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What was the reaction to a Newgrounds game getting a full psychical release like this?
i didnt know this game had a physical release. i played the xbox live arcade version. iirc one of the achievements was bugged and not possible to get.
Why does the game run like such shit? Especially the GC version.
I saw it in the shops and recognised it from Newgrounds, that's about it.
Because it was made in Macromedia Flash.
Always felt weird, still does for a bit.
Nowadays a "reaction" means 10 minute or even hour long videos, everyone trying to come up with a zinger that goes viral, something where you can't avoid it even if you want to. Back than a reaction meant "Oh wow. That's neat." If it was a "big" thing like how FF7 or Ocarina is big that meant it would appear in conversations and magazine articles years after it released.

Your language implies you expect people to have reacted like we do now where people have hysteria over something that is never mentioned again. That just didn't happen, at least by our modern standards of hysteria.
why do you have to be such a sperg
I thought it was cool when I saw it on XBLA, I remember saying to my friends that I'd played this years ago on Newgrounds.
Dude what is wrong with you
What is wrong with you?
He answered quite normally
If you found something offensive in how he worded his post, perhaps you should kill yourself
>guy makes good logical point
>gets called a sperg

industrial society
Personally I was just pretty baffled about this flash game getting released on consoles at all. I wouldn't think it was that weird in todays landscape but at the time it was kinda baffling.
was proud of them for making it but i wasnt going to pay to play it
its cute though and everyone was really excited for it in magazines and thought it was a great game that deserved to hit it big on a real console
Despite always being a 2d fan, I really didn't like the Flash look and avoided games that looked like this. Never played it.
Flash was smoother than HTML5 and WebGL games. but depends on the skill of the animators and coders of cose. default output was only 16fps but it was possible to do 60fps.

don't remember it because Gamecube. Epic Battle Fantasy 4 was superior full game but only digital and not /vr/ unless you count Flash converted to STEAM games as /vr/-"platform" games.
Yeah, same, except I bought it because I considered this to be a grand moment where an independent creator could get on a Nintendo console. It was also only $19.99 if I recall correctly. Can't say I enjoyed it though, the levels are all samey same.
>Wow, weird looking contra
>I could literally play that for free on the internet
gamers REACT to the english language
Literally no one cared or played it, console gamers didn't care about shitty flash games until the ds came out and they have to pretend those games are actually good

Well not necessarily, it's not like there wasn't a popularly known "reaction" to, say, Wind Waker's graphical style. There were big reactions to certain games - but yeah the communication media in which they occurred were less fluid and less volatile then so a modest little game like Alien Hominid that's much less famous than the likes of Zelda wouldn't tend to make much of a splash even though it did have a special gimmick of sorts (it's Flash but on a console).

I remember noticing this particular game at the time, and being impressed enough by whatever I read about it to actually buy a copy. It might have been a used copy or something though - I don't know that I'd be interested enough to pay whatever the full price was. I didn't end up liking it all that much and I didn't finish it. One of these days I'm going to play all the way through it finally and then probably sell it on eBay.

I don't remember any popular excitement, positive or negative, about the Flash-on-console thing. It was surprising to me personally, but not a huge deal.
Buy. An. FUCKING!!!!!!! Ad.
Wasn't this on GBA?
Screwed by the publisher.
at first i was gonna side with the two anons going wtf is wrong with you but you have a point, even something like wind waker's reveal back in the day wasn't on the tier of WTF?? NEW ZELDA CONTROVERSY REVEALED REACTION COMPILATION, it was just people looking at a magazine and going 'oh neat' or 'oh whatever'
Too bad it wasn’t an expanded version of Orgasm Girl
video game message boards existed in 2005
Why and how?
I remember it made me a bit jealous of consolefags because "woah they can play it while their internet is down"
I can only speak for myself, but I remember being surprised and quite shocked. I didn't think a flash game could get a "serious" release on consoles.
It's more of a Metal Slug than a Contra. In fact it's pretty shameless. Even has the automatic knife kills .
We were well into message board culture by the WW reveal and it had plenty of fullblown WTFs. Shit, "caps lock is cruise control for cool" wasn't even a meme yet, those places were full of virtual screaming.
the pda games made this worth it. dont even care for alien hominid
If I remember correctly, the Newgrounds version was only the first level and boss. I finished it on the PS2 with a friend and it was quite expanded and that was about the only reaction anyone familiar with the game had. We didn't get all the hats though
>default output was only 16fps but it was possible to do 60fps.
You literally right click and input your desired fps.
t. former flasher

I honestly thought it looked boring since the flash game was as well. I had no desire to play until the XBLA version.
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>former flasher

Made anything notable?
Better than any Metal Slug after 3.
Anon sperged. All OP wants to know is wether people thought it was cool or not to see a flash game go pro. Thats it.

