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Name one GOOD auto-scrolling stage. Webm unrelated.
the entire lightgun genre
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The ones in the TMNT beat em ups.
All of the ones in JP Castlevania 3 (minus the falling blocks one of course)
this also
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segment instead of the whole level, but still. STILL mad that we got the absurdly difficult version of the game that made it unpopular here, if we had gotten the easier version then it would be a well-beloved series to this day, I'm sure.
this nigga stalking me on /vr/, lmao.
Just let me in your Discord, Kurt.
Do mine cart levels in DKC games count?
Also the Aladdin volcano one I like.
Which version is the easier version?
Japanese. I think they have difficulty options even, but the US version is set to the hardest difficulty and can't be changed. Not sure why. Also not sure about europe.
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best music too
the one later in that level with the gargoyles sucks ass, especially in the us version's second quest where the spear knights force you to take the left path at every turn
SIMS' Aladdin (Master System/Game Gear) has a ton of superb autoscrolling levels that are quite fun, fast and dynamic, personally my favoite for playing as Aladdin, better than both Capcom or Virgin, which most people seem to fight about, when it comes to deciding which Aladdin's best.

When you're not playing an autoscrolling level, it goes into a Prince of Persia styled slow platform kind of thing, and I like that style aswell, it's fun.
autoscrollers are only hated by speed running trannies since they are forced to actually play the game instead of skipping as much game as possible
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I wish twitch-reflex auto-scroll vehicle platforming was an established sub-genre and not something you just get two or three levels of in a handful of games.
If it means keeping those stages out of other sidescrollers, then I'm in favor.
came here to post this. an ultimate filter. so memorable and satisfying to get past
All of the auto scrolling sections of Contra Shattered Soldier.
You can absolutely change the difficulty in Rocket Knight Adventures.
All of them in super street fighter 2010: the final fight. Git gud scrubnig
My memory was hazy. These two links should sufficiently explain what's going on.
I still wouldn't call these the best levels but I remember them being pretty fun.
These stages are designed for normal people who play games for fun and variety. OP and the rest of the speedrunning freak show wouldn't understand.
Bridge Zone: Act 2
Is it as fun as Act 1? No... but it's still fun.
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Rail shooters are never good.

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