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Maybe I'm just dumb, but I keep having to use a walkthrough for this game.
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Found a game that might be more your speed, OP. No need to thank me.
I doubt you "have" to and it's more the tedium and wanting to reduce unnecessary back tracking.
What kind of person goes online and boasts about getting outsmarted by a game made for 7 year olds?
I use walkthroughs for the most linear games too but I'm a literal brainlet
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> dumb
it's ok to wander around for a while and not know exactly what to do next. it's how we used to play games. enjoy the world a bit. you'll find yourself not needing as much help.
social media has kind of fucked all of our brains and attention spans up and so i can't imagine what it's like to have not experienced the world before all this instant gratification dopamine drop garbage.
Elmo's 1235? Motherfucker can't even count.
The part where you need to pull on the statue to enter a dungeon was retarded in this game
Well yeah, the vampire was the numbers guy.
It literally puts a big X on the map where you're supposed to go anon.

You don't talk to NPCs enough probably
That was mainly because we were kids with all the time in the world and didn't have a million games to play though.

I let myself get lost in games still, but I'm not ashamed to admit that I use guides on occasion. I don't waste hours just checking every possible thing like I used to as a kid though. I give it like half an hour or until I've tried everything I can think to try.

I wish people on this board could have more nuanced opinions on things sometimes. Yeah using a guide the moment you get stuck is stupid, but walking around like an idiot is also stupid.
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Well I hope you at least looked for the old prima guide. If you are going to do it, might as well be a retro walk through as well.

I only use guides if I can't figure it out after I've tried multiple times. No point in continuing to bang your head against the wall.
>didn't have a million games to play though.
You don't have to play a million games through now either. Just grab what you like and have fun.
But having to read a book to open a dungeon was a-okay for you?
Having to pay a god damn monkey 110 of your hard-earned rupees to open a dungeon was alright with you??
Fuckin' weirdo.
What? None of the things you mentioned were even that difficult to figure out. The fact that you need to pull open the gate isn't well telegraphed at all, especially since the game only utilizes pulling for like a few things.
it's unbeatable without one
Not even remotely accurate, holy shit how retarded are you? I'm not against guides or anything, if I feel like it I'll go the route >>11064013 mentioned, but you're just braindead.
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for me it's
>fire up game
>open GameFAQs
>pick the first guide that has nice ASCII art in the header
>scroll down the table of contents and CTRL+F to the part I'm stuck on
yep, it's gaming time.
>but walking around like an idiot is also stupid.

Only if you aren't having fun. Which yeah, you probably aren't, but I like anon's idea that you should err heavily on the side of giving yourself lots of time to work out whether you're having fun (with the aimless wandering). I mean if you can't have fun just messing around in a game - i.e., "playing" - then maybe you should just quit playing games for a bit and do something else.

