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Maximo Thread
I don't get Maximo's setting.
Is it or is it not somehow affiliated Ghosts and Goblins?
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I love the first one
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But the sequel turned into "we want the DMC audiance" because the early 00s was already the start of "every game has to play the same or else it's BAD DESIGN"
really hate when a 3d platformer series tries to focus more on the combat.
its a prequel series: Maximo is from a fantasy version of post-Roman Britain, Arthur is from a fantasy version of Dark Age Britain (the Arthurian legend).
I can't decide if just going with renders was more or less unappealing than Matsushita "digital airbrushing" illustrations.
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I'm not sure how intentional it is, but it's an interesting concept: they revamped their classic series with a new "Arthur" (i.e. new protagonist) modeled more accurately after the real historical King Arthur. Less Boorman's Excalibur shiny full-plate armor and more "post-Roman Barbarian" look
>post roman britain
>3D action scotsforming
>sorta spooky setting
>unrelated new protag
>unrelated villians
>somehow arthur no densetsu
>no wait whoops
>maximo no densetsu
Yeah nah, not seeing the connection. Did they at least use any of the originals mobs and bosses?
This begets the bigger question of why didnt Capcom just do a 3d GnG with Arthur???
Because it was developed by an american company and Capcom did not let them use the IP.
Idk, I played it a long ago but it feels like an spiritual successor updated to the times more than a "real" part of the series; I think the music and early environments were kinda winking at that? Not to mention the subtitle of the first game, of course.

Of course, it's a little ironic that they chose Matsushita as the designer for a something "updated to the times" lol. Though maybe that was the point and they wanted something that felt new and also felt super classic at the same time.
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Ghosts and wizards from Super Ghouls and Ghosts on SNES.
Also teacher in Zen is Artur from og trilogy.
Nonsense. Both games are same. Strike counter didnt make it dmc-like. Fight sistem is same.
I like all the big boobed women in these games.
>I don't get Maximo's setting.
>Is it or is it not somehow affiliated Ghosts and Goblins?
David wanted to make it a direct sequel or spinoff series using the name but the japs pride on the executive board didn’t allow that and forced him to use an original title. Inafune and the rest of the execs were also responsible for having him and his team scrap the origins Fatal Fury prototype and chase after the GTA trend with streetwise. That was the boiling point and he quit
>Fatal Fury prototype
Shit I mean final fight, sorry for the error
Do these games emulate well or should I just play on my PS2?
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Thaaank you!
unrelated, but why are Don Rosa comics so good?
>Mascot character is a manlet who's shorter than his girlfriend
What was the endgame here?
>what is perspective
It has allusions to GnG in the first stage. After that, it shares no similarities and is all around a horrible game. Boring, easy, slow, tedious, repetitive.
>is all around a horrible game. Boring, easy, slow, tedious, repetitive.
Sensory (if not intellectually) impaired statement.
I emulated both, 100% quality.
Just play the game, dumb faggot.
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i find it interesting that they got Susumu Matsushita for the character art.
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>heart boxers
>wizards in chests
>first level is a graveyard
It's obviously a spiritual successor
You also have the armors, earthquakes that shape the terrain, the enemies, the music, and probably more I can't remember
Butyful baps
Is David Siller the most fucked over man in Western game development? Apparently he played a very big part in the creation/development of Crash Bandicoot, but barely receives any credit
>Is David Siller the most fucked over man in Western game development? Apparently he played a very big part in the creation/development of Crash Bandicoot, but barely receives any credit
Not just a big part, David literally created crash as a game designer including the level design in it and got fucked over majorly along with the original illustrator/artist by ND. There’s a lot of drama you can find online how ND basically hijacked the credits and fame and gave both of those the boot despite doing no wrong. Rubin really dug the studio it’s own grave for a shot of climbing Sony’s ranks which failed horrendously after Cerny hijacked it too. That Studio is beyond cursed
never played this game but I watched one video and the female villagers looked very cute. That's all I remember

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