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A mediocre Zelda 2 clone
Faksanadu? More like Faksanadon't.
>be Hudson
>get a license from Falcom to port Xanadu to the most popular gaming console
>make an OC similar game instead
>Falcom goes to other publishers to port their other games to Famicom
Prefer Faxanadu a million times.
Zelda 2 was also inspired by the first Xanadu.
Faksanadu yourself. How rude!
Cool series, https://youtu.be/4rvEOSZNrSo .
Lol yeah I said that as a kid. Sounds better to my ears even if it's wrong, but that's probably nostalgia related.
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FACTSanadu, heh. Gotcha' there, chud.
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>Faxanadu? This game makes me want to pop a fakkin' Xanax, dude!
I needs golds
>Fax an Adu
What's an Adu and why should I fax it?
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I'm an ESL so I always pronounced Xen "Gzen"
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how about KSEN
Fah zanadoo
Nintendo saw Xanadu and knew they could easily do better.
Well fuck you too anon!
What about Dragon Buster though? It seems to be the earliest proto-Zelda 2. Following Dragon Buster there were heaps of these games on pc88, like Tritorn and so on.
beat this game legit years ago during the summer. Still wanna go back and play thru it again. Fuck the haters this was a solid title and I enjoyed it greatly and its world. Beautiful game to experience at least once all the way thru.
Famicom + Xanadu = FaXanadu
That's entirely nonsensical. It's one thing to just say "ksen" like >>11063174 but to just make up a way to say it?
How are you supposed to say it?
Everything makes me want to pop a Xanax
That shit was hard.

>You need peace of mind. Meditate with me.
The previous one is called Xanadu so it's pronounced Fa-Xanadu.
I could never write down the passwords correctly as a child. I always ended up back in the third town.
Wow is that the erdtree
>walks in with nothing but his tunic and trousers
>walks out a Lord...with nothing but his tunic and trousers
Don't be a junkie soundcloud guy.
Best soundtrack from the 8-bit generation. Beautiful, alien sounds.

You mean "Xelda 2" clone?
top 5 soundtrack
top 5 spritework
no bullshit on the player
8+/10 maybe the most underappreciated game on NES
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Adventure of Link
Battle of Olympus
Any other games like this that use the 2d combat and open world nature?
These two have top down exploration and 2D combat
>Wise III - Wanderers from Wise
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and this is a mix between Metroid and Zelda 2 but with self contained levels
also there is the Knightmare II Maze of Galious
>Any other games like this that use the 2d combat and open world nature?
Yeah, Dragon Buster, like I already said, >>11064071 .
Athena but it's superjank. Cute though.
Is this for the snes?

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