Black belt FTW
The PCE version is the best desu

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