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Most overrated video game franchise ever. Even from gore aspect there were many other retro games that did it better, including fighting ones like Samurai Shodown. Even the graphics that were impressive for its time (at least for the first two games) haven't aged well, just like most video games with digitalized graphics. Not to mention that when you have all characters having same height and body time (except Goro and other bosses like him), it's anything but realistic. It really shows that the creators had no real talent at making games.
honestly based take, the story was never good, the art was never that good, the gameplay is ass
not getting the attention you want from home are ya sport?
MK suck dicks as a franchise BECAUSE they took away the things you criticize after Ultimate, In fact, everything after MKII is crap.
I'm ok with the franchise being overrated, but first two games were pretty different at almost anything else in the arcades. Also they were (and still) fun to play, which is enough for me.
Hahahaha, this has to be a animefighter fag who is salty that his shit game gets 10 players on release. Go ahead and post your example of a "LEGIT" fighter and expose yourself.
Them's Fightin' Herds
What are you even talking about? MK events are a joke compared to the size of actual competitive fighters like SF. You legitimately have no idea what you’re talking about lol.
MK gets bought on launch by normies, played enough to see the new fatalities, and then dropped until the next one comes out. Nobody is grinding mortal kombat for years like we do real fighting games. The MK competitive scene never fully took off because it’s not a real fighting game.
First MK games were all right back then. But from MK3 and after they paled in comparison with other fighting games, both 2D and 3D. And MK4 tried to mimic Soul Blade poorly.
>What are you even talking about?
He's baiting, what else?
Daily reminder that MK champion is an attention whore leftist gay pedo furfag who sucks at normal fighting games and never appears without wearing his cringe fursuit.
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UMK3 and Trilogy are legit fun at high level
MK2 fags that shit on UMK3 btfo
Battle of the Eras
its a great casual series.
MK was great for elementary school kids that have never seen video game gore before
Paul W.S. Anderson's Mortal Kombat is still the best video game cinema
Samurai Shodown was nowhere near as gorish as Mortal Kombat, it just had people getting cut in half with large blood spurts but no real graphic detail like bones or organs. And MK predates it anyway.
Like it or not no one was doing gore like MK at the time, other than MK's own rip-offs which were all terrible. It really made the games stand out on the arcade floor.
Am I the only one who liked MK because kung fu, ninjas and the moves like freeze, harpoon and others were cool? Fatalities were fun bonus but like every kid saw way more graphic stuff in horror films by that time already. It was more of a parents scare imo.
MK is Westoids' take on anime fighting games like SF. Americans (and pretty much rest of the white countries) impression of Japanese aesthetic at that time was like: ninjas, robots, sushi, martial arts, bearded kung-fu masters.
So they've made a game just like this. I don't know tf you talking about digitized graphics, it still holds up to this day because it's basically a very detailed pixel art.
It's like saying drivers portraits in Carmageddon didn't age well, makes no sense.
It's the only good video game cinema. I can't think of any other video game based live-action movie that adapted source material on screen well.
DOA had pretty hot actresses, but still a shit movie
MK style was inspired by SF directly, kung fu and action films. SF style was inspired Hokuto no Ken and Dragon Ball, both of which were in turn inspired by kung fu and action films. Anime was too niche in the US when MK was being made.
I knew you were butthurt about MK being popular for no reason. Who cares? Then you bring up SF like that's not normalfag city itself.
Yeah I'm baiting... unlike OP who is whining like a bitch and tossing bait out for everyone. Fucking idiot.
It's alright from a non-fg player perspective. Shaolin Monks is great.
None of those games came out before Mortal Kombat
>MK being popular
>dead online servers
>no events
>many fans don’t even know MK12 exists
The only MK games that have had any staying power were MK2 and MKX.
MK is not popular anymore. It just has strong brand recognition.
its always been shit and intellectually lacking
it was just pushed hard because it was made by amerifats and they love to jerk themselves off over everything
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The year is 2024
MK won
SF lost
KoF lost
Harvester has aged like fine wine.
funny enough, it was made by spics too
boon and tobias consider themselves to be hispanics, apparently
it's normalfag city in japan only, it's always more popular there than any other part of the world
never understood MK2 wank, it's just slightly better feeling MK1
Why does the movement feel so shit. Are there ANY good western 2D games from the 20th century?
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>the underground indie gem known as SF, featuring characters no one knows like Ryu and Chun Li!
MK doesn't have any good songs

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