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Am I the only one who likes the 8-bit Mega Man art style more than 16-bit?
No you're not the only one who likes 8-bit megaman art style, you fucking idiot.
Megaman 9 and 10 were both 8-bit because NES fags kept bitching about the megaman games from the 90s that WEREN'T 8-bit.
Why would you be the only one? Mega Man 7 is one of the most hated mainline games in the series, and Mega Man 8's fan reception was even worse (which is technically "32-bit" though the term is mostly meaningless since Rockman & Forte exists).
7 is still my favorite style for post 8-bit Mega Man. 8 looks too soft and childish and 11 reeks of low budget.

As for the 8-bit games, 5 and 6 look amazing, easily the best the series has even looked. 3 and 4 looks really good too. 1 and 2 still have that early NES look and aren't great, certainly below 7. It annoyed me greatly that 9 and 10 deliberately held back on the visuals to be more like 2, they could have easily been the best looking Mega Man games ever.
The only good non-8bit Mega Man games are X and X4
Does anyone actually give a shit about Wily Wars?
I still blame NESfags for ultimately letting the entire franchise die.
Well, it has the best version of 3, which has less jank that the original. Other than that Wily Tower was a good idea but the developers of the game clearly weren't up to par on the design side. Graphically it's kind of stuck between 8 and 16-bit, better visually than 1 and 2 on NES maybe, but not the later games.
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Quick question, in what game engine did these Demakes were made, i know a different team than Mend did RM8FC, but i wanted to know.
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>Megaman 9 and 10 were both 8-bit because NES fags kept bitching about the megaman games from the 90s that WEREN'T 8-bit.

Do you have more things like that that only happened in your head? MM9 happened because all the planets were aligned
>Virtual Console, Wiiware, and online shops for cheap games in general were a new thing
>"retro gaming" boom
>Mega Man 2 was a best seller on VC

Nobody actually cared enough about 7, 8 and &B to actually reach a "bitching" level that could matter
What if the MM8/&B style was introduced in 7. We'll never know.
>Megaman 9 and 10 were both 8-bit because NES fags kept bitching
No, they were 8-bit because conman viewed MM2 as the pinnacle of the franchise since it sold the most and wanted to try and hit those numbers again. Thats why they went as far as to remove the charge and slide, stripping your kit down to the bare basics.
No one dislikes &B because of the way it looks, so probably much better.
Not him, but you have a great point, and have dashed my hopes of ever seeing Inticreates do a Mega Man X9 in SNES style.
ICE, "Inti Creates Engine", the Engine Inti made for Gunbike in 1996 and kept using up until Blaster Master Zero 3 in 2021. They've finally discontinued it with their new Imperial Engine in 2022 with Luminous Avenger iX 2 onwards.
Ah, shit, I thought you meant which engine 9 and 10 were made in, my bad.
That's funny because I blame 7 for being absolute trash.
>zxc got cancelled to appease gen x nostalgiafags
>Am I the only one who [incredibly popular opinion]?
Yeah. That's why 9 and 10 used 16-bit visuals. Fucking retard.
After playing Mega Man 7, 8 and 11, I have come to the conclusion that the series doesn't really work at all when it's removed from 8-bit aesthetics.
The classic series yeah because it's much more platforming centric than the X series which is more about the action. Pixel perfect platforming is just better done in 8 bit because of the surfaces and objects being more discrete and flat, so it's easier to tell where one thing ends and the next thing begins.
>"retro gaming" boom
Load of bullshit.
Megaman X1 sold almost as much as Megaman 2. Where are the 16-bit X9 and X10 games huh?
It has 10 games, it's ok for it to die.
nah i dont really like the x games at all desu
the gfx, music, and gameplay are all a step down imo
Hate for 7 is a psyop. Maybe in the 90s for not living up to the X series in the same console, but I've seen nothing but praise for 7 for a decade.
I was there when it was released. It was disappointing - a step down from both the X games and the NES games. If anything, the praise for it is the psyop.
Absolutely criminal.
Most people prefer the 8-bit look, dingus.
The praise is just contrarians.
No, Megaman 9 was made because they wanted to make a "I WANNA BE THAT GUY KAIZO LITE" game.
No problemo man.

It did sucked that Inti didnt made their engine be displayed in 240p, makes me wonder if all the assets were scales at 2x
Capcom didn't want to do shit with Mega Man at the time, that wasn't 8bit like.
Now they dodn't want to do shit with him, period, outside of rom collections
zxc got canceled because advent was ass
Probably, the sprites for Mega Man and Proto Man were after all redrawn from scratch.
MM9 is one of the best in the series though, so it was clearly a good idea.
The classic Mega Man concept has been pretty thoroughly explored. Maybe not 100% exhausted but there are only so many ways to mix up the formula and still be Mega Man
SNES < NES < Mega Drive
The game was loved before a certain e-celeb made a disparaging video.
Come on. Wily Wars has really bad shading.
For what though

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