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Pommy thread. Post your favorite pommys. Charaboms are cool too I guess.
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BTW The P word is not allowed itt
Reminder that Densetsu no Bomberman is super underrated. I was actually planning on replaying it as I have a copy of it.
Quest, Tournament and this game are some of my favorites in the series. It’s also superior to the GameCube Jetters game.
Yea it's one of my favorites
Very few people played it tho cause it came late in the n64 life cycle
Oh wait you're talking about the gba game nvm
Was sakurai so pissed off from the creation of Pommy that he made bomberman an assist trophy in smash brow?
I keep thinking bomberman is in smash but it's actually megaman
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Who is Best Pommy? Can we have a Pommy tier?
I hear a lot of people say Knight is based but that sword swing is so slow.
The semihidden "Sweets" evolutions seem like they'de be top five material. I remember the bombercat was pretty good for having a quick attack (unlike the damned Knight) plus the catgirl(?) was FINE if ya know what I mean
Knight Pommy is based. I never thought the sword was slow, but even if it is, Knight has the most aggressive AI so he will not dilly dally, he will always go up to the strongest enemies and kill them as soon as possible.
I've only ever played the games that just have the classic multiplayer mode, redpill me on these adventure/platformer bombermen. Which games are the best to start with?
Catgirl Pommy made me feel things that the space pirate who led us along didn't. There, I said it.
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B64, the 2nd attack, then Hero
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I like this one even though it's retarded and knocks itself out with it's charge attack
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Well, first and second Pommy are bottom tier because all he does is stun, and I ain't never heard of someone keep the semifinals so they're out too.
In the hands of a second player, the Pixie and Shadow forms are godly. Their asses fly over everything and they have great attacks. Pixie's is harder to aim but makes up for it in heart generation, though I think Shadow's aggressive horn attack gives it the edge in DPS.
I hear Dinosaur and Dragon are physical powerhouses but I never experimented with them.

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