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I always liked crossbows. You don't seem them much compared to regular bows, and usually guns outnumber those too.
In real life, crossbows weren't that popular. Short range, low power, more complex to build and service. On the other hand simple clubs with a knot, have killed more people in both historical times and present. But in videogames only cavemen wield them.
lol play more games you weeb
blunt weapons as a whole are really underused and swords/blades are way overused
Unorthodox weapons are cool.
And >>11063647 maces and such.
anon crossbows are massively overrepresented in video games
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I'll always enjoy the sheer "fuck you" that Brigandine pulled
>turn based hex grid strategy game
>country's leader tends to be one of best units for their respective faction
>all the stuff you'd expect-- sword, battle axe, scythe, etc
>the one leader you can't play as uses a crossbow for his attacks
>thus getting wider attack range than everyone else
>wearing full plate armor so he has meaty defenses too when you actually can get close to him
I disagree, blunt weapons were very rarely used in mass formations. Unlike spears, maces have short reach, and unlike swords, they don't have a cutting edge running down the entire length which means you need to strike with a relatively small head. They're also less lethal in general - a glancing hit with a cudgel does almost nothing compared to the force multiplication provided by an axe, hence later maces tended to have flanges to make them less blunt over time, and warhammers were given toothlike notches on the head. A quarterstaff is already a long piece of wood so you have almost no reason to not add metal to it.
>I disagree, blunt weapons were very rarely used in mass formations.
video games rarely have gameplay with mass formations. its usually a single character running around slashing armor with a sword for no reason
Lead pipes, 2x4s, and bats.
I can't think of any other than OP's pic and this guy >>11063949
i like crossbows in theory
in practice they kinda suck fucking dick since you have to shoot, then put it on the ground and re-arm the bow, then re-load it, THEN shoot. meanwhile shortbowfags have already used half their quiver

>simple clubs with a knot, have killed more people in both historical times and present
aww man forget about clubs
the real unsung heroes of historical death-dealing are spears. a weapon you see maybe even less than crossbows in spite of it being the backbone of every ancient military, militia, or ragtag band of hungry peasants looking to overthrow their tyrannical monarch. its the weapon thats one of the most effective of all melee options, and it takes the least strength or training to use properly. just stick em with the pointy-end
I think the hunter class in FF5 used one.
It did not. FF5 had standard bows.
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Depends on where you're looking. Some of them were depicted as crossbows in art. In-game they were all depicted as regular bows.
>Short range
>low power
>more complex to build and service
Yes, but still cheap enough for your peasant army.

The real disadvantage is low rate of shooting, especially with the more powerful ones. And the major advantage of minimal training needed doesn't matter when you can order all your peasants to train with longbows every week.
they're a powerful unit in Civ 4 and some other Strat games.
>only cavemen
Decent weapon in Diablo 2...

this is more true than crossbows. Hammers were decent in some fightan games like Bushido Blade. meh in Diablo 2 imo. most RPGs have them, but those RPGs also have more stronger sword options.
Some games with crossbows:
Final Fantasy VI (Edgar tool)
Half-Life 1 & 2
Perfect Dark
Diablo II
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>>the one leader you can't play as uses a crossbow for his attacks
Oh boy do I have good news for you, anon.
>Final Fantasy VI (Edgar tool)
Maybe that's what I was thinking off. I could vaguely visualize a sprite using a crossbow.
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I don't even call them crossbows, I call them cuntbows because you have to be a real dumb cunt to use those things.
Rude. They look cool.
We need more scythes, they're fucking badass.
Is that regular or Grand edition?
Very few games have car bombs but I'd be lying if I said I knew any Irish game devs
what's with the random bondage though
Both I assume.

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