Yeah that part isn't very relevant. In any creative medium that's been around for a little while, you will NEVER experience all the creations. And for that matter, you could conceivably delve into any one creative work infinitely. There is no end in any direction, so you should never even slightly honor an anxious urge to "play every game" in any particular set of unrelated games. You'll never reach an end in any useful way, so just specialize for years in one game, or casually play fifty randomly selected games, or do whatever else you feel like - as long as it's not anxiety driving you to do it, because anxiety shouldn't have any authority over fun.
Do you also print it off at the library?
If printing was free and the printer was unattended and unmonitored, you bet.
I've never found just fucking around in games fun. That's not why I play games. If I want to mess around and use my imagination I'll make some music or draw or something.
I could watch the same film again and again, and if its a good film I'll spot something different every time, doesn't mean I'm going to. And my point wasn't that people should play every game. More that if you get stuck in one game there's less incentive to keep going with it than there was a kid. You get stuck in the one or two games you're going to get for the whole year as a kid? Well that's all you've got so what else are you gonna do? Go outside? Pffft.
What's a good place to get PDFs of these guides?
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Check the archive.
No one got the flute without looking up a guide. And if you say you did, you're lying.
i looked it up but my main problem was that i thought the flute was in hidden in the area where the master sword is, since that place also had animals gathering. after completely digging up that area i called quits and looked it up, only to see that it's literally right next to the guy who gives you the quest in the first place. needless to say, i was pissed.
>it's how we used to play games
lmao people used strategy guides like a motherfucker
s o u l
>no dont use free internet guide
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>I enjoyed playing the flute in the original world...
>... ... ...
>There was a small grove where many animals gathered. I want to see that place again...I buried my flute there with some flower seeds.
Nobody "gives you a quest" in these games you fucking zoomer troglodyte.
Archive.org and Retromags are good sources for these things.
Playing a game with a physical guide or an old Nintendo Power at your side is such a great experience.
I remember using (some) guides as a kid for whatever reason, but as an adult I've stopped because I realize now that whenever I did, I always thought, "wait, that's it?"
You don't need a guide, OP.
no i had gamefaqs and cheatcodecentral open yeeeeeeeeet
i cant get past the last dungeon in the underworld cus its missing a key, every play though i run into this same problem where a key is always missing in the same dungeon
Fake complaint.
The overworld takes like 30 seconds to run clear across and none of the dungeons are hard.
I agree with OP, progression in this game at times is tricky and obtuse; and that's a good thing!
Lol, you're a retard. You don't have 'quests' in the sense of 'collect 10 bear asses and come back to me', but the games do have NPCs the give you items and expect you to do something with them, with is the being up to you to discover what to do next and how.
Not him but you definitely come off worse in this exchange
>someone says zelda is tedious/boring
>some retard: "zelda isn't even hard!"
Every single Zelda thread
It's not tedious either retard.
I did. It was super easy. And that was in like 1992 when I was probably much younger than you are now sweet summer child.
Just like this.
You were expected to have a subscription to Nintendo Power at the time (or a friend who did). Those japs were actually very clever merchants.
literally everyone used a guide for this back in the day or asked the person who had one what to do. These games had cryptic shit put in them to sell guides and copies of nintendo power, the secrets in donkey kong country are another good example of this.
I agree with this guy also: >>11067145
There's nothing that comes close to requiring a guide in ALTTP, if you couldn't find the flute you might have a brain injury.
I don't remember why but I didn't use any strategy guides for the early SNES games. I remember reading a friend's Nintendo Power for some NES games, but not for Super Mario World or ALTTP or Final Fantasy IV. The only early SNES game I remember reading about was Street Fighter II for the special attacks.
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You just need to become an Alpha gamer.
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animals gather in the master sword "grove" as well. if anything, the master sword location is closer to the dictionary definition of a "grove" because its tightly surrounded by trees while that area is more of an open field.
Are you people fucking retarded? There are three FORTUNE TELLERS in the game that you pay and he literally tells you everything pertaining to both main quest and side quests. my dad and I played the game together in the 90s and apart from every heart container we got fucking everything thanks to the fortune tellers. everything, all the non-required items, powerups, etc. no internet guides or physical guides. this game is a billion times easier than the NES zeldas. i can't even believe this thread exists right now. go sit in the corner.
I know. And on top of that the game marks all this shit directly on your map. LttP players vastly exaggerate the difficulty of the game but act like its old-school hardcore.
For TLoZ games:
1) Pay attention to everything and take mental notes
2) Spend a couple minutes thinking about your problem and don't forget to look at your map
3) Regularly backtrack and check up on areas once you've obtained a few new items or gone through major story events

Don't give in to your ADHD zoomer habits because 2D Zelda is really about figuring crap out yourself.
>specifically plays puzzle game
>uses a guide to solve all the puzzles
>i did it dad
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kek, op made me laugh
that's normal. it was supposed to take you months to finish because it was very expensive
As if OP's here to read your post and didn't immediately leave after making the thread.
This is probably the most straightforward Zelda. The overworld is small and the dungeons don't really have any puzzles. You can find where you need to go and figure out what to do very quickly.

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