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I think you all know the drill... it's time for some *looking good* action, so post your setups, the shaders you like to use to replicate CRTs or LCD screens from old handhelds, or maybe even any shaders that fall under a different category. It's always fun to see what everyone's daily driving around here and discussing it, sharing tips and a few tricks to making it all look its absolute best.
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get Sonkun's CRT Shaders. i promise, its worth it, you'll see.
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looks waaay too sharp imo
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It's not. This is what a sharp shader looks like.
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Now compare
No. It's called pixellated blurry.
still too sharp for me. i want it even blurrier, like simulating an older, worn out CRT. but thats just personal preference.
one time i accidentally started Revolution X with GBA shaders and i thought it looked good
I don't usually multiquote, but why you faggots chose to replicate the UGLIEST aspect of CRT's?
As a boomer from the CRT era, I don't remember noticing the pixels on anything else but the cheapest TVs. Even big screens had a smooth image you wouldn't notice it unless you sit right in front of it.
I agree games from CRT era just doesn't look right on modern screens and there are some actually good shaders like anti dithering, deblur, bilinear filtering to name a few, but just put a pixel mask on top is as retarded as it gets.
>t. zoomer larping
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>another post of "uhhh why do you guys find different things pleasing"
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looks pretty sharp to me
i'm a 25-year-old 90s kid and this is how it really was in the 90s
I prefer "crt-royale-ntsc-composite". I have been playing some Popful Mail with "crt-royale-xm29plus" which I like, but is sharper.
I've made a drop shadow for the bigblur.glslp shader. I think it looks MUCH better with one, and overall I like having dynamic borders as it covers the whole screen, but without any real stretching, nor static borders, it's just nice to have while playing, though I get why some do dislike it. Anyways, I've just made an overlay to get it like this, I can share if anyone's interested.
Does anyone have the Roaming Romans shader?
crt-easymode-halation.glslp /vr/os... RISE UP.
I've been playing around with CRT-Consumer for a bit... it was my main shader for a while and I've taken a liking for it again, especially since it's not very demanding on my old laptop, and looks nice.
Which shader do you guys recommend me? I have an old Alienware with a i7 6700hq gtx 970m 1080p@60hz 17" lcd panel.

crt royale works with everything, but I am not sure which is the best shader for a 1080p lcd.
I can't even remotely comprehend why curvature emulation is a thing. It looks really stupid, and really does not form part of the experience of using a CRT, you don't really notice curvature in person, its only something you notice in photos.
It's objectively wrong. Only exists for nostalgic purposes.
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"Curvature" is just the shape of the glass the light beams were projected onto. It was like that so that the image was uniform towards the edges without any moire effects. You don't actually see any curvature in a real CRT.
I'm (>>11066209) and while I know that this isn't how they *actually* looked, to me it's not about using the most accurate CRT shader... it doesn't *need* to be just like a real CRT, it needs to be like my childhood memory of a CRT, that's why I have glow switched up in every shader I use that has it, because I remember that strong glow, did it actually look like that? Nope... but whatever.
I tried those out before and they were really bright for some reason, and oversaturated. Do you have some recommended tweaks for them? I might check them out again.
Oh, so shaders are for people who have not seen a CRT in years. Such an alien concept to me, I have used CRTs for my entire life, there is no nostalgia as its the present for me.
Haven't updated Retroarch in like 5 years, just kept shaders and cores up2date. Am I missing any substantial progress?
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No, not necessarily, they can be, but a lot of people do use them with the goal of having accurate CRT looks to what they play. I know quite well that CRTs don't look like my shader, I've seen CRTs in recent years, just less than when I was a kid and only had CRTs, but what I use is purposefully exaggerated to accentuate what stuck out in my inaccurate memories.
Don't engage with disingenuous posts, anon.
I used CRTs all my life as well, which is probably considerably longer than yours, and I use shaders now because I'm not some pathetic posturing autist child who needs to transform how he plays with his toys into a religion.
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one time i accidentally started MAME with a GBA preset and i liked it so i've continued doing it

GBA games can also look good with CRT shaders
it has its charme
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it looks better in-person but windows 10's built-in screencap software doesn't work well with hdr and i'm too lazy to fix/find something else

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