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Best retro world war 2 games?
Battlefield 1942
Hearts of iron 2
Panzer general 2
Steel panthers world at war
IL 2 Sturmovik
Silent hunter 3
PS1 Medal of Honors are underrated. Very cool enemy AI for PS1
yeah medal of honor is the ww2 shooter i remember enjoying the most
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>Oim Commin'
>Yes.... Sir...
For RTS/RTT games:
Not that much of a strategy game, more of a isometric puzzle game really, nice graphics, 2 in particular is pre-rendered kino.

>Sudden Strike:
Has a nice variety of units, cool visual style but sometimes it gets impossible to see shit, lacks some QoL features so you end having to squint to pick out officers or crewmen from the rest of the troops, 2 is a strict upgrade on 1.
No morale, armor penetration can get weird sometimes, full roster of tanks/jeeps/trucks/aircraft/AT & artillery cannons + some small boats.

>Close Combat:
Good for quick battles, for longer games/campaigns it depends on the title, 1 is rather barebones so 2-5 would be the goldilocks zone, later titles are remakes, kinda, didn't heard very good things about those.
Has a morale system + mechanics for penetration, no artillery/aircraft, only direct fire ground troops/vehicles + mortars.

Nival going "can i copy your homework" on Sudden Strike, almost the same interface even, artillery is op as fuck and the unit transfer system doesn't really add that much, SS is better in my opinion.

>Company of Heroes:

>Empires:Dawn of the Modern World/Empire Earth:
Age of Empires going full Civilization, has a WW2 period of course, EE doesn't really have factions, only a bunch of unit & production stat bonuses, Empires has all the big ones - Japan, + France, no simulation, pure "Arcadey" basebuilding, pretty much the only WW2 rts with that kind of gameplay, if the games above are FIFA/PES this is Super Shot Soccer, Russians somehow can summon the Tunguska meteor.
All sorts of units, even if it results in nonsensical things such as a bunch of Tigers shooting down a battleship or 40 soldiers blowing a tank with rifles.

>Soldiers:Heroes of WW2/Men of War:
Same series despite weird naming, physics engine is amazing and vehicles have all sorts of targetable parts with different armor values, GEM editor is good 4 goofing around + direct unit control.
CoD 2
Medal of Honor Allied Assault
>Medal of honor
>Medal of honor Frontline
>Medal of honor rising son
These aren't the best wwii games but I've been playing them all recently. They are all decent boomer ahooters but it would be a hard recommend if you don't have nostalgia for them. They feel very sparse for war games and playing Frontline on an HD TV makes the sub levels almost impossible with how dark they are.
medal of honor (ps1) is good but it is held back a bit by hardware limitations. the levels are very small and your framerate dips to single digits when more than 2 enemies appear on screen. it's still well worth a play through,
Aces of the Deep
Pacific Strike
Hidden & Dangerous bros...now is the time to show ourselves
>Silent Hunter 3
Still hasn't been topped in terms of sub sims.
Interesting, so you think Blitzkrieg is better than Sudden Strike? And you say infantry is more useful in Sudden Strike?
>so you think Blitzkrieg is better than Sudden Strike?
>You say infantry is more useful in Sudden Strike?.
Certainly feels that way, units are controlled one by one instead of in squads like in Blitz, you are given several snipers that are really useful given their visual range, AT cannons can fire farther than their line of sight so they work better paired, usually you get a single scout in Blitz.
Bazooka/Pzfaust troopers are also more common and i think they are also stronger, regular riflemen don't carry AT grenades for tanks like in blitz but those were weaksauce and it feels weird sending 50 soldiers to swarm a Sherman like ants.
The crew system means you can capture empty vehicles on the battlefield and also replenish dead ones, it has actual medic units as well, speaking of Sudden Strike of course.
Artillery in Blitzkrieg doesn't feel very fun because it shows as a big circle on the map and you get fired in return almost immediately, they are deadlier and have a longer range on this so the optimal strategy can end up being just sending your scout to snipe all the gunners and supply trucks and then flattening the map with bombers and your own artillery cannons, SS feels more diverse on this.
Forgive me if all of this sounds rather incoherent, scraping decades old memories and expressing them in a way that doesn't make people doubt my cognitive faculties is something that i never got even halfway decent at.
>>so you think Blitzkrieg is better than Sudden Strike?
Sorry, meant to say the reverse. I had an aneurysm.
Pic unrelated
Disregard that, I suck gay faggot cocks, lawl
The Infinity Ward team made the only ones that matter.
I always really liked Blitzkrieg but never played Sudden Strike. Now that you have mentioned they're the same and I compared them, I realized that I basically played a bootleg, lol
>Company of Heroes:
what do you mean? never really followed what the companies themselves were up to but really enjoyed DoW and CoH
you posted it mate. pic rel is also pretty great and still has a full server daily. hop in maties (requires Red Orchestra)
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forgot pic
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I bought this lame ass wannabe product. It's best left forgotten. It doesn't belong to any "Best WW2 games" lists anyway.
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>One of the most beloved and acclaimed 1990s console shooters

Ok then
These days they are. The IP is dead and nobody cares, more people play old Wolfenstein and CoD games than MoH now because those two are still around
>console shooters
didn't matter until the 7th gen and even then they were still shit
COD 2 or Battlefield 2?
From your QRD on Blitzkrieg
>artillery is op as fuck
The sniper is even more op.
You can infiltrate almost anywhere you want, take down artillery, AT, flaks and entire platoons AND enemy resupply vehicles so they won't be able to reinforce.
Artillery is op but only after you take down enemie's first, an air raid can also wipe it out in a second if you don't pay attention.
Infantry it's tricky but you'll be fine as long as you had at least one resupply vehicle and IIRC the sniper is only available in easy difficulty.
>the sniper is only available in easy difficulty.
Pretty sure it's also available on normal diff, don't remember setting it on easy, could be wrong but unless it was the default setting i don't think it was set on that.
Usually i only touch easy if i get completely and utterly humbled, MoW: Red Tide did that to me.
>Infantry it's tricky but you'll be fine as long as you had at least one resupply vehicle.
You can also set a Flak protected zone and spam paratroopers here until you get a human blob, you can brute force your way out plenty of times with those, real Tyranid/Zerg shit.
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MoHAA: Spearhead
this intro blew my fucking mind in 2002
whats the best FPS war game graphically speaking, pre 2004?
cod 1 maybe?
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Battlefield 1942 (multiplayer or with bots)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Call of Duty

Are generally considered the best ww2 fps of the early 2000's

They all run on the Quake 3 engine (apart from BF1942) so they share a similar feeling

For the anons wanting to experience pre-woke Battlefield, i highly recommend trying BF1942 online, it's still being played and it's alot of fun, very skilled players too


The BF1942 in here is ready to run, you don't need to patch it, just go online and play (most populated servers are in the EU, Team Simple and MoonGamers)
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give credit to the OG
Played this for the first time earlier this year, pretty cool. I liked the squad and cover mechanics.
I felt the later missions could be a bit rough, but overall was cool. Might play the expansion/sequel Earned in Blood later.
Both MOHAA expansions were great but they really cranked up the difficulty with no ammo drops for no discernible reason. I should really play them again sometime
I was excited to play Spearhead after AA, but something about it turned me off. Maybe that was that the reason. Never got around to getting the other expansion.
i enjoyed enemy territory a lot
None, you kill gnattseez in all of them
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>Hidden & Dangerous bros...now is the time to show ourselves

das rite
You don’t have to suck cocks if you don’t want to. That’s your deliberate choice

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