Anyways, to expand on OP's premise, what did people think when Fancy Pants got ported to xbox? That's another big flash game that graduated to the next level.
This and Geist were those games you always saw at blockbuster that nobody rented
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>What was the reaction
I remember marketing trying to hype it up as some incredible concept, but everyone I knew wrote it off as shovelware. Nobody wanted to spend $50 on a Flash game when there were hundreds of fantastic free ones already on Newgrounds/Miniclip/Addicting Games/etc. And even then, Alien Hominid was pretty mediocre compared to the competition, both as a Flash game and especially as a console game.
The GBA and phone versions at least had a reason to exist, because playing a Flash game on a portable was a novel idea at the time. But picrelated in two-thousand and fucking six? It was a joke.

Castle Crashers was the first time a console Flash game made any sense, and that's because it was a cheap, quality multiplayer game.
Was it made it flash though and ported across to to GC/PS2 (if it works like that) or did they reuse assets and make it from the ground up using their devkits. I would have thought the console versions would play better than the dinky MM Flash version.

Also were Flash and Shockwave the same thing?
>Was it made it flash though and ported
Beats the fuck out of me, but the end result was buying a "Flash" game for $50.
I couldn't care less about the technical aspects of it, because the base concept was heavily flawed.
How many official games have they released at this point? Between this, Castle Crashers, Super Meat Boy I feel like they have a pretty good track record of games.
While we're at it, what about Defend Your Castle on WiiWare? That one blew my mind at the time.
not every post has to be a witty comeback in hopes of being screenshotted on twitter
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>our modern standards of hysteria
.swf files made during the 00's, the forbidden part of one's resume
You could download the .swf files and load them up in a browser/flash player.
I used to have a whole thumb drive (only like a gig) full of some of my favorites, and I'd play them in class where they had most sites blocked.
I sure do miss our primitive agricultural society of the 80s, 90s, and 00s.
How does this game match up to the Metal Slug games? I will never really get the chance to ask this so this thread should be the perfect place to ask.
Upvote brain is an increasingly common disease. People who are only able to communicate by replying with phrases like "unm who hurt you", desperately hoping that anonymous onlookers will think they are cool
Pound sand you oversocialized niggers
They weren't the same thing; Shockwave could run some really early (by in-browser standards) 3D browser games. It's been 20 years since I booted up Flash though so further details are lost to my mind. I do know Flash had its own language called ActionScript that I doubt was shared by SW
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The thing is, when you keep in mind how people felt at the time, and what games they were playing, what that other anon says makes sense. >>11062969

I remember how people would read magazines instead of social media posts and they watched TV instead of youtube, good times back then,

Anyways, you might have noticed I've said nothing, and made no points on anything, because I'm emulating both of you anons, both of you sound like absolute autistic faggots. Get to the point ffs, you're sniffing your own farts too much
......so what was your reaction to Alien Hominid getting a physical release?
Mine was shocked and excited, as a newgrounds fan but also a contra fan (thanks to emulators making it an accessible franchise, i never seen a contra game in person before emulation)
I literally had no idea and did not care.

