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Whats better, RE2 or RE3?
3 has actual puzzles that aren't completely brain-dead, so that one
I havent played 2 in a looong time so I dont remember any puzzles besides pushing the statues, if you can call that a puzzle.

This one was pretty good but alas it was over before I knew it. The fountain drain puzzle was aight too, but in general I'd hardly call this a puzzle game. Most of the puzzle involves "put the thing in the thing"
2 is way more fun and replayable even though RE3 tried to add forced randomizer shit. The story is also iconic.
RE was never about puzzles
the entire park area was peak ludokino. I was getting pretty tired of the streets
I got a B in case anyone was wondering. I marathon'd the whole game without dying or saving, from the games perspective that is
>Save states in RE3
can you blame me? the courtyard fight was absolute horseshit. at least in RE2 the enemies dont sprint up to you or tag team combo you to death
2 is proto-RE4 whereas 3 actually feels like a sequel to RE1
man every time I see the JP subs for the old RE games it's like they didn't even try. Is this the "You want stars" line?
isnt that backwards? re3 throws entire walls of enemies at you sometimes and as carlos you just mow them down with the assault rifle, or blow them up with an explosive barrel. RE2 was more sneak-n-save while RE3 was run-n-gun
yeah. the subtitles were way off for almost every single conversation.

The notes though... sometimes they throw entire walls of kanji at you. Its like they were limited on character space so they compressed as much info into every line as possible. I do enjoy this kind of reading though... makes it feel more serious.
I find RE2 to be more fun to play through mostly due to the level design. RE3 is good too & I like the puzzles and randomizer elements, but the levels don't have the same feel of interconnectedness that 1 & 2 have.
needs more scanlines
RE2 douses you in ammunition, has no puzzles, and the maps are extremely straightforward

Probably the biggest reason for me is RE3 has only 1 protagonist to play as while the previous games gave you 2 M/F characters to play as. Had RE3 did the same I think it would be much closer for me on which is better.

Another thing is I mostly enjoy the pacing and levels of RE2. RE3 definitely has some great ones for sure but I don't think the city quite matches RE2's RPD, sewer or labs. RE3's levels are definitely great I do enjoy them just probably not as much as RE2.

Another big thing is the A/B scenarios. I think this was probably the best thing RE2 brought to the series that sadly never got replicated in any later games I played. The remake even had a chance to improve on this and they blew it big time on that. This gave the game great replay value imo.

Imagine adding RE3's choices during the Nemesis chases as well as A/B scenarios and another boy and girl protagonists to play as? Yeah this is what RE3 should have been. At least the combat plays the best it ever did up to that point and the 180 turn was a great addition.

RE2 > RE1 > RE3
RE3 needed a Carlos mode but ranking 2 above 3 let alone above 1 is insanity
RE3 has the better story, and is more intense overall. It's impressive how much the team accomplished despite RE3 largely being an afterthought, made in-between the next big RE which was supposed to be 4. I'd say it's the best of the fixed-camera games.
>Whats better, RE2 or RE2 full priced DLC?
lookin' downsampled
aye, laddie. this is what it looked like before
weird theme back then. silent hill was the same. 1 and 3 being connected while 2 was standalone
Could you make the scanlines any fucking thicker? Jesus.
Walls of Kanji are easier to read than the alternative of Kana soup.
RE3 mogs RE2 in every single aspect
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Anybody who has played this mod know how to set up traditional controls?
This thing wants me to play with the joystick.
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Im thinking 3. Best backgrounds, soundtrack, and difficulty. Ammo crafting and dodging. Branching choices. Explosive barrels to take out hordes. Nemisis anxiety.
peak kino
you mean good?
thinly veiled CRT memeshader thread
>nooooo, you can't play the game the way it was meant to be played!
>the blockbuster video game was designed for my github last commit 2 hours ago retroarch cathode ray tube shader made by a speedrunner who hasn't been outside since obama was president
Depends on the type of gamer your are.

If you like fluff you'll like RE2 better, if you like crunch you'll like RE3 better.
one is overrated as fuck, retard
I agreed, RE3 is hyper-derivative pablum with minimal replay value.
Are you serious? The answer is RE2 you pathetic, retarded, cum guzzling, furry-faggot, disease infected homo!
I've always like 3 more than 2, because when I was 12 in 1999, I would look at pictures of RE3 in gaming magazines and get lost in my head imagining myself exploring the zombie-infested city. The police station in 2 is cool, and I really like the A/B complementary gameplay, but exploring RC as Jill (waifu) takes the cake for me. 3 plays a bit faster but still feels like storming through the city dodging monsters in classic survival horror gameplay, so to me it never really felt like an action game, so that criticism doesn't work for me personally.
>2 is proto-RE4
Sorry to say this anon, but the only reason why you care so much about A/B scenarios is because you're an easily impressed midwit conditioned to accept that more "scenarios" add replay value even if you're imprisioned in the design the game forces to play through. Resident Evil 3, with its multiple choices and variations offer far more freedom and diversity both from a narrative and gameplay perspective. Much like Resident Evil 1, stripping the linearity of progression engages the player into exploring and discovering things (such as the Mikhail grenade scene at the cable train) which are remarkably rewarding.

We can thank Aoyama (the director of RE3 and the creator of 4th Survivor) and Kawamura (the writter who greatly expanded on Iwao's concepts and ideas) for it.

I feel that. And unlike Resident Evil 2, where the whole police station or laboratories just felt like sterile locations, Resident Evil 3 files scattered through the city of survivors detailing their efforts to try and escape the nightmafe add a lot life to your adventure. It really felt like Raccoon City was the main character with Jill as this formidable protagonist pitted against all odds.
You're right, because 4 has better puzzles and you're likelier to run out of ammo in that one.
2 is the most popular for a reason. It's a comfy game
2 is more popular because it sold more and because it's easier
I like RE2 the most

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