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>the Master Sword

What a boring name. This doesn't evoke the image of a blade with which one could fell the most vile of demons with.
It should have been called Kamiken.
That's because it originally couldn't. At best, it could only repel their power and you had to rely on something like Silver Arrows to actually kill a demon like Ganon.
did you want it to be named niggerkiller 9000 or something?
In japanese they sometimes call it 退魔の剣 which basically means demon slaying sword
When has the Master Sword ever been enough on its own?
Dubs will confirm the blade's new name
TotK.... I legit think that's the only instance.
Also wtf, it's so hard to find art of Xianghua wielding this sword even though she was its very first wielder in the series.
What about magic sword and white sword
Vegeta’s Bane
Dick Slicer 3000
What a stupid looking sword
Nah, the classic designs were great. Now THIS, this is stupid-looking.
Bitch, I like that. Not everything has to look ornate.
Samus’s favorite sex toy.
Thanks to Nintendo's ultra left wing censorship we couldn't have something that cool sounding in America.
it's nintendo, what did you expect, a story with depth? lmao
the niggablade guacmaster 9000
Good. Keep it simple, stupid.
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here's youre sword bro
Do you not know what Ornate means? That's way more of an eye sore.
Original Zelda is about your raw swordfighting ability. Later games suggest it's not you, it's the ultimate magical sword of destiny that saves Hyrule in the end. Wow.
Really it was more about using your whole arsenal. Cus remember that it's a silver arrow that finishes Ganon off.
also skyward sword
>the master sword
>outclassed by biggoron sword in OoT
>outclassed by golden sword in LttP
Doesn't seem so master to me. The only reason to equip it in OoT is to pierce the plot armor Gabon has.
OP = faggot
But the Golden Sword IS the Master Sword.
That's still the Master Sword. You didn't replace it, you upgraded it twice.
Right wing at that time. They were worried about religious mothers, who saw satanism on everything during those days. It's also why Triforce of the Gods became A Link to the Past.

gay blade
Oh shit
It was originally called the 'Magic Sword' in the first one.
Trips FTW, decisive victory.
That's a different weapon altogether.
They also call it blade of evil's bane in English.
It looks raw. Like a manifestation of power.
>the most sacred artifact of evil-slaying in all of Hyrule
>somehow improved by letting two midgets pound on it for awhile
name actually fits the sword and whole series because what you got that little bitch
with this little bitch ass sword
and his little shield and

To be fair, dwarves have access to mythical ores such as mythril.
ma nigga FUCK THAT
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mfw they knew what im tryna say
It makes sense that in the centuries since the master sword was first made technology would improve to make it stronger. Just think how a Zelda game set in the far future would be, with a blacksmith adding a laser edge to it.
But Fi loves you. She would do anything for you. That's not gay.
Except now it's a living fucking entity and effectively indestructible
I hate everything about soul calibur 4
Especially Yoda and vader
it is known
>fell the most vile of demons with.
Didn't it only seal Ganon? I don't think it killed him. The Silver/Light Arrows did that, right?

>M-master, there is a 89 percent chance I am next ten seconds gonna climax!
>The Silver/Light Arrows did that, right?
They're not the same weapon. Light Arrows only stun. Silver Arrows outright kill.
thats just what the fairies want you to believe, the silver arrows were consolation
>Literally Demon SLAYING sword
>reee satanism reeee
Christcucks are fucking brainrotted.
Not dubs
Looks fragile and unoptimized for combat.
You got a loisance?
you're overthinking it. it's just some minor tiptoeing made by NoA to maximize profit. nobody actually cares
"triforce of the gods" doesn't really roll off the tongue when marketing it to 8 year olds. "link to the past" makes zero sense as well. what would've you called it?
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>game is called zelda majora's mask
>you never get the majora's mask

>you get an adventure of link
>you get the triforce of the gods/a "link" to something
>ocarina of time
>link's awakening
>wind waker
>four swords
what were they thinking
There have been a decent few times where the master sword had to deal the final blow though.
Its been destroyed.
You have to give the mask back to the salesman, you stupid fucking frogposter.
Its a reference to the Master Race. It looks like a Nazi Sword.
salesman picked the mask up himself after link did all the work and this pissed him off enough that he ghosted
Only after OoT essentially reset and rewrote the storyline.
Because it had only existed in one game before that. And its not like there was much to rewrite anyway.
"I'm not buying this game there's a specific combination of words I don't like" - Nobody ever
>"link to the past"
This is called a "pun" anon.
Because that was worth the bump.
>link to the past
>doesn't actually link link to the past
>you have to wait until ocarina of time to get the time travel
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trips still count

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