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>Zoomers will never fantom what was like to see graphical leaps this big
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>will never fantom
I'd say there's a ghost of a chance.
astounding post
astounding post
That's the fifth
>a big graphical leap is figuring out to stretch photos across models
You boomers disgust me.
And that's why none of them care also probably why games suck now

They didn't grow with it and can't appreciate the same

Sorry but it's true
Was this as fucking boring as it looks?

(This is coming from someone who loves all the London Crime dramas like Snatch, Layer Cake, Lock Stock, Gangster No. 1, Legend, GTA London etc
In what universe was Getaway a graphical leap? What are you talking about
Yeah I notice that modern gamers complain about a lot of things but they don't complain about lack of technological progress in the industry. They don't want progress, they grew up in gen 7 and most of them are still playing gen 7 tier games on their Switches. They don't want any change and they can't comprehend that things are getting a bit stale for people who play more than 5 games a year.
I saw ads for this game on TV as a kid and was dying to play it but I didn't have a PS2.
tried it for the first time this year and it was really bad.

anyway, MGS2's graphics are what truly blew my mind as a kid since I was a big fanboy of MGS1
>spend a fuckload on development making the map accurate to real life London
>conveniently forget real life London is a dreary shithole
And also forget how to make the gameplay actually good.
I liked the game and loved the characters and british dialogue. But the gameplay was really ass
It's really like someone made a Guy Ritchie adaptation, only they forgot they were making a game not a movie.
Open world games always had pretty mid graphics for the time, because you had to sacrifice for the scale of the world.
Soul Calibur 1 and Shenmue are several years older than that, and have better looking characters. It also came out the same year as Metroid Prime, and a year after Final Fantasy 10.
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The only meaningful increase in fidelity happened in racing games during the time zoomers started playing games. All other "graphical leaps" were just not that impressive.
>during the time zoomers started playing games.
2010 (when they were born)?
Zoomers started in 1997.
doubt it
That is the generational cutoff between Millennials and Gen Z. I don't make the rules.
>T:97 zoomer

Fuck off. You dont belong to retro board kid
googoo gaga, I think PS2 is retro!
Lmao, you can't even write t. properly
no, I will fuck on
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Your generation went from Fortnite to Fortnite.
Compared to gta3 the getaway looked like real life, on the bloody ps2 of all things. What other game were there that tried to go for that photo-real aesthetic?
gran autismo 4 still looks realistic
We went from Wolfenstein in 92 to Unreal in 98. It was an amazing time to be a gamer.
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This was 1999.

Who cares about the Getaway? The only impressive thing about it is they modelled the actual streets of London, but it kind of looks like shit.
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Zoomers were born in 97. They didn't start playing games for 4 or 5 more years, and they didn't start actually being people until their teens, so you're looking at 2010 for when they actually came into their own and starting choosing their own video games.

Some 4 yearolds playing their uncles hand-me-down doesn't mean zoomers were playing games from 1997 regularly.
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And here's a Saturn game.
The Getaway looks much better and the environment is much bigger.
Back then parents didn't care about buying their kids the newest and bestest video games. Everyone I knew started with the OG Gameboy or the Gameboy Pocket and the first game I chose for myself was Prince of Persia. Also everyone played the first generation of Pokeman games. You're just wrong on all counts.
No, that was because YOU were poor. Most zoomers started with a NDS, not a gameboy.

You're pathetic. The zoomer version of born in le wrong generation.
The NDS wasn't released until I was 8 so nobody had that shit until years after everyone had already thoroughly enjoyed their Gameboys, upgraded to an Advance or SP and enjoyed that too.
>>11064243 I remember the first time I saw a shadow that had the same shape as the character. Or the first time something broke in many individual parts.
Stupid euro posting eurotrash
Not really. They have those flat. smeary low detail PS2 faces.
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>low detail PS2 faces
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I didn't say EVERY PS2 game looks like that, for fuck's sake.
Look at the PS2 face syndrome these characters have going on though. They look like shit.
>Who cares about the Getaway?
Clearly people that play games did as it sold 5 times more than Shenmue.
>on the best selling console of all time
>his supposedly superior game didn't attract people to the system it was on
We're talking about how the Getaway was supposedly a huge leap forward in graphics, which no one has ever said before, because it's not true.
>Look at the PS2 face syndrome these characters have going on though. They look like shit.
They're just brits, thats why.
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>/vr/ if all -oomerposters were banned
it was the most amazing game I played at the time, that pic looks so blurry but at the time I didn't notice. Just driving around at looking at the city was amazing, you could even go into a few buildings which were incredibly detailed, you could almost think of it like a modern day shenmue. The sequal ruined a lot of what made the original good by trying to casualize it.

We're in a weird period that where chips become obsolete they actually become more expensive to make.

On the other side I'd say about 1983 to almost 1987 not much progress happened.

They must mean be compared to early ps2 games which couldn't even beat dreamcast. It has better graphics that mgs2 but being way bigger.
yah but i mean what did anyone expect was gonna happen by allowing PS2 in?
i actually like a lotta shit from that gen, but it brings in all the newfags from /v/ and /vg/. the ones who are now too boomer to post about any of the games they want on /v/ proper, since the majority now play fucking gacha mobileshit or whateverthefuck modern vidya even is
zoomer v boomer shit is the same as any other angle of faggotry common to vidya boards, like consolewar threads and the like. its a gay half-hearted perpetual half-argument done mostly out of tradition and the need for newfags to try to "fit in"

ppl just need to lrn2 not bite every piece of b8 that passes in front of them and sage shit threads ffs its not rocket science
just bought this on ebay for $4 inc shipping

what am i in for?
the paypig experience
>Most zoomers started with a
It's not as though people immediately forsake products already on the market by rigorously keeping up with what's the newest. I've had people on this board tell me that people born after 1990 have never seen traditional animation once in their life as if half of the kids shows on TV into the 2000's weren't reruns of ancient stuff.
>Imagine getting blinded by all those fucking reflections the minute you go outside.
Forget? Did you actually play the game? Absolutely anywhere you go looks like a grey shithole
In defense of the gameplay, Getaway's development predates GTA III's and started on the PS1, it was angling to do a lot of the same shit but the standards weren't set in stone yet. One thing it desperately needed was a map/minimap but in their quest for realism they wouldn't allow one, nor any UI on the screen at any time nor any health/ammo pickups or other videogamey things that broke the 'immersion'. This is all sounds stupid now but it was definitely a time for experimenting with how much of a 'movie game' you could get away with. If it got a PC release I'm sure there'd be a million QOL patches to make it more fun to play by now but it'll be forever stuck on PS2.
We've seen Ray Tracing, this ain't shit
They look like real life people and not tranime characters.
And yet games don't look that much better with ray tracing, versus the previous method.
>that pic

Terrible. Go read Strauss and Howe -- one of whom coined Millennial. Gen Z is pure 21st century and only self-hating Millennials think otherwise.
For static objects? Sure. But prebaked shadowmaps just aren't going to cut it for moving objects.
Spectrecular post.
Their faces look like one big smear, and they have goofy little marionette hands. The character models in Shenmue flat out look better.
>graphical leaps


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