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Do you play retro beat em ups or shmups with an arcade stick? or do you use a regular controller?
Stick of course. What am I, making a point of not having actually beat the game?
these genres are very hard on the thumb if you're playing dpad.
What game
I like to use a stick but D-pad is fine if it's my only option. Preferably the Saturn's.
don't agree on shmups, but beat em ups often have fighhting game inputs
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I love the M30's buttons and comfort for them.
Stick for shoot em ups, but only because it is simply fun to move the ship around with a stick. Keyboard is more precise.
Beat em Ups; probably dpad because I'm used to it, but this is a problem:
I use an arcade stick for any sort of arcade style game, because I own one and they're more fun to play with.
Controller is fine if you're just playing casually, but a lot of these games are legitimately more difficult on dpad, especially when you get towards the ends.
Arcade stick with seimitsu lever and buttons.
tbqh a gamepad makes a lot of beat'em ups easier because of you can do special and dashing attacks more easily and with less effort. They don't benefit the same way fighting games do.
You're probably using the ball of your thumb.
Use the tip of your thumb.
>a lot of these games are legitimately more difficult on dpad, especially when you get towards the ends.
To me it's much easier to do a double tap forward or backward direction to dash on a d-pad compared to a joystick. I *can* do it on a joystick but there's a significantly slower speed by probably 30ms or so and it becomes tiresome doing it over and over. I don't have this issue in fighting games where I think my brain does it more instinctively.

In Cadillacs or AVP there are special move inputs like going quickly from down-up+attack that you have to utilize very often, and those come out more easily on a d-pad for me.
I would you a keyboard but since most of these are arcade or console only, my autism prohibits me from doing so.
I don't know how to use a stick so I end up with a Saturn controller.
would use*
Yeah but I play everything on arcade stick. Action platformers in particular also play very well on arcade stick, although people don't always think about using one outside of SotN because shield-dashing is significantly easier on stick.
I play them on a Neo Geo MVSX (it was a gift) with CFW
For shmups, Arcade stick always.
I have a thing for smashing frenetically the shooting button both with my index and middle finger together.
Simpsons arcade and dodonpachi, id say stick. What say you, gentle anonman?
autofire with my keyboard
I got used to playing fighting games with keyboard from mugen
Would I rage playing a fighting game with this? I usually use an arcade stick but there have been times when I want to use a controller and play through arcade mode in bed. Dpad looks really nice, I'm tempted.
Regular controller. I've grew up with arcades, I still love arcade games but if I wanted "true arcade experience" I would play in an arcade cabinet instead of just using an arcade stick to a console/pc/tablet/whatever.
Also regular controllers are much more comfortable than arcade sticks.
Not for everyone, I get pain if I use a controller for any length of time but not using stick.
Naturally I play with my modded 8bitdo arcade stick
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Unless you use sick
You didn't beat it
Don't touch that pad
That console fad
Arcade Games
Need arcade ways
Do what I says
Or your credibily Pays!
Just use a better controller
Stick. Mayflash F500 Elite with a square gate because I mostly play shooters. Love it but switching over from gamepad fucked my micrododging game because of the longer throw which I'm still getting used to.
I quite like it, it's a bit small and of course it can't compare to an arcade stick... but as far as these controllers go, I think it's your best option still.
I use a keyboard.
>If you handicapped yourself you didn't beat the game
I love that this board still exists in 2014 where pads aren't > arcade sticks for fighting games. Do you guys even know about leverless controllers yet?
I use my arcade stick on pretty much every game that would be reasonable to play with it, as well as many that aren't.
I enjoy hitting big happy buttons, and I find that it's a lot easier on my hands. My wrist starts to hurt with a pad after two hours of an intense game, but I've yet to discover my limits on stick.
Get a shorter throw stick, like an LS-56 or one of the new no-spin Seimitsus. Alternately, get an oversized actuator and maybe try an octogate.
I've been using a keyboard since I started emulating on neoragex
neither. i've actually started using my hitbox for other genres and it's actually working WAY better than it probably should be.
>Do you guys even know about leverless controllers yet?
Guess how many tournaments leverless controllers won at Evo this year?
I'll look into it, thanks anon.
While I think your opinion is stupid as fuck, the way you chose to present it was divine. Cheers
I'm thinking of picking up one of the Seimitsu 70-xes one of these days, seems like it would be perfect for the genre.
What game is OP?
Ah, here comes the marketer.
I'm not. I own the controller and genuinely like using it. It's not perfect, but for the price it just delivers and gives me that SEGA feel, I wish we had a bigger version come out eventually since it's a bit small, but that's about it for the flaws.
Your gate memepads are not better than ANYTHING at any arcade games you fucking retard.
Hitbox > Keyboard > Arcade Stick > DDR Mat > Logitech Wheel > Atari Joystick > Coleco Telephone Numberpad > your faggy memePad
I use a controller because that's what the console ports are built around
With a mechanical keyboard.
Regular controller with an analog stick
Armored Warriors. It also has a fighting game spin-off called Cyberbots.

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