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Load it up
Play a round
Get the high score
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Top that.
I am very rusty. I forgot how dangerous two Pookas are when grouped up. Last death was from a Frygar blasting me through a thin dirt wall, saw him winding up and knew I was about to get rekt.
im more of a mr do guy myself
Never played it but we can do that one next...IF YOU GET THE HIGH SCORE IN DIG DUG THAT IS.
i am not very good at dig dug

question: was DIGDUG ever on sega channel???
i have a memory of playing it on genesis but there doesn't seem to be a cart anywhere
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I prefer playing the arcade/namco museum versions
I'm very rusty, this score is ass.
>i am not very good at dig dug
Well neither am I apparently because I have the low score so far.
Just do it, chicken.
I suck ass at Dig Dug so I probably won't compete, but I love the idea of like a weekly /vr/ high score competition. Will you be making more of these?
Anyone can get a high score, true gamers can dig out all the dirt on the first level without killing any enemies
(I am not a true gamer)
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Not the best score but I'll take it.
Better than everyone else
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This is the NES version right?
I was gonna fire up my Namco Museum 3 but NES works too. Who knows how the difficulty and scoring might vary
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first try today, step it up m80s
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Tried again. Tip if you're a retard like me: Crushing two rocks activates the vegetable.
>I love the idea of like a weekly /vr/ high score competition. Will you be making more of these?
Feel free to make the thread when this one dies.

If anyone wants to call the next game (and gets the high score) we can do that next, otherwise I'll pick a random game someone mentioned in the thread, I'm not too familiar with many arcade games though.

>This is the NES version right?
>Who knows how the difficulty and scoring might vary
Idk, guess it's all part of the game, right? If you know the tricks and which version nets the best score, that's part of the meta-competition right?
Digging all the dirt blocks for points is simple and juggling two enemies is basic, but clearing out every last bit of dirt without killing anyone seems like a real challenge that requires learning how to exploit enemy patterns
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This is my PB in general for Dig Dug so I'm gonna probably tap out now.
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Did a new one since >>11065664 put up a challenge
Damn that's a good score. I'm gonna try to get the lead again, but my 69k was pure luck so I'm also gonna preemptively conceed kek.
Oh so we're just going at it now? Lemme download a rom for NES Dig-Dug to make this equal.
Arcade only or are console and home computer versions allowed, too?
It seems like Famicom only, but I would like to play arcade cause holy hell is the FC version different in enemy ai and its annoying me. The Fygars are fucking braindead and cannot navigate my tunnels and just walk in circles or back and forth eternally, which means I can't lead them to rocks how I want.
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Well if you're aware of any major differences?
I used the NES rom...I think. Whatever, just a friendly challenge, don't think too hard about it.
>Well if you're aware of any major differences?
So far I've noticed
>different enemy ai which makes it harder to kite
>rocks don't fall when you die, instead falling after you respawn, meaning nothing gets crushed
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This was the best I could do on FC
I hate this version lol
Another thing of note, the screen in arcade is longer than in FC, so its easier to kill a lot of enemies at once with rocks.
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I liked Dig Dug II better
I resorted to save states, it's too hard not to choke at the end
Bumping because I wanna see this become a thing
Need a new game for a new thread or I'm picking Galaga or Wrecking Crew idk

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