Internet culture was not as ubiquitous in the 2000s as it is now. Most people enjoyed their hobbies privately without signing online to screech about them.
>Internet culture was not as ubiquitous in the 2000s as it is now

Except it was. In fact, we're (you're) defining the terms wrong for a different era. Now it's 'social media' culture which happens to be the internet because of its ubiquitousness, as you said.
I thought it was really weird -- why would I pay money for "just a flash game"? Fast forward to 2024 and people happily pay for what is really just a flash game.
A cartoony game like that being a run n gun was a novel concept to me I think, I was more used to vanilla 2d platformers. I was interested in it enough to rent a copy. Don't remember exactly why but it didn't click with me at all and I bounced off of it pretty quick, 11 year old shitter me probably wanted it to play more like contra.
if someone merely asks how people react on something and this guy has a meltdown over imaginary reaction video boogeymen then that is a spergout in my book

and then theres this guy who has tw*tter posters living rent free in his head
I’ve had this reaction a few times in this thread. That no one reacted. If this was 1996 I’d get it but this was 2006. Internet was by far mainstream and was only a few years away from becoming the main talking point. You don’t go from nothing to everything without going a few steps inbetween
What was the reaction to a shit discussion getting a full thread like this?
>Nowadays a "reaction" means [HEADCANON]
Cool bait, but I seriously hope nobody else looks at your shitty projection and pseud bullshit and thinks you're actually saying anything valid about a time period you probably weren't even alive to experience.
>>default output was only 16fps but it was possible to do 60fps.
>You literally right click and input your desired fps.
>t. former flasher

if you just use motion tween, it won't be smooth. if you want realistical movements and not just small static sprites moving like slideshows, you still need to draw the "in-between" frames yourself. that is an artform by itself. that is why 2D animes are still so expensive to make.you can't just put in 60 into a textbox and expect everything to look like Disney animation.
>Fast forward to 2024 and people happily pay for what is really just a flash game.

Flash is dead for at least 2 years now? Unless you meant EBF5? but AFAIK all the adapted Flash games, sold on STEAM, were remade in HTML5 or some other toolkit because Adobe stopped supporting Flash. and if they didn't remake the games in other code, the Flash Player block on Windows would brick their games on modern Windows.
Was a fair bit of hype. The flash version of the game was quite popular. Game sold out fast but never really got any extra production runs, so it was a frequent one asked for and people often left disappointed that we didn't have it.
t. Gamestop employee at the time in the mid-late 00s
I honestly think its fairly mediocre in the face of metal slug gameplay wise.
The console version wasn't done in flash anons...
>$50 for a flash game!? Fuck that!
I know it got good reviews, but I wasn't buying it at full price.
Bro, you're the one who is clinicly online if that was your take away.
>Shockwave could run some really early (by in-browser standards) 3D browser games.
yes but after Adobe's buyout. the 3D stuff got merged into latter versions of Flash too.

i prefer the Castle building card game. but it's more like Alien Homnid was originally on PC, and PC gamers knew better. Console games might buy it as a novelty or if their parents thought it was cute but.... even then Gamecube had so much more to offer.
Yes, but they were extremely small, usually consisting of around a dozen people or so, who all knew each other by name. Now you have retarded REACT videos where people get hundreds of thousands of views, thousands of comments, all reacting to some 50 minute long indie game that just came out. It's fucking ridiculous.
I thought it was cool. It was like "Hey, some hardworking creator from my community finally made it! Good for them".

I thought it was cool.
>blah blah [buzzword] blah
Look, I get you got problems with that post, even though your post has 20 more buzzwords than theirs, but... leaving that aside... how else can you respond to a vague "what was the reaction"?
You'd find it in a magazine and think "Oh wow. That's neat." There's nothing to add to that. It's simply the answer.
I'm referring to the fact that a lot of the shovelware on e.g. the Switch and Steam stores are of equal or lower quality and length when compared to old Flash games.
Europe only because of Cartridge costs
Not every Flash dev was a hentai pervert, anon... just most of them
It had positive reviews and a small cult fanbase mostly. Most people aware of its origin were happy to see something like that get a full retail version.
if you think those are buzzwords then you might want to read a book. Also yes the question is vague so you can only pretty much answer like that
not even hentai, ppl just made the most unhinged racist edgy .swfs back in the day for shock value and now those same people are libtards virtue signalling on X
It's a vicious cycle
As someone who owned only a GameCube in that era, the reaction was:
>huh, this exists? ok

I bought it because it was cheap and I'd never seen it before, so I figured it could be rare. I got to the second level, stopped playing, and sold it. Didn't like it, but I also wasn't good at it.
"Hey, I played this on newgrounds, very cool! But $50 is too expensive..."

And to this day I have yet to play it

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