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Why do we give so much credit to directors of games? A whole team made Metal Gear, programming the levels, enemy encounters, writing the scenarios yet people attribute everything to Kojima. Why are the others' contribution forgotten?
Metal Gear is best remembered for all the little touches in the gameplay and all the neat moments of interaction between the game and the player. These ideas almost always came about from some random thought Kojima had, then he told it to the team and they seamlessly added it into the game if they also liked the idea.

Kojima's directorial touches were what made MGS beloved among gamers, even those that despise "movie games."
Because no one cares about the small stuff.
Which is why Death Stranding is an unforgettable game, whether you like it or not.
He's the only one who could convince Sony to make a game like that, and then a sequel
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We have a bigger problem with people who don't really do anything stealing credit than directors who oversee the entire project.
and by small stuff I mean basic stuff
I do agree that details are what sets him apart
Because we naturally resent popularity proportionally to our own self-perfection, and we emotionally regroup by, for example, letting ourselves misinterpret a creative role that nobody emotionally healthy actually has any problem understanding if that gives us an excuse to call something a systemic problem rather than our own issues.
because your average person doesn't do further research on the creation of entertainment or pay attention to the credits. They just see "a game by la creatividad" on the boxart and assume he did everything himself.
In the case of MGS it's easy to see what they look like without Kojima. Look at Portal Ops. Without Kojima it's soulless.
>but ghost babel
Ghost babel is only better than MG1-2 because MG1-2 are ancient compared to it
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And some people get knighthoods for games they barely worked on. Producers stealing credit is a real problem in nip industry
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because theyre the face of the ip. hundreds if not thousands of people work on movies but no one cares who the key grip is. anyway none of us actually know his (or any other vidya person's) actual level of involvement and those who claim they do are just larping dorks.
>Kojima's directorial touches were what made MGS beloved among gamers, even those that despise "movie games."
no it didn't, Movie Game Slop was never good
and Kojima is a fucking hack he peaked at Sntacher and from then on it was a continued downfall and soon he is going to teach the lowest bottom with his tranny-core game (Overdose)
It's easier to talk about a person than a group 30 people that do wildly different things. Plus it's easier to talk about 'the idea' part and thus 'idea guy' jobs like director than to talk about modeling using 2001 software and coding in playstation language.
"There's a tendency among the press to attribute the creation of a game to a single person" Warren Spector

I'm sure he himself appreciates the irony of this statement post Deus Ex but it doesn't make it less true. Media is very heavily skewed towards perceived auteurs because it makes for more clickbaity content; What headline do you think normalfags would rather read? "Interview with Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Donkey Kong and modern video gaming" or "Super Mario Bros dev roundtable"

One of the great losses when Iwata died was that Nintendo stopped doing Iwata asks - Its a rarity in this industry where professionals would interview other professionals, including non-directors like programmers and artists.

tl;dr its the medias fault
>Super Mario Bros dev roundtable
do they ever have stuff like this?
Same reason why it's the captain's fault when a ship capsizes or why it's the CEO's fault when a business fails. If you're the person delegating mandates then it's your responsibility to make sure the delegations are up to par.
The only industry that really gets away with it is Hollywood because "executive producers" aren't really anything beyond idea guys with creative control so if the show or movie fails they can just place the blame on them but it's becoming more common to see people blame the executive production roles since now we know who is in charge of these things.
It was just an example - I'm sure there's some Japanese interviews closer to this, but generally speaking most western media would only do a interview with a director or producer and ask pretty surface-level questions

Iwata asks is honestly the closest I can think of; There's some great interviews here

>Why do we give so much credit to directors of games? A whole team made Metal Gear, programming the levels, enemy encounters, writing the scenarios yet people attribute everything to Kojima. Why are the others' contribution forgotten?
I can talk about how Warren Spector of Deus Ex said that ignorant people often attribute the success or creation of a game to one instead of many. With the few exceptions where someone had to pick up the work of someone else who left and often deserves credit, this happens all the time. Tezuka made Mario what it was today yet people attribute it to Miyamoto who was nothing more of an illustrator; and one who didn’t even make the modern Mario of today because that was some artist that worked with miyazaki. Bomberman’s illustrator died and no one gave a shit despite him sharing the same creation of the character like Miyamoto did with Mario. Fujiwara and many other capcom employees of the old guard made mega man special; yet people often dick suck that one autistic megaman creator of Inafune when they both have rarely had a profound effect on the series

Kojima, unlike the rest, has good social skills and managed to climb his way to the executive board while coasting on the success of others. He’s an opportunist, so much so that former Konami employees hate his guts. The momotaro creator blamed a “certain someone” siphoning funds for a particular game studio at the company along with a exec that helped facilitated this. Former employees are afraid of speaking out due to revenge and libel laws. This is the same man who sic’d Konami lawyers after American translators who called Kojima a hack and tried to scrub the interview from every website. I don’t care how woke these translators are, if you’re doing that much damage control something is definitely wrong
>one autistic megaman creator OR Inafune
fixed for the error, also remembered the autist’s name was Kitamura iirc
Miyamoto begged Kojima to put MGS onto Nintendo systems during a lunch they had with each other, and Kojima's response was to pass it off to Silicon Knights and make it as ridiculous as possible.

