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Legitimately one of the best PS2 games I've ever played, definitely going in my top 10 bros, highly recommended.
I remember this thread!
Good for you, I finally finished the game and it was a straight 10/10.
As opposed to a gay 10/10 like MGS 2?
What did you think of the last part of the game? How did you like Lazarus Jones? What was your favorite part of the game? Did you enjoy the Deep Rising level?
It was a really nice game, yeah. Had a lot of good points, the graphics were amazing for the time, the atmosphere was so good. Sadly the ending was somewhat rushed.
now play Darkwatch, Shadow of Rome, Haunting ground... thank me later.
I remember playing the demo for this game, came with a gaming magazine. Is it really that good that it's worth playing?
Yes, it's very unique in both story and gameplay.
>What did you think of the last part of the game?
Like the other anon said, it felt rushed but the rest of the game was great so it's whatever.
>How did you like Lazarus Jones
I though he was obnoxious at first since he was just your quintessential Gen X douche bag quip master, but i grew to like him over time.
>What was your favorite part of the game?
The swamp and the ship were the best part imo
>Did you enjoy the deep rising level
Yes, honestly the whole game didn't really feel like a horror game, it was very fun and edgy.
>grey brown era of enviornment design
>boring weapons
>boring enemies
>shit story
>top 10
lol lmao even. It makes Luigi's mansion look like a masterpiece.
Why do contrarians think anything short of Spyro is bad art direction?
'grey brown'
Just say you didn't play the game, dumb fucking faggot.

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