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What would a Virtual Boy Zelda have been like? What gimmicks would it use? Personally I think they would have used the second dpad to select items like you use the c buttons in the n64 zelda titles, and you would have jumped from floor to floor like half the titles on the virtual boy had you do.
screw that noise what about a virtual boy metroid? imagine aiming and shooting independently using the 2 dpads, l and r being used for movement now and a/b start/select for items and menus
use of the 3rd dimension, obviously. alttp already had the 2-floor mechanic so it would have to be more than that. probably the ability to look upwards and use items upwards, such as hitting switches from below with the boomerang, traveling upwards with the hookshot, shooting arrows at flying enemies, etc. and maybe as well have a ramp type tile that will launch objects or link upwards if they hit it while moving, so link could use it to jump with the pegasus boots, and maybe have bombs shove objects, so you can launch an object to a higher floor by pushing it onto a ramp then dropping a bomb next to it.

and of course, each boss will have a 3d gimmick, such as where the boss jumps on top of you, and you have to shoot it from below just before dodging out of the way. and another where the boss is below and launches bombs up onto the platform which you have to pick up and throw back down at it. and another where a worm/snake boss is zooming around and you need to hide on another floor to avoid it.
That sounds incredibly based. I can totally see Gohma climbing around above you or some type of flying whale going from underneath you in the water to above you flying. The ramps seem like such an organic gimmick. That's sick.
I could see a boss where you stand on its back and it (idk it's a crab or something) has claws above you that you have to get it to crack its own shell or something, that woulf be sick with the 3d gimmick
I never realized how bizarre the virtual boy controller was just now. Not just the 2 dpads, but the grips, and the weird l and r buttons, too. Has anyone here actually held one before? Is it comfortable?
This is a much better idea, dark dim miserable colors would match the atmosphere of Metroid and 95/96 would have been a good time to feed off the success of Super.
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missed opportunities.
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wtf I didn't know the modding scene was this advanced for the vb

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