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Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship Of Doom (NES)
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Wearable Blanket Sweatshirt (Dark Grey)
that is a small cup of coffee
Ninja GAYmen 69: The Wankcient Shit of COOM


It's important to know the difference.
For Ryu.
The American version is pure bullshit. People talk about games "requiring memorization" wrongly a lot, but this is one of those few that actually require you to remember where every single enemy is, what subweapon to use, when to jump, etc.
3 is the one that requires the least of that in the trilogy.

And "memorization" isn't a bad thing per se.

Finally the Japanese version is a joke
Wrong. 3 was made intentionally harder to combat the rental market.
Where is your proof?
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I don't exactly have anything to say about this discussion other than I like the Ninja Gaiden games, but I wanted to post this bit of art a random Anon made awhile back.
If they couldn't name it the original name, why not mix it up by naming it something like:
>NInja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ark of Death
the limited continues is what makes it more difficult to complete, but mechanically its the easiest NES NG by far
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Ninja Gaiden Black (XBOX)
It was pretty surprising to learn that the game was originally designed for unlimited continues. The individual challenges are much easier than the previous games so I always assumed it was meant to be that way to balance out the limited continues.
How the hell did anyone beat this back in the day. Putting yourself through all that doesn't even sound fun
thats not how gaiden is pronounced
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>w-we lost the files sorry guys
are they retarded
I learned the difference from this thread and you are definitely not a gaiden.
Is that their excuse for not porting it after all these years when everyone thinks it's the best version? Jesus fucking Christ

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