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Froggy :(
I hated the gameplay but Big was a nice relief in that game where everything is super serious and retarded. No getting chased by a rape robot or avenging your dead robot parents or whatever.
That fucking cat was driving me crazy when I was 12. I've got SA2 for Christmas and I only played Sonic 3 before so the entire character cast and universe were basically new and unknown to me.

The game was freaking good but then I started noticing this guy on every level. I didn't even know it's a cat, i thought it's some weird purple scarecrow, they've put him in a places where it's hard to look closely. And there was no clear purpose for him to be there, but the fact he's so prominent must've meant something. I've put my fucking life (about two months of it) to break the game's boundaries and get to him, tried every level, every trick. Iirc OP pic is the only level and place where he can be reached normally (must've been a level designer's oversight). When I finally did it, it was my fucking victory day.

I didn't really gain anything but it felt like i won everything.
Love Big since that day. He's cool. Metal Harbor is cool stage. SA2 is a great fucking game.
Blinx if he fat
For you
Big's gameplay is kinda overblown imo. It's still the worst out of the 6 but it's still one of the shorter stories compared to Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles
It's astounding that an optional 20 minute fishing mode convinced zoomers who've never played the game that Sonic had a rough transition to 3D
you fish for like 3 levels and you're done and people think it's like the worst shit ever kek
it wasn't optional
if you didn't play big's story you quite literally did not finish the game
You get the credits and an ending screen every time you complete a character story. Super Sonic is just a bonus with a happier ending like he is in the original games, Big is as optional as the Special Stages in those.
BIG was developed so that retarded kids could feel more included and comfortable joining social groups.
Ah yes, the famously socially adept... 3D Sonic fans...?
Not you again, retards. Big's story is a main one and not optional, but fishing becomes easy and fun the very moment you get the gist of it. Being filtered by fishing is the last thing you want to happen to you.
nope super sonic is the actual ending. didn't clear that, you didn't beat the game, period.
>nope super sonic is the actual ending. didn't clear that, you didn't beat the game, period.
This is how furryfags think
can I beat Sonic's story without playing as Big?
> Being filtered by fishing is the last thing you want to happen to you.

It's literally that "I beat it when I was five" meme you guys love so much here, except I was like thirteen? And I've played PC port with keyboard and got the grasp of the fishing rod instantly. I admit it can be tedious to AIM properly and make fish/frog notice your lure, but reeling in is the easiest shit ever.
You can even cheat a little and get life belt, then you'll be able to float in water. Just swim close to the target and catch it in the water, so you won't have to reel it all the way back from the coast.

And find lure upgrades/power rod. There's one lure right at the start in sewers and one in Icecap underwater, so it's a matter of 5 minutes.
Yes, even without understanding properly you still can bruteforce fishing. Exactly the thing i done originally on PC in DX. Then eventually you understand how it works, and it becomes fun.
>Being filtered by fishing
Why should someone playing a platformer even be challenged on fishing in the first place? If I kick ass at platforming then I shouldn't be tasked with some other gametype I don't give two shits about. The ironic thing is I know you're the kind of sega fanboy that would shit on a Mario game if it arbitrarily forced you to play a fishing segment but still defends Big.
>inb4 some one mentions Odyssey having fishing segments
Thosw are actually optional autists.
>playing a platformer

It's an action-adventure. Meaning you're not limited by a single gameplay trait.

It was the time when the games experimented with mechanics and people demanded more variety than ever, why the fuck would you limit yourself to only platforming? Especially when the game needs to display new console's strongest features. The only ones who have problem with that are "gotta go fast" classicnerds who never moved on from Genesis. They keep pushing Sonic franchise back even these days. We should get rid of them.
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>Sonic is not a platformer
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>Sonic is not a platformer
Put your thinking cap on next time
Because Sonic Adventure, while have certain sections, that is platforming, is not a platformer in general. Just like with SotN.
> the game literally has adventure in the name

See, that's the problem with you guys. You can't even comprehend that Sonic game can be anything else than just running fast from left to right and never allowed your mind to accept the changes.

Good luck with hanging out in 1993, that was a good year.
By your logic Half Life 2 should literally be squared
Would sex.
No, but you must have no more than 50% of health during entire playthrough. If you have more, you didn't beat the game.
hey little guy
hating Big is fatherless behavior.

>be me
>be 5
>struggling to beat the big the cat section of SADX
>ask dad for help
>dad loves sega bass fishing, instantly understands the mechanics and teaches me how to do it.
>dad hangs out with me and I have a fun afternoon playing my favorite comfy game witrh my dad

Big the Cat represents treasured memories for me lads, this was the only time we ever bonded over hideo james like his.
if you want to go this route then playing as sonic is only necessary until you unlock tails. tails story is the only one referenced in sonic adventures 2's story so its the only one you need to play since its the only one that is confirmed canon.

everything besides tails is bonus content.
no you can not because sonic's story is only concluded in the super sonic chapter
>it wasnt optional
They let you select individual characters, thats optional by definition retard. It isn't optional in 2 because you have to play as the other characters if you wanna play more sonic/shadow levels.
>only level in mario 64 is the castle entrance, everything else is optional.
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"S." is a book which has multiple plotlines happening asynchronously, you can easily read the "book" part without reading the annotations or inserts thereby successfully completing one facet of the entire story.

When you can't bring yourself to complete the story, leaving the rest on the table will cause a lack of meaningful discussion from you. If you truly didn't care, why are you trying to enter into these conversations when you cannot bring yourself to care about its topic?
Kill yourself retarded faggot. Serious stories in Sonic is a good thing

Low T low IQ dorks like you that cry about it should be punched in the face


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