Kojima and MGS, at the time of the Gamecube, was something big enough in the mind of Shigeru Miyamoto for him to abandon the trend of Nintendo's family-friendly games to beg Kojima to bring the M-rated franchise to Gamecube.
Kojima the cock sucker already made a Movie Game Slop for Shitendo in 2000 (Ghost Babel) and you rearly hear anyone talking about it especially the tendies
Shitendo eventually learned their lesson, their children and manchildren fanbase do not care about pseudo-intellectual goyslop such as Kojima games
In a team effort the credit goes to the one who's in charge of the team. He put the team together, he kept it in line. Oh the texture art is really good? Well the texture artists may be good but the guy on top is the one who hired them and motivated them to do good work.
On the flip side, when the game fails the guy in charge gets all the hate. The texture artist of that shitty game just goes to another studio and gets hired no problem but the guy in charge gets blacklisted after too many flops
>Instead of caring about the guy who made decisions, please care about the guy who made the game menu not shit the bed after a couple hundred ticks
>Why do we give so much credit to directors of games?
The alternative is to credit nobody because we as consumers have no idea who made what and what came from who. The credits list a bunch of people and their jobs but we cant divine their involvement.
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The average normie thinks artificial intelligence will some day spawn triple A video games from thin air, foregoing the entire pipeline required to even make it coherent and functional. This should tell you all need to know about people giving directors credit and why they do it. In short, they're fucking idiots.
Directors more or less approve everything.
Why are parents given credit for how their child turned out to be?
People will go on about "Directors get too much credit, no one cares about the people who did the actual work", but then never bring them up, even though they're right there in the credits and you could just search any game on mobygames and get the names of those people. But then no one really cares because it's not like the programmers make a big deal about how they worked on shit.
It will. You have no idea how much was automated even before the AI wave. UVs unwrap themselves with a click, textures draw themselves to a point where people with no skills whatsoever are making them in AAA games after learning which buttons to push in Substance Painter. LODs make themselves in the engine. Don't know about the programming side but the art side is going to get replaced by AI this decade, including all of 3D and animation. People are in denial because they don't want to lose their jobs.
>t. average normie
Go learn a skill
The director directs everyone, and gets the final say on what is actually in the game, making them by far the most important person.
Without a director, you just have assets.
Ghost Babel is the real MGS2, it just needs an update on the Switch.
Because only one of them is a freemason
>i never asked for this
I got that feeling about Kojima once I saw the commercials for Integral. They made them more about him than the game itself.
For the same reason that if a game/movie sucks the director gets the most flak. They're responsible for overseeing the whole thing. Kojimbo is/was god (death stranding is meh).
that's what happens when you let a "genius" do his thing without limits. Ridley Scott wanted to end Alien with the Alien staring in the camera and say "hello"
Are you retarded? Creators like Miyamoto and Yuji Naka always credit the people they work with and the people that continue their games. It's the Westerners that focus more at the main creators for advertisement reasons.

The only one who takes all credits for himself is Hideo Kojima since he was always a Hollywood producer wanabee but stuck with games since he had no connections for cinema industry. And because at video games you could make a name by ripping off popular movies and shows like at Kojima's game with him even tracing famous actors and Hollywood posters shamefully.
Another dumb fucking zoomer thread starting with "why"
Why do we give credit to tacticians and commanders in war? They need direction.
So he was just an ideas guy.
How do I become a succesfull an ideas guy?
The only bad thing about Death Stranding, is it's not AS good of an open world action game as MGSV. It's actually pretty great.
That's a lie If you watch the Making of MGS2 it clearly shows most of the shit was done by the team
Kojima worked on games as a designer before he approached Konami suits with his idea for a game where the goal was to avoid being seen by the enemy and to try not to get into fights, then they told him to lead the team since it was his vision and the rest is history.
Is there a good documentary film about the whole development of mg series?
Im especially interested about MGS1 development
In Kojima's case he's also the writer of his games, either complete credit or shared, so there's a sense of continuity with his work. If you compare the metal gear games he directed and cowrote to the ones he didn't (Ghost Babel, Portable Ops, Ac!d, Survive) there is certainly something missing.

People here throw the term "aesthetics" around a lot, but a definition I always liked stated it as "A piece of the author's self left in his work" and I think his aesthetic was missing from those games, even if the first few were good games.
>Death Stranding
I was blown away by how embarrassingly stupid the plot and cinematics for this game were. It’s not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s pretty bad when compared to the MGS games.

Without the folks at Konami to do quality control it seems that his eccentricity can’t get refined enough to write a story that isn’t a total chore to experience.
Didn't he start off as a debugger?
It's in the name dude. They direct the thing. The programmers, artists, etc are acting on the advice of the auteur and being led through the project by him
I hate that I forgot where I read this interview, but Miyamoto straight up said that Takashi Tezuka was more influential on Mario then he ever was. Miyamoto is actually pretty good at giving credit to where it's deserved if you read his stuff often. Worst case scenario he'll use "we did this" or "we did that"
While true, you forget that Kojima directed them to write down any ideas they had and he would review them at the end of the day and if he liked them he would include it. Kojima ultimately had the say in everything that went into the game and is therefore solely responsible for the end result. This includes ideas that he wanted to include that his staff disagreed with, the decision to listen to his team on those ideas were also, exclusively his decision. No matter how you look at it, the entire game and everything in it was developed according to Kojima's design.
Miyamoto has never been a credit hog, he was also never just an ideas guy. He has strong opinions, but that is exactly what they pay him for. He is somehow both consistent and unpredictable, which is exactly what a company like Nintendo needed.
Hideous Cojeetma'.
Imagine a Metal Gear without Kojima. Oh wait. Metal Gear Survive.
Because I rike movies. Did you rike Metal Gear anon?
Metaru Gia?!
japanese devs at least do it on purpose, builds team unity when you can just pin everything on one dude and everyone else works as an anonymous singular force without external media pressure. squaresoft/enix loves having its champion directors/producers they can wave around then use as a fall guy when shit gets rough, like hiromichi tanaka

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